XXXIV: Daisy's Shot

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[A/N] ~ WARNING: offensive language.


We hurriedly tell the guys about what we just discovered - the news spreading like a wildfire in wind through our shared house. 

We all scramble to our runners, but I stop everyone in their rush. "Wait, guys. We need to split up." They all look and me, then each other. 

They nod and agree that it's best if we go separate ways. Yusei and I take the most direct route, while Akiza and Crow go to the back country. Jack and Carly take the more zig-zag like route, with Jack nagging our ears off through the intercoms connected through our bikes. 

I roll my eyes and Yusei chuckles at me. We slow to a stop in front of an all too familiar sight: Marion Street. 

Everything about it looks just like my dream... except the bodies are nowhere to be found. I furrow my eyebrows and scan around for Daisy's knife. I find it and raise my eyebrows. 

"That," I whisper to Yus, pointing. "Is her knife." 

He nods and steps over to me, holding me against him protectively. 

"Well, well, what a lovely couple," a female voice coos, sending shivers down my spine. "Looks like I wasn't that special to you after all, Yusei Fudo." 

A figure climbs down from the brick building, cloaked from head to toe in dark clothing and her face is covered. 

Yusei goes to respond, but I yank his arm, my (Y/E/C) eyes wide with warning. I shake my head, clenching my jaw. 

"Aw, what's wrong, Yus baby? Cat got your tongue?" she says sweetly, reaching out to brush a gloved finger over his chest. 

I glare at her, seeing her crimson red lips curve up into an evil smile. She steps back, her long skirts bringing dirt up like puranas ready to pounce. 

"Oh come on. Surely you remember all the fun we had in the bedroom," she says seductively, letting a moan escape her lips. 

I grind my teeth together, stepping forward. "Knock it off." I warn, spiting at her feet. 

She jumps back in disgust. "My, my. I see you picked one without manners," she dusts her skirts off, straightening up. "Well, no matter. I can show you what you missed out on." She glares at Yusei, stepping back to remove her cloak. 

I grab his arm and spin him around, forcing his back to turn to her. I watch as she struts forward in a crimson bralette, her heels still covered by her long skirts. She sends an icy glare my way and reaches behind her back to untie her skirts, throwing them aside next to her cloak. I widen my eyes: she now stands in front of me in nothing but a lace bralette and lace panties to match. 

"Oh Yusei," she singsongs, making him squeeze his eyes shut. "I know you want to look at me... to gaze upon my body... to do things to me like you used to..." 

"Back off, bitch!" I yell, standing in front of Yusei protectively. "I've had enough of your bullshit. Not to mention you're a bloody murderer too!" I retort, crossing my arms defiantly. 

She scoffs. "Hm. Well, no matter. As I like to say, good girls go to hell." She says, smiling at me, her dyed black locks falling in her face. "Now, Yusei, don't you want a girl who can have some fun?" She goes to take another step, but I grab my knife. 

"I warned you," I say sternly. "One more step, and your blood will end up with theirs," I motion to the bloodstained dirt beneath our feet. 

"Try me." She dares, stepping closer. I look down and count her footsteps: one, two,...

By the third step, I lunge forward and jab my knife out, hitting her shoulder. She cries out in pain, and Yusei starts to spin around. 

"Stay there, Yusei!" I exclaim, worry in my voice. 

He stops in his tracks, and balls his hands into fists, hearing her scream in pain as she grips her shoulder. 

"You fucking bitch! Like that was really necessary?" she screams at me, as I turn away and grab Yusei's arm. 

"Oh, it was." I retort back, leaving her in her own blood. I pull Yusei by the arm, ushering him away to our bikes. 

We get on, and drive off... Meanwhile, I radio the others to let them know that she's not going anywhere anytime soon. 

Crow eventually radios back that he's got her in handcuffs... and clothed again. 

I smirk at that comment, locking eyes with Yusei. I slow to a stop near a deserted area and turn to Yusei. 

"We should talk." I say, getting up and putting my helmet on the leather seat. 

He nods and follows me, taking a seat on the grass. I sit next to him and sigh. "So, I assume you want some answers, right?" I ask, my eyes not meeting his. 

He nods. "Yes. Why did you do that to her? Do you not trust me?" he asks, taking my hands in his. 

I tear my hands out of his grasp, and instead reach down to my knife - wiping it off in the grass. At this rate, I don't care if I get caught. 

"I trust you. Really, I do." I turn to face him. "But she was being so cruel and mean to both you and me, I just-" I fold the knife back up with a snap. "I just wanted her to shut up." I sigh. "And unfortunately, I don't carry duck tape on hand." I frown, waiting for him to respond.

He chuckles softly. "I'd be surprised if you did." He searches my eyes. "But why did you spin me around? What was all that about?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck. 

I roll my eyes. "If you told me you still didn't find her attractive, I'd say you'd be lying." I retort, crossing my arms. "Besides, I'm a straight girl - and even then, I'd say she has a great body." I say truthfully, looking into his eyes. 

He blushes and nods. "I get that. I guess if it was you versus your ex boyfriend, I'd be the same way." He grabs my hands again, kissing my knuckles. 

I sigh at his touch, watching as he kisses my ring finger. "No matter what we go through, (Y/N)..." He looks up at me, his eyes bright. "I want you to know you are the one. My only one." He says, pulling me close to hug me. 

I sigh. "And you're my only one, Yusei. I love you." I kiss his lips and sink into the pleasure. 

Our lips move slowly, and fit together like two puzzle pieces. It feels like all his emotions come rushing through that one kiss. 

I pull away and smile up at him. 

"I love you too, (Y/N)," he whispers, kissing me once again. 

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