VI: Separation [Part I]

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Kalin's laugher filled the air as Crow and Yusei helped Jack to his feet. 

"Go to hell!"  I shot back, glaring at him as my outfit faded to my usual attire. 

"Oh, honey. I am the ruler of hell,"  He retorted, his sadistic smile plastered on his face. He stepped closer to us as we backed away. 

My face twisted my lips in disgust at his pathetic nicknames.  "Give me the gun,"  I whispered to Yusei, touching his hip where his gun rested. 

He turned to me, letting Crow help Jack to a duel runner.  "Are you serious? (Y/N), you can't just kill a man. That's not going to fix anything. If anything, it'll send his team of dark signers after us,"  Yusei said softly to me, pulling me close.  "Besides, I don't want you to have a mark on your pretty face,"  He whispered, running his thumb over my lips. 

I blushed, looking away.  "Okay. But what do we do now?" 

Yusei's tan face turned to a frown as he thought.  "I guess we get the hell out of here,"  He said, as I raised an eyebrow. 

We all hurried over to our duel runners, revving them up as we led Kalin back to the bridge that connected Satellite and Neo Domino. We were planning a take down, and we couldn't afford to fail. 

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