XXVIII: A Bitter Night

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(Y/N)'s POV: 

"Yusei!" I scream, as I run frantically through the streets. Some gang of guys are chasing us. We were walking home and we looked both ways, but out of nowhere, these guys decided to try and corner us. 

Akiza used her vine plant to throw them around - literally - and that gave us time to run. Now, we were in fight or flight mode, and it seemed like all of us chose flight. 

"Crow!" Akiza yells, as we run towards two dim lights in the distance. 

"That must be them," I pant out, as we continue to sprint towards the house. 

Suddenly, the two lights go off, and I start to panic: was that the guys? Or was it some kind of trap?  

As we near the house, three shadows run towards us, calling each of our names: "(Y/N)! Akiza! Carly!" 

We yell back in unison, letting them know we're here. 

Yusei grabs me and lifts me up in his arms, planting a kiss on my lips. "Go inside," he says softly, putting me down. 

I start to argue, but his eyes stop me. I close my mouth and nod, ushering the other two females inside. 

I shut the glass door, and put my foot against the frame - preventing anyone from opening it from the outside. 

Akiza, Carly, and I all pant to catch our breath as we watch a scuffle go down on the other side of the glass. There are five figures that were chasing us, so the guys are outnumbered. 

I sigh and look at Akiza and Carly. "The guys are outnumbered already. We should try to help." 

Carly and Akiza exchange a look. "How?" 

I smirk, and tell them my idea. They hesitate at first, but we don't have a choice. They go grab the supplies and come back with the guys' guns from their Team Satisfaction days. 

I nod and load mine, removing my foot from the doorframe. A pair of grey eyes find mine and fill me with confidence. The other pair of brown eyes calm my nerves. 

We step outside to the fight, and all eyes are drawn to us. "Put your weapons down!" I yell, pointing my gun at one of the hooded figures. 

I can't see their eyes, but I can tell they all exchange looks. They do as I say, and start to back away from the fight. 

"Don't move!" Akiza instructs, causing them to plant their feet. 

We all surround the five men, forcing them against a wall so they have nowhere to run. 

"Don't try anything," Carly warns, as one of the guys tries to take off. 

The guys stand behind us, and I hear them all groan - probably because of some bruises and minor cuts. 

I step forward, twirling my pocket knife in my hand that I had snatched from behind the curtains when we went back inside. "Now," I start, getting their attention. "Take your hoods off." 

They hesitate, and I notice four heads turn to the male in the middle. 

"Now!" Carly and Akiza say in unison. 

Silence is the only response we get. I step forward, my heels clicking. I scan each face under the hood, waiting for an expression to falter. 

At the end of the line of males, I come to a stop in front of a short and skinny dude. His knee is shaking, and his hands are in his pockets. 

"You," I say, snapping him out of whatever thoughts he had. "Hood. Off. Now." I say, training my blade dangerously close to his face. 

He looks at the man I assume is his leader. I clear my throat, and he looks back at me, raising a shaking hand to push his hood off. 

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