XXXV: (Y/N)'s Shot

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We pull apart as radio static cracks through the speakers on our bikes. We both rush over, and listen. 

"Hey, guys," Crow says through the intercom. "I got her in custody, and she's actually wanted for a couple dozen of murders throughout Neo City." He states, as Yusei and I look at each other. 

"Thank you for the update, Crow," Yusei says. "(Y/N) and I will be at the house. Call us if you need anything." Yusei says, looking at me. 

Crow clears his throat. "Um, I'll leave you two alone. We'll all go somewhere else." He says, making Yusei blush. 

I roll my (Y/E/C) eyes and smirk at Yusei. We both get on our bikes and head home - the streets relatively quiet. Except for the occasional ally cat or drunkard. 

When we reach the alley leading to our shared house, something seems off. I slow to a stop and Yusei looks at me. 

"What's wrong, babe?" He asks, stopping his bike next to mine. 

I put a finger to my lips, and take my helmet off, scanning the area. I catch sight of a figure in all black and quickly point it out to Yusei. 

He nods and follows after me, placing a hand on his gun. We quickly and quietly walk after the figure - and my witch senses tell me exactly who it is. 

I whisper to Yusei and his blue eyes widen. "Are you sure its her?" he whispers to me, scanning my (Y/E/C) eyes. 

I nod. "Positive. Just trust me on this." I plead, looking at him as we hold hands. 

He sighs and nods, following me through the dark corners of the alleyway. I eventually corner the figure, trapping them in a dark corner I know from my earlier days here in the Satellite. 

"Stop. Don't resist," I say, pointing my gun at the hooded figure. 

The figure sighs and takes her hood off, revealing Erica. 

"Long time, no see," she chimes, smiling sinisterly at me. 

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, right. Anyway, I have a hunch you were also involved in those murders with Daisy." I state, as her eyes widen. "My hunch has been proven correct, as these documents show." With a flick of my wrist, I summon the documents out of thin air. 

Before she has a chance to grab them, I make them disappear. "So, I believe you're under arrest." I state, opening one of the handcuffs. I step forward before she has a chance to try and run, cuffing her wrists as I pin them behind her back. 

I hear the sound of bikes revving in the distance, and I smile - knowing it must be the others. My newfound powers allow me to communicate with Akiza. Call it telepathy I guess. 

Yusei looks at me, his eyes wide. "Um, how-what?" he stutters, confused as to how they got here, let alone how they knew to come here. 

"I'll explain later, babe." I whisper to him, sharing a smile with Akiza as Crow and Jack take Erica away. 

Carly joins Akiza and I, and Yusei follows after Crow - probably to ask some questions... ;D

All three of us girls head back to our bikes, sharing a smile. It's Crow's birthday this weekend and us girls are planning a surprise party for him. 

We keep our voices soft and whisper amongst ourselves - planning out the shopping list and other foods. 

We immediately stop talking when the guys come over. "Uh, we're going to take Erica back to the station." Crow says, furrowing his eyebrows at us. "We'll meet you girls at the house, okay?" He looks at Carly and I suspiciously, but we just answer with a nod. 

"Okay, see you boys later," I say, sharing another smile with the girls. 

We all head back to the house and plan out every last detail for the party. This weekend is going to be very fun. 😊

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