Christmas at Camp Half-Blood

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Robin's POV

Music fills the air.
Demigods run around handing presents around to all their friends and siblings, and eating enough candy to give a goddess diabetes. 
It is Christmas Day, and the Christmas cheer is in full swing.

Leo Valdez (just another boy), is running around, handing out what I assume are Christmas cards.
He hands me one.
I look at it, confused. "What is this for?" I ask blankly. It is not as if we were friends, I only knew him by reputation. 
I didn't even know he knew I existed. 
"It's for this wicked Christmas party. Tonight. So yea, we don't expect slobby, grass-stained outfits, miss Robin Orchidra," he said with a smirk. "Hephaestus doensn't really appreciate your Demeter-y ways."
I scowl. "And why should I have to go, anyway? Who's making me?"
"I am," he said again. "And my girlfriend, Calypso," he buzzed with happiness at her name.
I rolled my eyes. "I was planning on spending my evening on Minecraft," I protested.
His eyes widened. "Minecraft?" he laughed. "Hephaestus' underground fortress is like a real-life version of Minecraft itself!"
I smiled. "Okay, then. Count me in!" 
He grinned wildly and dashed off, singing all I want for Christmas is you softly to himself, and grinning like an idiot. Strange boy. He must have been thinking about his girlfriend. 

I opened the invitation and grinned. Even the invitation was Minecraft-themed. 
These are my kind of people, I thought to myself, smiling a bit.
Demeter was great, but my siblings could be a little too green sometimes. 

I made a mental not to were something better than my ragged old gardening outfit. 
Who knows? I might even wear my Minecraft t-shirt. They clearly had a theme going. 

Three hours later, I stood with my girls, Awesome Alexa and... um... Crazy Cathrine? (*sighs* fine, 'Cool' Cathrine'. Happy now?)
We were in the Hepheastus cabin, and leo was welcoming everyone into the secret room that was such a secret every camper new about it. But not Chiron or any of the teachery people. 
We entered, and Leo followed us, walking right behind me, who had been the last of the girls to crawl into the tunnel. It was slightly awkward.
"Are there any spiders in here?" Cathrine asked shakily. 
"Yeah, lots of 'em," Leo said cheerfully.
Cathrine screamed, turned around, and started to fight her way back. 
"Whoa, whoa, chill, Athena girl. I was kidding. Relax, bookworm."
Cathrine glared daggers at Leo, who just smiled cheerfully. 
"Uh, can we hurry up, peoples?" Alexa asked. "I have about two minutes to meet Percy at the dragon pillar, and I don't even know where it is yet."
Murmuring agreements, we started to keep walking/crawling, but Cathrine whispered to me, "can you acci-purposely kick him as you climb out? He shouldn't joke about life-or-death matters, like *shudder* spider."
I rolled my eyes. Cathrine could be such a drama-queen sometimes. 
Not as much as Chelly but - WAIT!!! We'd forgotten to pick up Chelly!
"Oh no," I groaned rolling my eyes, but this time in frustration. 
"What is it?" Cathrine asked. 
"We forgot Chelly" I cried.
Cathrine gasped. "Oh no!"
Alexa sighed exasperatedly. "Relax, you two, Chelly has a date tonight. He picked her up and brought her here before I left my cabin. Calm down."
I locked eyes with Cathrine. We had this great way of communication. This time, I was saying 'Chelly has a boyfriend?'
Her look clearly said, 'please don't leave her heart-broken again.'
I nodded in agreement. 

