We're off to see the... Bane?

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Piper's POV

I had a goddess in my head.
Was that weird or something?
I hoped not...
Namely, a Roman goddess. Called Bellona. 
Reyna's mom. I don't know whether I was to be offended or honoured... A goddess had chosen to reside in my mind. Not Annabeth's. Not Hazel's. Not anyone else's. Mine.
'Why?' I asked her, using my mind rather than my voice.
Our communication worked better that way, and it just so happened that people didn't think I was crazy this way, too.
'I believe this is a necessary requirement, young demigod. I must hide inside the mind of one who is technically a mortal, and I have chosen you because I believe you are the most goddess-like of the campers, so I am still strong and can use my Godly Powers to influence the mortal world.'
I was stunned. Goddess-like? I was a plain old child of Aphrodite, nothing massively special, surely.
Okay, so maybe I'd killed a few more monsters than many other demigods, but still... 'why not Annabeth?' I asked her, confused. Annabeth was a strong warrior, smart and precise.
'Her mind... while brilliant, is in a fragile state still, grieving the loss of her dearest friend and the one she'd pledged her heart to. She would not have been a suitable host for me,' the goddess said regretfully. 'Besides, dear, you are a far more interesting demigod than Annabeth, though my my, she is a quite an interesting story, as your mother told me. Also, I believe you will need my help on this perilous quest you are setting off upon this evening. And some help deciphering the prophecy? Surely with a goddess on your side, you shall stand a better chance?' Bellona persisted. 
I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts. 
"So... we have the quest today?" I asked aloud.
Layla Delacour, child of Tartarus, looked up from the book she was reading. As far as I could tell, there was no light in the little nook of the room, but she was reading effortlessly, as if seeing in such darkness was normal.
Normal. Who was I to judge what normal was? I had a freaking goddess living in my head. 
I wasn't one to judge. 
"Yes, we leave at midnight. In fact... the quest members are having a meeting in an hour."
I blinked, confused. "Chiron never told me that," I commented curiously.
She frowned. "That's odd, I would have thought he would have told you first. In fact, Brok, who told me, said you told him that Chiron told you that we had the meeting." She said all of this with very little pauses. 
I frowned, trying to remember. Had I told Brok to gather everyone to meet up?
I couldn't remember.
Maybe I was going crazy, and Bellona was just pretend, a side effect of my insanity.
'I am real. Honestly, Piper, I thought you had more sense than to question your sanity,' Bellona scolded. 
I smiled a little, despite myself. 
Bellona was such a motherly figure, which contrasted vastly with what Reyna always told me. 
She was strict but warm, and I liked this goddess, despite her being so Roman. 
I could tell she was pleased with this thought... and then discovered she knew my each and every thought, and could comment upon them at her leisure. 
I shuddered slightly. As nice as Bellona seemed, I wished I could have some privacy within my mind.
She clearly heard this thought too, and she had enough grace to laugh and say, 'Truly sorry, Piper. I can give you some space with your mortal thoughts. I was merely curious, trying to understand your mortal motives and beliefs, they are truly interesting, especially yours. You are truly unique, Piper, so different from all of your half-siblings. I am sorry for intruding upon your thoughts though. I can make it so that I can only hear the thoughts you wish for me to hear, though speaking aloud also will be heard. Thank you for not... how do you modern people say it? Ah, 'freaking out'. I appreciate it.'
Then she went quiet, and I breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank you,' I though to her. 
I walked over to the Big House meeting room, where I assumed the meeting would be. Sure enough, an hour later, Layla Delacour walked in, arm-in-arm with Angela Zhang. 
I smiled at them, they were such great people, yet everyone tended to judge them because of their parentage.
Layla managed a small, shy smile back, and Angela gave a small wave.
I watched as Jason, Thalia, Taylor Smith and Pollux entered the room. 
They were followed by Clarisse and Blake, and a member of the Chaos army who's name I was Unsure of. Forge?
I frowned.
Where was Alexa?
And Robin?
And Annabeth and Brok and Julius Jackson?
I turned to Taylor Smith, frowning, and asked her if she knew. 
She shook her head, so I turned to Forge and asked him the same question. 
He looked unsettled as he shook his head, almost as if withholding information.
I decided to use charmspeak. "What do you know about your commander? His whereabouts, and any other information you may know?" I asked sweetly. 
He shook his head and laughed. "Sorry, charmspeaking-girl, I hate to break it to you, but that stuff doesn't work on me."
I frowned. "Why not?" I demanded curiously.
"One of the things Per- Julius - taught us first was how to resist charmspeak. Now I don't even have to concentrate," he said off-handedly. 
I frowned again. "Okay, I may be 'only a daughter of Aphrodite', but I'm not dumb. I know that you were about to call Julius by another name. What would that name have been? Percy?"
There was a collective gasp around the room. Clearly, everyone had stopped chatting among themselves in order to pay attention to our argument. 
I turned to them, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I was just having a disagreement with... uh... Forge? here." 
He laughed a little. "If you insist, you may call me that. But honestly, I thought it would have slipped by now, you can call me Beckendorf. Now, who or what is this bane and how do we follow him?"

OKAY, I am really excited, I have like, 29.1K reads!
You guys are THE BEST!!
I have to give a shout-out to @HeyDude12 he could use some followers, and @MaddyCat116 , and @NinjaUnicorn1507 , @LaneyLovesDemigods , @purplebooks11 , @movingonYOLO , @wormbook01 , @JojoQuestion , @Novelninja , @PunkRockDuckk , @CheannaBanana502 , @BradleyCarsenFearn , @xx_nightlock_xx , and there are many others I could list but please go follow these awesome people, that would be great, comment if I forgot to put your character into the story so far, I need a reminder sometimes, I can be really forgetful.
Also tell me who's POV you want and that, I need ideas.
Ideas for the next chapter? I won't update until I have at least 15 proper comments, and 20 votes. 

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