Character Profiles

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Right, everyone! I know all you people reading my story are either one of my amazing friends or a Demigod, so, I just thought I'd put up character profiles for all the characters I have personally made up, or the ones that you guys have sent me that I have so far put in. Sorry for all you people who's characters have NOT been featured yet, I will hopefully get them into the story. 

And thanks to EkaterinaSemiramis, who I stole the idea of Character profiles from. (FORGIVE ME SIS!!!!!)

So, enjoy!

Name: Brok Matthias

Age: 16

Godly parent: Um... Poseidon...? More on that later.

Looks: Ginger hair, blue eyes, pale complexion, a few freckles.

Personality: Totally up himself and a bully, flirts, but nobody likes him, makes plans for bad guys and plots against the camp.

Relationship Status: Single, though not for lack of trying.

Quote: "Traitor!!!"

Name: Taylor Smith

Age: 17

Godly parent: Apollo

Looks: Long straight blond hair, blue eyes, tan.

Personality: Loyal, dislikes boys.

Relationship status: Immortally single. (Hunter of Artemis)

Quote: "On behalf of the Hunters..."

Based on: TaylorDaniell's character. 

Name: Robin Orchidra

Age: 13

Godly parent: Demeter

Looks: Blonde hair, blue eyes, paleish skin, wears glasses.

Personality: Bubbly, friendly, deosn't really like boys (except for Sammy Perrs), bright, enthusiastic, doesn't really like exercise.

Relationship status: Single.

Quote: "Fantabulais!"

Name: Layla Delacour

Age: 13

Godly parent: Tartarus

Looks: Jet black hair, nearly red eyes, beach tan.

Personality: Friendly, but misunderstood.

Relationship status: Immortally Single (Hunter of Artemis)

Quote: "So?"

Based on: DaughterOfChaos13's character.

Name: Angela Zhang

Age: 13

Godly parent: Hades

Looks: Caramel-Chocolate hair, curly at the bottom of it, soft chocolatey-brown eyes, peach skin.

Personality: Loyal, trustworthy, kind, doesn't like people who brag *cough*Brok*cough*, honest, smart.

Relationship status: Currently single, hard to get.

Quote: "Yeah, he's my dad. So what?"

Based on: AngelaZhang's Character

Name: Chelly Barden

Age: 13

Godly parent: Apollo

Looks: Mid-length mouse-brown hair, hazel eyes, smiley (though often a bit smug:/)

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