XXXXV: When Hope is All You Have...

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[A/N]: Announcement! 

I have officially put this book through a lot, and because of that, it is going to the 2021 Watty Awards! I love all the support, and can not even begin to express how much I love each and every one of you. Some of you have been with me since the start, and others have joined and supported me throughout my entire writing career here on Wattpad. Okay, before I get too emotional, just wanted to say THANK YOU. ❤🥰

NOTE: Akiza's POV


I ran straight to the place where I knew I could get the most "help". Even though the male on the other end of the phone said I had ten minutes to meet him, I know I can get help from one person. Or more like being. 

I ran straight to the place where I had given up most of my powers as the Black Witch. But now, and more than ever, I needed those powers back. I know it was not the best option, but it was in order to save my friends, and I now know that this is what people mean when they tell me to use my power for good. 

I kneel at the broken-down alter I had made, along with the help of some unknown spirit. I chanted the name that was forever in my brain: three times, summoning her in a flurry of white and red sparkles. 

She smiled at me softly, her heterochromatic eyes filled with sadness. She gave me one look, and I knew she could tell what I was here for. She nodded, lifting her hand. I barely felt anything as I bowed my head and closed my eyes, letting her hand ghost along the crown of my head. 

She chanted a few words, and I could feel my power returning to me. The dark song it once sang in my veins now competed for my attention, but I forced it down. I felt her hand waver as she pulled it back.  

I looked up.  "Why did you stop? I need all of my powers back... I have to do this..." I whisper, pleading with her. "You know I mean it for good. I don't want to hurt anyone. But right now, all that matters is getting my friends back. They are my family. Without them, I don't know what I would do...." I fall silent, biting my tongue as I feel a sudden urge to tell her my full story. 

Her pink and grey eyes scan my face, searching - reading my thoughts. Reading me. Delving deep within my soul to find and place my true intentions. 

Once she looks away, I can tell I won her over. She sighs, but puts her hand out again. I nod, and smile at her, thanking her for helping me. 

Once her hand is on my head again, the rest of the powers I once gave up pour through her arm and into me like a rushing waterfall. It isn't slow like the last time. Instead, I feel all my powers occupy every inch of my being, wanting to be released. 

She removes her hand, and, for the first time since I gave my powers up, she speaks to me.  "Akiza, you know you have a gift. It is not a curse. Maybe it felt like it was when you had it and couldn't control it. But now, you are using it for good. For your friends. For the good of your entire city. I need you to remember my words." 

I nod, her voice so angelic, I don't think I could ever forget it. 

With a deep breath, she disappears, almost as if I blew her away. I take a few more deep breaths before I go sprinting to my final destination...

Once I show up, I am surrounded by my friends, who are tied up and still in terrible shape. Their gags are removed, but their faces and bodies are still disheveled. 

An evil laugh fills the metallic, broken down room. I look around me, knowing exactly where to look thanks to my powers. 

"Hunter."  I say, sternly enough to make him know that I know where he is. 

He doesn't respond. Instead, he makes his way down the flight of stairs in a flurry of black. And that's when I know... He has an army. 

I frown, glaring daggers at him. He took my friends! He took (Y/N)! And yes, I know, I have not been the greatest friend to (Y/N), but I need to get all of them out of here to safety. Then, we can focus on repairing things. If I let them all die just to save myself, I would never be able to live with the guilt. 

Suddenly, my head is filled with all of the memories that I've ever made with this group of friends in front of me.. 

"Ugh! Stop it, Hunter! That is not fair!"  I shout, knowing he is the one behind this. 

I know I am right when I hear him laugh, appearing right in front of me. I grit my teeth, knowing the only thing I can do to turn the tables. 

"Alright, Hunter. Duel to the death!" I say, transforming into my Black Witch attire, my mask appearing on my face with a tight squeeze. 

His laughter rang out, and with the snap of his fingers, in a second, an army of six cloaked figures stood next to him: three on either side of him

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His laughter rang out, and with the snap of his fingers, in a second, an army of six cloaked figures stood next to him: three on either side of him. 

"This is my team. My army. Where's yours?" He asks, mockingly gesturing over to my unconscious friends.  

My blood boils, but I use my powers to stop it. And, though I really regret having to do it, I also use my powers to wipe my memories so Hunter - nor any of the others can summon my memories and use them against me. 

I start the duel, using the best monsters I have. But little did I know, I was using the deck of some of the strongest duelists in history. I won the duel, leaving with only a few minor scratches. 

I saw (Y/N) watching from behind a wall. Once I won, Hunter's grip on her weakened, and she ran towards me, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, before turning my attention to the war about to take place. 

Hunter and the other Elongs gathered in a circle around me, cornering me. I felt a tinge of panic rise in my chest, fire in my veins. I take a deep breath, not sure where this other power is coming from. I hear the Crimson Dragon in my head, telling me to let him take control and to let him help me. 

I sigh and furrow my eyebrows. Since when did the Crimson Dragon trust me? Instead of dwelling on it, I let him overtake me, fusing the fire with the other power coursing through my veins. 

I open my eyes, ready to take on this group of Elongs in front of me. I take out the shortest first, firing a round of fire balls with a flick of my wrist. My eyes widen behind my white mask, but I flick my wrist again, taking out the other two in quick succession. I quickly take out the other three on the left side of Hunter, leaving him defenseless. I shoot fireballs at him, burning his cloak - the smell of smoke entering the air around us the only thing my senses pick up on. 

I cough, the smoke clearing to reveal Hunter standing in frayed and burnt clothes. His eyes glow a bright orange, way different than his green-grey eyes I had seen before. He stalks toward me, summoning a wave of water out of the shadows surrounding us. 

He extinguishes the flames in a second before hurling a wave of water towards me. The Crimson Dragon lashes out in front of it, a hissing sound as the water meets flames. 

Hunter growls, stalking towards me... A purple aura surrounds him and I see a pair of eyes glow from the shadows behind him. 

I gasp. From the shadows emerges a figure I instantly recognize: Kalin. 


First book finished!! Second book will begin soon, in 2022. :D See you then! <3 ~ Rose

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