XXXVI: Crow's Birthday

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Before we all knew it, September 6. The guys took Crow out to duel and other guy stuff. Us girls decorated the house in orange and white. 

Akiza baked a cake, and Carly and I made the other food - consisting of an onion dip and Crow's favorite casserole. 

I was currently cutting up some green beans and green onions, using a wooden chopping board. I closed my eyes and wiped a bead of sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. 

"Are you sure you don't need a break, (N/N)?" Carly asks me, looking up at me from where she sat at the counter. 

I nod. "It's okay, Carly. I'm almost finished here," I gesture, going back to chopping the onions. Once I finish, I scrape the chopped veggies into the pan Akiza has ready. 

The egg and bread crumb batter fills my nose, and I smile. "It smells so good, Aki!" I compliment, my (Y/E/C) eyes widening in delight. 

Akiza gestures to the seat next to Carly. "Thanks. Now take a seat, (N/N). You deserve a break," she hands me a glass full of sprite and cherry juice. "One Shirley Temple for you." She smiles, and drops a cherry on top of the ice cubes. 

I nod and thank her, taking a sip and humming. "It's so good!" I say, earning a chuckle from the girls. 

Carly sips her tea and exchanges a look with Akiza. The red headed female opens the oven to slide the pan into the heated chamber. She closes it gently, wiping her hands on a small pink towel. 

"Now we can relax a bit." She says, grabbing her own drink off the counter. "Cheers ladies," she says, raising her glass. 

Carly and I clink glasses with her and each other, taking a sip and sharing a smile. Crow is going to love this. 


The guys return about two hours later, and the lights are all turned off. We all went our separate ways and hid in the shadows. I hid behind the couch. 

The guys walk in, as two shadows enter the doorway. 

"Don't worry. It's just us," Yusei calls out. "Crow's getting his bike into the garage." 

Yusei and Jack go to hide, and Crow walks in a second later. "Uh, guys...?" He says. 

"Surprise!" We all yell, as Akiza flicks on the lights. 

He jumps and frowns. "Uh, thanks..." he blushes and walks over to Akiza, kissing her. 

Carly and I smirk, bringing out the food and serving every placement at the dining table. 

"Here's to your birthday," Yusei raises his glass. 

"To Crow." We all say, clinking our glasses and getting the night started. 

Once we finish dinner, we go to the living room to give our gifts to Crow. 

Jack is the first one to hand Crow a gift. Crow shakes it and raises an eyebrow. "Uh, what is it?" He says. 

Jack rolls his eyes. "Oh, just bloody open it." He retorts, crossing his arms. 

Crow rips the present open, revealing a box. "Oh thanks. A box, just want I wanted," he says sarcastically, looking up at Jack. 

Jack scowls, gesturing for Crow to open it. Crow laughs and opens it, finding four 100 dollar bills. 

"It's for all your money I used on coffee," Jack says, shrugging as Crow and Yusei gape at him. 

Crow closes his mouth. "Well, thanks buddy." He slaps hands with Jack, smiling up at him. 

Carly goes next, handing him another box. "It's not the best wrapping, I know," she chuckles shyly. 

Crow shrugs. "It's fine." He glares at Jack before he goes to open the simple white box. "Oh wow!" Inside are a set of five cards. "These are the rarest cards I've been wanting." He smiles and stands to hug her. 

Carly hugs him back before pulling away and getting forcefully pulled by Jack. "Don't get any ideas." Jack warns, his amethyst eyes ablaze. 

Crow holds up his hand in defense. "Woah! Take it easy. I was just saying thank you." 

Carly smacks Jack upside the head. "Shut up, Jack." 

I clear my throat and hand Crow my gift. "Here you are." 

He smiles and me, and gives me a fists bump. Once he opens it, he smirks. "Thanks, (Y/N)." 

I gave him a set of tools since Crow said Yusei's been stealing his. Which isn't a surprise. 

Yusei goes next, giving Crow a strangely wrapped item. I furrow my eyebrows at my boyfriend. 

"What? It's the best I could do." Yusei shrugs, getting everyone's gaze off of him. 

Crow opens it and gapes, looking up at Yusei. "Dude! Where... How did you get this?" In Crow's lap sits one of the newest games and consoles. 

Yusei shrugs. "Eh, I know some people." He says, winking and putting a finger to his lips. 

Akiza is the last to give Crow a gift. "Here you go, babe." She says, kissing his cheek. 

Crow smiles and opens it. Inside the beautifully wrapped gift is a watch. The face of it shimmers in the light. 

He looks up at Akiza and smiles. He pulls her close and kisses her lips. "Thanks, baby. I love it." He smiles and gets up, hugging her close. 

We all separate, and Carly and I help Akiza light the candles. 

We sing an off-key version of Happy Birthday to Crow, and we go back to the dining room to eat dessert. 

Crow smiles and stands, raising his glass of sparkling juice. "Thank you, you guys. I really appreciate this. It was amazing." He nods his head to all of us, smiling softly. 

"It's not a problem." Us girls say, smiling at each other. 

We end the night - smiles shared and laughs ring through the house. What a fun night. :)

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