XXI: Stay in the Present

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[A/N]: WARNING! This is a lemon!! Okay, thanks. :)


He looks down at me, and smiles softly. "You can tell me to stop." He whispers, his hand resting on my bare skin, right above above my shorts.

I look at him: his sparkling blue eyes, his lips wet from our kissing, his tan skin... I don't want this to stop.

"No, don't stop." I whisper, pulling him down to kiss him again.

He kisses me more, his hand caressing my cheek while his other hand dips past the band of my shorts. 

I moan, pulling him closer to let my hands travel underneath his shirt, feeling his hard abs. He groans into the kiss, his hand traveling lower down my body. 

I gasp and pull away from the kiss, looking at him. He looks down at me, his eyes full of that familiar yet strange emotion: lust. 

He pulls back to remove his shirt, causing me to blush and bite my lip. 

"Like what you see, babe?" He whispers, his head then diving into the crook of my neck to leave soft kisses. 

I nod. "Yes," I manage to gasp out as his kisses get lower. 

His hands travel down to push my shirt up and over my head, revealing my black strapless bra. He kisses my bare skin: his lips traveling down my shoulder, my collarbone, my breasts. 

I tilt my head back and moan, sighing at his touch. "Yusei," I whisper, causing him to look up at me. 

I answer him with silence, my eyes suddenly telling him everything. He pushes me down on the bed, pressing his body against mine. 

I gasp as I feel his hard-on rub against my inner thighs. "Baby," he whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I'm gonna give you one last chance. If you want me to stop, then let's stop now. Otherwise, I don't think I'll be able to stop if we go any further." His soft voice makes me moan as I lick my lips. 

He pulls away, smirking when I moaned. "Yusei," I start, my hands entangling in his black hair. "I want you. I'm ready now. I don't care what I said before. I want you, and I want you now." 

He smirks and kisses me hard, his tongue swiping across my lips. I playfully deny, keeping my lips pressed together. His hands travel up to squeeze my breasts, making me moan. 

He smirks into the kiss and continues to fondle my breasts, until I finally have to open my mouth to let the moans out. His tongue darts into my mouth, claiming his new territory as we kiss. 

My hands travel up and down his chest, going lower until I reach his belt. I undo his belt, pushing his pants down as he kisses me. He kicks them off, not breaking the heated kiss as his hands travel down my stomach to push my shorts off. 

His fingers run across my panties, making me even wetter. He pulls away from the kiss to smirk at me. "Did I do this to you?" he asks me playfully, raising an eyebrow. 

I roll my eyes and put a hand on his growing erection. "Did I do this to you?" I counter, palming him. 

He moans and bucks his hips against me, nodding as he closes his eyes. "That's what I thought." I say, as I smirk and pull him close to kiss him, my other hand pushing his boxers down. He groans and hooks his fingers into my panties, throwing them off in one quick movement. 

"Yusei!"  I gasp, pulling away as I put my forehead on his. He looks at me, waiting for me to say something.  "I love you." 

He smiles.  "I love you too."  He caresses my face.  "There's something different about you. Something that attracts me to you. Not just physically, but emotionally as well."  He brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.  "You're different. In a good way. And it's a love that I never want to stop feeling." 

I blush and bite my lips. "Yusei," I whisper, running my hand through his hair. "You're the best thing that's happened to me. You're so sweet and caring. I never want to stop loving you either." 

He smiles and kisses me, but I pull away again. He looks at me, tilting his head. "Baby?" His sapphire eyes scan my face, searching.

"Um, protection?" I say quietly, blushing as I look away. 

"Right..." He trails off.  "Well, this is your room, so..." He looks at me but I don't meet his eyes. 

I nod and get up, embarrassed as I feel his eyes scan my backside. I open a drawer and pull out a condom. Long story short, I got it from a friend...

I turn around and see his eyes on my chest. I close my eyes and bite the inside of my cheek. "Right... so um, here you go." I hand him the wrapped condom, averting my gaze as I sit back on the bed. 

He takes it, his warm fingers brushing mine as he opens it and puts it on. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "Baby," He whispers, his voice lower than I've ever heard it before. "I want you." 

I moan and close my eyes, opening them to see him smirking. "I want you too, Yusei." 

He kisses me and pushes me back onto the bed. This time, I let him. His hands travel up to my bare breasts, squeezing them roughly. I moan, pulling him close as I wrap my arms around his neck. 

I gasp against his lips as I feel his tip poke at my entrance. "Are you ready?" He looks down at me, his eyes softening. 

I nod. "Yes." 

He nods and pushes inside me in one swift movement, causing me to cry out in pain. He runs his fingers over my cheeks, drying some stray tears. "Shh, it's okay. Baby, it'll be okay." His soft voice soothes me, his fingers still caressing my face. 

I nod, and slowly start to grind my hips against his. He groans, but stills his own hips, biting his bottom lip as his hands quickly fly down to grab at my hips. 

He looks at me, searching my face. He finds an answer in my eyes, and starts to slowly and carefully rock his hips against mine. I close my eyes tight to prevent any more tears from falling and instead, concentrate on the slow and steady rhythm Yusei created with our hips. 

In a few minutes, I become a moaning mess, bucking my hips to tell him to move. 

He looks down at me, kissing me while he starts to thrust into me. I buck my hips, meeting his thrusts and earning a low groan from him. He continues to kiss me and my moans encourage him to move faster. 

"Oh Yusei!" I gasp, grinding against him. "Mmm, faster!" 

He groans and starts to pull all the way out to thrust hard and deep into me. I cry out in pleasure. "Oh god, yes! Right there, Yusei!!" 

He moans and kisses my neck, which I'm sure is going to leave a mark. I wrap my legs around his waist, sending him deeper into me. 

"Oh god! (Y/N)!" He moans, kissing over my collarbone. He grabs my legs, his hands traveling down to my ass to squeeze it gently. 

I moan, my head in the pillows. "Oh Yusei! I'm so close!" I pant, my hands squeezing his bicep muscles. 

He tenses under my touch. "So am I..." He grunts and thrusts faster, making me scream his name. 

After a few more thrusts, we both came - crying each other's name. 

"Oh god, (Y/N). I love you so much." He whispers, gently petting my hair. 

I hum and look up at him. "I love you too, Yusei." 


[A/N]: So how was that? Trash? Just okay? Anyway, thanks for reading. 🙂

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