XXXVIII: In Public

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[A/N]: Strong sexual content, and maybe some cursing. 

His eyes soften and he looks down at me. "I couldn't have said it better myself, love. I feel the same way." He whispers, before kissing me.

I let him, and our bodies instantly touch - unconsciously knowing what to do.


I groan softly as Yusei deepens the kiss, feeling my heart beat faster than ever. Yusei's hands grip my hips tightly, grabbing at my other leg. 

He pulls away, and lifts the skirt of my dress, smirking at me. "You sure you want this?" He whispers against my lips. 

I nod and roll my eyes. "Of course. Besides, you have me turned on." I return his smirk, kissing his lips. 

He lets me kiss him before he pulls away and pulls us around the corner - out of sight of the camera. 

He pulls out his hardening erection and puts the condom on. He smile softly, kissing my forehead, my nose, and then my lips. 

I scan our surroundings and slip my panties off, slipping them in one of Yusei's jacket pockets. He smirks at me, and licks his lips.  "Don't expect those back," he whispers seductively, nipping at my ear. 

I gasp, feeling myself get wetter. "Yusei, please..." I whisper, kissing his neck as I slide his jacket off. "Take me. I need you." 

He smiles softly, letting his jacket hit the concrete behind him as he kisses my lips. He leans in, and grabs my breast with one hand, his other hand grabbing my leg. He slides into me and I close my eyes with a moan. 

I open them in time to watch his eyes close in pleasure, feeling his hips start to slowly move against me. I slide my hands up and down his bare arms, feeling his muscles tense as he moves faster. My eyes flutter closed again as my body relishes in the moment. 

I gasp, my eyes flying open at the new angle as he lifts my legs up. "Oh Yusei!" I exclaim, bucking my hips as he takes me. He groans, and kisses me, his tongue claiming my mouth. 

I swirl my tongue over his, feeling his heartbeat as I rest my hands on his chest. His warm hands grip my hips and hold the fabric of my dress up - giving him more access to my most sensitive area. 

I moan against his mouth, my legs wrapping tighter around his waist. He breaks the kiss just for a second, hoisting me up more and pressing my back against the brick wall. 

"Oh Yus!!" I cry out, grinding my hips against him as I gently grab at his shirt, pulling him close to me to lock lips with him. 

We both pant to catch our breath, our lips meeting in another hot kiss. I buck my hips to meet his every thrust, tangling my fingers in his hair while my other arm wraps around his neck. 

He groans as he kisses me, his hands sliding to grab at my ass and squeeze it softly. I moan, continuing to meet his every thrust. 

I gasp and break the kiss, resting my forehead against his. "Yusei, I'm so close," I gasp out breathlessly. 

He nods and his sapphire eyes meet mine. "So am I, love," he responds, pumping faster and harder. 

He finds my g spot within seconds, and I'm a screaming, moaning mess. I cum hard around him, and kiss him as he groans - reaching his own release as well. 

He slows his hips, and sets me down, his body still trapping me against the wall. I smile up at him, and he returns the smile. His teeth glimmer slightly in the dim moonlight and I get lost in his eyes yet again. 

He slowly pulls out of me and fixes his pants and such. I grab his jacket and retrieve my panties, slipping them back on, and fixing my dress. 

We say nothing as he walks me back to his bike, his jacket draped around my shoulders. We share one last smile as he helps me on his bike. He sits behind me, hugging me as he rests his head on my shoulder. 

We stay like that and don't say a word until the sun begins to rise. 

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