A minute later we reached the end of the tunnel. Alexa opened the door, and we all clambered through, blinking in the disco lights. 
Alexa looked around for the dragon pillar. 
"There it is," Cathrine said, pointing. 
A lone figure wearing a mask leaned nonchalantly against the pillar, and then ever so casually checked the time.
Alexa hurried over, and he greeted her with a kiss on the forehead. 
I watched her blush, then turned back to Cathrine. "There's Chelly," she said, pointing to the other side of the room. She was with her date too, and they were hugging. 
"PDA," I whispered under my breath.
Cathrine laughed. "Aw, boy hater, you need to relax. Not all boys are bad, and i'm fairly sure chelly has  enough sense to choose her own boy, without him killing her, okay? You need to talk to boys. You might find you like some."
I raised my eyebrows. "Seriously? Boy talk? Please tell me you don't have a date, too. I don't wanna be a loner. That's why I made you guys join me," I whined in a childish tone. 
"No, I don't have a date," she said, blushing.
"Good," I said. "Let's go -"
"But I did promise someone I'd talk to them for a while."
I stamped my foot in frustration. "Who is she? And where is she?" I demanded, wanting to get this over with. 
"She?" Cathrine questioned. "Why do you assume I have to talk to a girl? I can talk to boys, too, you know. I don't have to babysit you all night."
"I'm older than you," I said immaturely, sticking my tongue out at her.
She laughed. "By like, nineish days."
"Whatever," I said, losing interest in the bickering. Knowing her anyways, if this turned into a real argument, she'd use her daughter of Athena ninja brain skills to win anyway. "So, who is this dude anyways?" 
"He's a son of Hermes," she said, turning her face away so I couldn't read her expression. 
"Aw man? Chelly's ex? Jace?" 
She shook her head. "I'm totally over him," she said, and I knew she meant it. "The other day, he walked past and my brain's kind of like, oh, yeah, he exists. I forgot that.  It was a bit weird."
I nodded. thinking.
Then I realized.
Could it be?
Was it...   "Nick Streams?" I asked, eyes wide, ready to fangirl.
She blushed. "Shut up! Not so loud, you know!"
"It is him!!" I squealed softly, fangirling like crazy. 
She moaned, putting her head in her hands. "Shut up. I knew you'd act this way."
"So are you dating?" I asked, grinning at her.
"No!" she protested. "No, he said he just had something to tell me, that's all." 
My eyes widened even more. "You know, when a dude say that, it either means they want to ask you out on a date, or kill you," I said, trying to sound offhand and casual.
Cathine rolled her eyes. "That only happens in movies and books, you dweeb," she laughed. She sounded nervous.
I saw Lilly Cahill, daughter of Apollo, crossing the room to say hi to us. "Hi, girls! Isn't it great to just hang out like this? No freaky monster attacks, no work, no early lights out... it's awesome," she enthused, her ginger hair bouncing in her excitement.
Cathrine hugged her. "Hey, it's great to see you," she said, smiling. It was funny how much they looked alike, with their matching hair (though Lilly's was longer) and differently shaded blue eyes (Cathrine's were more grey, whereas Lilly had a blue/green eye and just a plain blue eye) and Lilly was a few years older.
Lilly smiled. "Great to see you both too, but I've gotta go say hi to Layla and Taylor and Angela and Amelia and Arkahm is here too which is cool and Arianna and Anne and Oh my gosh have you met Blake?"
Being friends with the Chaos army, I had met Blake, so had Cathrine. He was a revealed Chaos Warrior, and the biological son of Chaos, unlike most of the other warriors, who were only adopted as his child. He was a bit obnoxious, and flirted with most the girls, but he wasn't bad-looking, and basically acted like Leo (only he got way more girls to talk to him, to flirt with him, or even to give him a second glance [which Leo rarely succeeded in] ).
Lilly waved them goodbye, and surged through the crowds to find everyone she'd mentioned.
I smiled at Cathrine. "Shall we go find Nick?" I suggested. 
"It probably wasn't important. If it was, he'd remember, and find me himself to tell me," she said strategically. "So there's nothing to do except hang out with you and talk to random people."

A few minutes later Nick walked over towards us. "Hi, Robin," he said, briefly meeting my eyes before his attention switched to Cathrine. "Hi." he said to her.
"Oh... uh... hi," she said awkwardly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear that had escaped the ridiculously complex hairdo the Aphrodite cabin had put her hair into.
"What do you want?" I asked, cutting to the chase.  (Heehee, the 'Chase'. Get it?)
He looked a little startled, but he answered. "I wanted to talk to Cathrine, sorry. Is there a problem?" he asked, concerned with my outburst.
"No, no," Cathrine cut in before I could say anything. "It's fine."
He relaxed.
Those two, I thought, smiling to myself, drifting away to let them talk.
It was a Christmas party to remember.

Soooo... I updated!!! I made it an extra long chapter and I would have written more if I had more time but I thought I should post this so you lovelies can read it. 
Thank you to @CheannaBanana502 for the idea for this chapter, that's why I made it Robin's POV. (You're amazing).
POV requests?
What did you think of this chapter?
New characters?
Oh, and I have a new cover going up soon! Thanks to @movingonYOLO

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