XXXX: A Calling

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[A/N]: I'm alive! I've been so busy, and I apologize to you all. 🖤  And if you see a spelling or grammar mistake, feel free to point it out. I'm typing this on my phone. 


A thunder crash over the house wakes Yusei and me up. His arms are still holding me tightly, even though I'm shaking just a bit in his arms. He doesn't seem to mind as he pulls me closer, kissing my head softly. 

He looks at me, and I nod. We get up, slipping our shoes on. I grab a warm coat to slip over my bare shoulders and lead Yusei downstairs. 

"What's going on?" I ask, looking around the living room. 

I lock eyes with Carly, and she sighs. "Apparently, the dark signers decided it was a good idea to summon some unnatural, evil being." She crosses her arms, her grey eyes scanning the dark room for Jack. 

I shiver, the room suddenly colder. Yusei wraps an arm around me as Akiza and Crow desend the stairs. Akiza's brown eyes widen and she stops in her tracks, just a couple steps away from me. 

Carly joins us and repeats what she just told me a few seconds ago to Akiza.

Jack finally pops out of the shadows, joining Yusei and Crow. They whisper for a few minutes, not even looking our way. 

The tattoo on my arm starts to glow, causing the girls to look at me. I shrug and roll up my sleeve. The guys turn to face us -me- and Yusei's eyes widen. 

"Babe?" He asks, stepping over to me. "What's going on?" 

I sigh. "If I knew, I'd tell you, genius," I retort, grinning at him. 

He smirks and rolls his eyes. "Okay, but is the dragon saying anything to you? Cause that's what it did to Luna. So...." 

He looks at Jack and Crow, frowning. Both guys shrug, and cross their arms. 

I sigh and sit down on the couch, placing my head in my hands. A sudden headache tears through my skull, making me cry out in pain. 

Yusei rushes over, placing a hand on my back. Akiza rushes over as well, and I feel her soft touch on my shoulder. 

I cry out again, gripping my head. I grab at the roots of my (Y/H/C) hair, trying to ease the mental pain. I curse under my breath, squeezing my eyes shut. 

The thunder rolls again, but no rain joins it. As if the thunder summoned another wave of pain, on cue, I cry out a third time. 

"Damn it!" I scream over the rolling, dark sound waves. "Ugh! Who did they call upon?" 

Everyone looks at each other and shrugs. A few minutes of agonizing silence goes by, and I think the pain is finally subsiding. 

I go to slowly lift my head up, but another burst of thunder causes my head to be pricked and needled by some unknown force. 

I scream, my throat raw from how loud I've been crying out. This pain is so bad! Wave after wave, like a hurricane, I'm taken under - darkness becoming the only thing that I can see. 

I'm not sure when I wake up, but it's sunny outside and there's no one around. Or so I thought. I slowly awake, coming to my senses. I sit up, and find myself in a white leather chair. I furrow my eyebrows, confused. 

"Why hello there, (Y/N). It's good to see you... Conscious," a voice booms, a dark laugh following afterwards. "I am known as Hada here. Similar to Hades, but not the same." 

I rub my eyes sitting up straight. "Uh, okay. So am I dead, or...?" I look around at the room of white. 

The laugh shakes the room just like the thunder did, although this time, I feel no pain. "You are not dead. You're just here to complete some trials." 

"Uh-what? Wait, hold up. Why? What trials? What the hell did you do with my friends?" I shoot, standing up. 

Something swishing around my legs makes me look down. I'm in a ball gown of heavy, white silk and velvet. I have a pair of white heels to match, and in all honesty, I don't think I can walk right. I bend down to examine the stupid heels. They're 5 inches! 

Oh, hell no.....

"I'm sure you have many more questions, dear (Y/N). But they will all be answered soon. But for now, let me introduce myself in my true form." 

A swish of wind fills the room, tossing my hair to and fro. In a column of white and red, a tall male figure stands in front of me. 

My eyes widen, and I have to clench my jaw to keep it from falling open. 

In front of me stands a person I know all too well: my ex. 

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