XV: Home? [Part I]

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As Alex and I rested in the sun, I thought about Yusei and I. What were we? Would he consider me his love? Would he want to marry me? Maybe that was a bit fast - giving him that chain necklace. 

I would be absolutely distraught if he decided I wasn't going to be his wife. I also thought of how we only had a few intimate moments shared between us before we had to go and save the world. I wondered if he was thinking about those small but passionate moments, or if it never crossed his mind...

Yusei's POV:

I sat on my bed thinking about (Y/N). Her beautiful (Y/H/L) hair, those soft lips, her soft skin... I sighed as I rolled over in my bed. It felt cold without her here - cuddling close to me. 

Our original plan was to use the tracker I gave her to then break her out. But instead of registering the dungeon, we instead found out she was about two miles out from the dungeon where she should have been. 

It confused us all, as I made sure the tracker was accurate. I admit, my specialty is mechanics, but I know the tracker should have worked better than that because Crow, Jack, and I tested it multiple times. 

Where could she be? Why was she there? So many questions swirled my mind. Then, I thought of my time in the facility. I met so many people there, it was difficult to keep track. Tanner, Alex, that elderly man we call Gramps,... And Alexander. I wonder if he's still there, or if Kalin let him go? Did he meet (Y/N)? Are they friends? Or were they instantly attracted to each other? 

My stomach turns into knots at the thought of someone else going after (Y/N). Or... vise versa. Would she really do that to me? I mean, she gave me that chain her father wanted her to give to the man she planned to marry. Does she really think of me that way? Or was it a spur of the moment thing? 

I groan and throw my pillow over my face, trying to stop second guessing myself. If only we could just go out and investigate where she is, and if she's okay. 


[A/N]: Sorry this is so short! I have no ideas where I want to take this. I mean, I obviously want (Y/N) and Yusei reunited again. Let me know if you have any ideas of where you would like this story to go. Thanks guys!! <3 😊

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