Luv Ya Bro

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Chelly's POV

Knock knock knock, I rapped on the locked door of my cabin.
As a punishment for forgetting to learn my piano skills, my halfies had locked me out of the Apollo Cabin. 
It was Valentine's day, and I was, tragically, #forveralone.
Don't judge the hashtag.
I frowned. Why should they lock me out?
What would it take to get them to let me back in???
Music, I thought instantly.  
I started singing mournfully, my new favourite song, "No Good In Goodbye"

"All the things that we've lost
Breaking up comes at a cost
I know I'll miss this mistake
Every word I try to choose
Either way I'm gonna lose
Can't take the ache from heartbreak

Oh, but as you walk away
You don't hear me say

Where's the "good" in "goodbye"?
Where's the "nice" in "nice try"?
Where's the "us" in "trust" gone?
Where's the "soul" in "soldier on"?
Now I'm the "low" in "lonely"
'Cause I don't own you only
I can take this mistake
But I can't take the ache from heartbreak
No, I can't take the ache from heartbreak

No matter how it falls apart
There's an "art" in breaking hearts
But there's no fair in farewell, no
And when I see you in the street
I pray to God you don't see
The silent "hell" in "I wish you well."

Oh, but as you walk away
You don't hear me say

Where's the "good" in "goodbye"?
Where's the "nice" in "nice try"?
Where's the "us" in "trust" gone?
Where's the "soul" in "soldier on"?
Now I'm the "low" in "lonely"
'Cause I don't own you only
I can take this mistake
But I can't take the ache from heartbreak
No, I can't take the ache from heartbreak
I can't take the ache from heartbreak
(take the ache, take the ache)
I can't take the ache from heartbreak
(take the ache, take the ache)
No I can't take the ache from heartbreak
(take the ache, take the ache)
(can't take the ache from heartbreak)

If I could turn back time then I would re-write those lines
If I could turn back time then I would re-write those lines
If I could turn back time then I would re-write those lines
If I could turn back time then I would re-write those lines

Where's the "good" in "goodbye"?
Where's the "nice" in "nice try"?
Where's the "us" in "trust" gone?
Where's the "soul" in "soldier on"?
Now I'm the "low" in "lonely"
'Cause I don't own you only
I can take this mistake
But I can't take the ache from heartbreak
(take the ache, take the ache)
I can't take the ache from heartbreak
(take the ache, take the ache)
I can't take the ache from heartbreak
(take the ache, take the ache)
No I can't take the ache from heartbreak
(take the ache, take the ache)
(can't take the ache from heartbreak)

If I could turn back time then I would re-write those lines"

I trailed off as the door opened. "Bruce!" I cried with a smile on my face. 
He grinned when he saw my face. "Nice singing, Chelly," he complimented. 
I blushed and smiled shyly. "Am I allowed back in the cabin now?" I asked, with a hint of frustration woven into my tone. I mean, I had been kicked out all night, so I has slept on the ground outside, just in case one of my siblings decided to find their hearts and allow me back in the cabin during the night. 
I was cold. It never rained at camp, but it still got cold. 
He pulled me in through the door. "You know, we found something out last night, while you were stuck out there..." he began.
I raised my eyebrows, willing him to keep going. 
"Yeah so... ya see, the thing is... I'mactuallyasonofHermes," he said in a jumble of words. 
"You what???
"I'm a son of Hermes..." he said sheepishly. 
"But - the claiming - that -"
"Was fake," he said. 
I shook my head in disbelief. "Well that's... wow..." 
Actually, I was more than relieved.
You see, although I would deny it a million times over, I had fallen for the crazy, dopey boy called Bruce. 
And... half-brothers and -sisters? No-no.
Which is why I was so relieved.
I gave him a shy smile. "You'll always be my bro," I said.
He gave me a hug. "Sure will, sis. Just tell me if you want or need anything. It'll be like nothing's different."
But I want it to be different, my heart protested. 
My expression betrayed no shred of any emotion other then the fake smiled I had carved there. 
As he started to walk away to his new cabin, cabin 11, I called out to him, "Bruce?"
He turned around, a questioning smile on his face.  "Yeah?"
I love you, I wanted to say.
But my mouth wouldn't form the words I so deeply wanted to say. So instead I settled for, "Luv ya bro."
He smiled, and replied, "luv ya too, sis."
And then he walked away, leaving my heart feel like it was slowly falling apart, a thousand fragments falling to the ground, not to be pieced together. 

I walked slowly through the cabin door, trying to push him out of my mind. 
Instead, I tried to think about Nick Streams and my friend, Cathrine. 
Yes. They would make a perfect couple. I smiled despite myself, which earned a questioning glance from my halfies. 
My attention wavered to Taylor Smith, the representative on the quest for the Apollo cabin. 
I hoped she was alright, she was preppy and enthusiastic, and she could fight well, but her courage was questionable when she faced difficult times. 
I also thought of Alexa.
Was she okay? And more importantly, would she make it back to us alive?
So many heroes, sent on a nearly impossible quest.
A quest they might never return from.
A quest that might end their lives. 
I hoped and wished that they would return to camp soon, with the good news that they had succeeded in their quest, that they were all okay, that nobody need worry about safety for another very long time. 
What a way to spend Valentine's day... 

Sorry for such a short chapter, I was running out of ideas, so don't judge me...
Here is my extra Valentine's update, I hope you liked it.
In case you don't already know, I base alot of this book around the stuff happening in real life. 
If you don't like that, then stop reading this book.
Actually, please don't, I love my readers :)
Contrary to my last chapter, this chapter is dedicated to all the couples out there this Valentine's Day.
Hope you guys liked it...?
Okay so - 

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