II: Truth Against Friends

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You sat there, pouring out everything that had happened just a couple hours earlier. You never took a glance at Yusei: heck, you felt so guilty! Yes, you never knew, but you still felt second-hand shame. 

Once you finished, Akiza was right next to you, rubbing your back softly.  "It's okay, (Y/N). You didn't know." 

"I... I'm so sorry, Yusei,"  You whispered, daring to look up at the raven haired boy with the gold highlights. 

He shook his head, his sapphire eyes softening.  "Like Akiza said, you didn't know. It's not your fault. I just-.... I need some time to process what you told me,"  He trailed, standing up and running a hand across his face. [A/N: This is NOT Covid-19 time, readers! Lol.]

You nodded, knowing that he wanted to be alone and have some space. Jack and Crow each hugged you, before leaving the room to go outside with the twins. Akiza looked at you with worry in her brown eyes.  "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" 

You nodded.  "I think I just need a nap. This day has been so stressful,"  You admitted, standing up to go to your bedroom. 

Akiza nodded.  "Okay. I'll wake you up in about an hour,"  She smiled softly. 

You walked up the stairs to your bedroom, which was next to Yusei's. 

                                          *Time Skip*

You felt someone nudge your shoulder, pulling you out of your sleep. You opened your (Y/E/C) eyes, met by Akiza's soft brown ones. 

"How did you sleep?"  She asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. 

You rubbed your eyes and stretched your arms above your head.  "I slept fine, thanks,"  You let a small smile cross your lips.  "I think I feel a bit better now that I got some rest." 

The red-headed girl nodded.  "I'm glad." 

The black clock on the wall ticked on, as you and Aki sat there in silence for a few seconds.  "Oh, (Y/N)..."  She started, turning to face you. 

You tilted your head in response.  "Hmm?" 

"Yusei wanted to see you,"  She informed you, biting her bottom lip nervously.  "He didn't say why though..." 

You shared a look with Akiza, before you threw the blankets back and swung your legs over the edge of the bed.  "Well, I guess I'll find out,"  You replied, getting up and hugging her.  "I'm sure it's nothing too serious,"  You reassured her, as well as yourself.  "You look tired yourself, Aki. Why don't you rest? I'll come back to wake you,"  You said softly, furrowing your brows.

The former black rose witch nodded at both your comments, smiling softly as you walked out your bedroom door. You entered Yusei's room, knocking softly before you pushed the heavy door open. 

Your tired (Y/E/C) eyes met Yusei's shining sapphire eyes as you entered his room, closing the door softly behind you. 

"So, you paged me?"  You asked, smirking as you sat down next to him on his bed. 

He nodded.  "I did,"  He replied simply, hugging you close.  "I just wanted to say I'm sorry you had to find out what your parents did. I bet it was hard for you."  He talked softly, his voice soothing to you. 

"I bet it's hard for you too, Yus,"  You replied, resting your head on his shoulder. 

"I can't lie about that,"  He chuckled, pulling away to look at you.  "It is, (Y/N)... but having you here is the best support I could ever ask for." 

You blushed looking down.  "Aww, you're too sweet." 

You talked to Yusei a bit longer before returning to your room. 

You entered your comforting bedroom, seeing Akiza asleep on your bed. You giggled quietly, as you picked up a book from your bookshelf and began to read, sitting on your beanbag-like chair. 

What a crazy day....

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