Who Am I?

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Nico's POV

I hated the feeling of weakness and uselessness that came from the pressure of the icy blade against my throat.
I knew my father was a ruthless enemy, one that few would ever dare to anger, if they were smart.
Percy, it seemed, wasn't smart.
"Hey, you stupid idiot!" he called. "Let my cousin go!"
I felt a surge of pride. He was supporting me, though it would probably cost him dearly. 
"You cousin?" Hades asked curiously. 
"Well, yeah, I'm Julius Jackson. Son of Poseidon. Not-so-very-much-at-your-service Uncle," he replied confidently.
"Bah," Hades spat. "You are every bit as arrogant as your brother. So, is he injured beyond healing? When is he going to die?"
The greedy enthusiasm in his tone made me feel sick.
"We shall negotiate after you have released Nico di Angelo. Your son, in fact. Why would you wish to kill him, or even harm him? He knows nothing about my brother. Release him."
Those last words were true. I knew nothing of his brother. Because he didn't actually have one, as far as anyone knew.
Hades smirked. "You are hardly in a position to negotiate, Mr Jackson," he sneered. "For as soon as the boy is dead, I may simply take one of your comrades. Perhaps Miss Ray? Your little girlfriend? Why, she seems far to young for you, boy. How old is she, thirteen? I'm sure Miss Chase was quite jealous, believing you to be your brother, Perseus."
"She was made immortal at the age of thirteen, but she has been alive for approximately the same amount of time as I, give or take a few months," Percy said stiffly. It was strange to see him act so formal, and it pained me that his faking was currently for my benefit. 
Alexa held Percy's hand.
I smiled a little, remembering how a few years ago I would have been driven half-mad with jealousy, but that was when I was crushing on Percy. I was over him now, but he was still like a close brother to me, definitely the best fried I had, at the very least.
I was brought back to my senses as the blade bit deeper into my flesh, my throat now being coated with dark blood. 
I was planning on saying something, like, 'don't trust him, Omega!' but I feared I would accidentally reveal his identity.
I had no intention of dying, at least not today, so I decided to speak. "I have some information on Perseus Jackson," I said.
As I foolishly predicted (I should have made a back up plan in case this hadn't worked) my father dropped me to the marble floor, and I scrambled to my feet and hurried to join the group. "What do you know?" Hades demanded wildly. 
I smirked. "Enough lies to make you release me, apparently."
Hades cursed loudly. 
Percy grabbed my hand. "Okay, you've done enough now, don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself, bro," he whispered to me. 
I nodded, he knew what he was doing. Or at least, I hoped he did.
Suddenly Hades lunged forward to rip off Percy's mask.
Then he froze in midair. 
I turned to Percy. "What just happened?"
All the Olympians and my Father had stopped moving. 
Percy gave a sheepish smile. "He was going to rip off my mask, and I kinda panicked so I froze time."
"Cool!" I said, like a little kid winning Mythomagic for the first time. 
Alexa looked concerned, and put her arm around Percy. "What are you going to do, then?" she asked.
"Well," Percy began, "I can change my appearance, as you may or may not know."
"Cool!" I repeated.
Percy grinned. "So, how should I look? What should I change?"
Luke frowned. "I'd say just your hair colour, noticeably. And also your eyebrows. Just enough so you still look like a Jackson."
I nodded. "How about y eyes?" I asked. "Nah," I said. "That's the your main 'dad' trait. Don't change hem."
I wasn't about to add that they were the very eyes that I often got lost in when I had a crush on him, and that they were too beautiful to change. However, Alexa covered that side for me. "I love your eyes," she said. "And for the hair colour, a temporary request, I want to see what you look like with Ginger hair."
I knew this was to see if he looked like Brok in any way, but when he made his hair colour shimmer into ginger, the two still would have looked nothing alike. 
He experimented with the colours for awhile, until he finally settled on a caramel-y colour. I thought it suited him well, and it was much better than the blonde look he'd tried moments ago. 
He seemed satisfied.
He pulled his mask back on, and we all stepped back to our original places, and Percy let time run free again.
Hades continued his leap, tearing off Percy's mask. 
He seemed genuinely shocked when he saw Percy's hair. "Julius...?" he said in amazement.
I knew he'd been fooled. 
Poseidon refused to look at him, for fear of what he might see. 
It saddened me, knowing that Poseidon wasn't going to take a risk for Percy because he was afraid of losing the only hope he had left: despair. 
I knew this feeling. And that is what made me even angrier, and more confused. How dare this sea Lord give up hope because he wasn't looking at what was right in front of him?
It was reality...
But often reality disappoints.
None know this better than I do.
And that scared me.
Who was I?

Soo, new update, my Blue Cookies!!!
What do you think of this?
I will be going away on holiday again tomorrow, and chances are I will be stuck without WIfi, so... yeah. 

Question of the chapter: What is the first sentence in The Lost Hero?

Bonus Question: Favourite prophecy?


Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now