Actors, Boy Bands, and Cute guys from random T.V shows

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Robin's POV

I was kinda sorta annoyed when Percy included Artemis' cabin to the list of destruction. After all, I was seriously considering joining the Hunters myself, now that I had come to my senses and realized that Sammy Perrs was just a retard - like all other boys. 
But hey, a prank's a prank, right?
Maybe I was a Hermes kid after all... 
Eh. I'm hungry YOLO Bacon pancakes rainbows swag pizza chocolate cookies cake unicorns waffles jelly beans M 'n' Ms fruit burst minties skittles candy-floss milk bottles marshmallows LOL TTYL Peace out fudge bubblegum icecream and potatoes. (Comment below which of these is your favourite!!!)

Anyways, we hurried over to the Artemis cabin, and inside we brought out our not-so-secret weapons. 
"Blu-tack", Alexa said.
I handed it to her.
"Tape", she ordered.
I handed the roll to her.
"Pins", she requested.
I handed them to her.
It was like we were preforming a very delicate, very bizarre surgery. On the wall.

When Alexa and I had finished our small task, we stepped back to admire our work. 
Pinned, taped and blu-tacked to the wall, were a few dozen posters of ramdom boy bands. 
Bright pictures of boys like One Direction (who here's a Directioner?), 5 Seconds of Summer (who loves 5SOS?), and The Vamps (who here loves them?) were all smiling from the walls, making the cabin look a lot like a corner from the Aphrodite cabin. 

There were also a few ones of random boy singers like Justin Beiber (who is a Belieber?) and Reece there too. 

On the other wall Cathrine and Chelly were busy putting up pictures of random Actors, like Robert Pattinson and Logan Lerman. 
Good looking guys, but I bet in real life they'd be annoying. Unless they were like Percy. Then they might not be too annoying. 

Leo, Percy and (ugh!) Jace, were having feathery pillow fights and laughing like drunk hyenas.  
I didn't get that, it didn't say anything witty about the cabin, but they were distracted, so that was a good thing. 
I snuck up behind Jace with my water bottle (which had accidently been kept in the freezer) and tipped the whole thing over his head. 
He let out this sort of gasp/scream and stepped away from me. 
"You... didn't!" he choked.
Alexa burst out laughing and so did Cathrine, but Chelly just glared at me. 
She was so protective! 
Yeeeeeeeahhhh... I didn't find her funny. 

I grabbed a handful of glitter and threw it at Jace. The glitter stuck to his soaking wet clothes and he looked like he wanted to slap me.
I grinned and dashed away, hiding behind Alexa. 
I smirked and stuck my tongue out.
He frowned and walked back over to Percy.

It was then I noticed something. "Where's Arkham?" I asked. 
There was a sudden shout from what seemed to be far away. "Hurry!" 
We all turned towards the door. It sounded just like Arkham. 

Not that I cared. he was just another boring boy. 
But he was Alexa's good friend, so I supposed that we'd better find out what was going on. 

We stood up and headed for the door. 
Percy looked bored, as though he couldn't be bothered to see what Arkham wanted, which seemed pretty rude. 

We jogged over to the prank pile where we left our stuff and there, Arkham was waiting with a... guest...

Ehwha Ceper, my worst nightmare, the creep from Hades... son of Dionysus. 
"Hello, pretty Robin", he said, giving me a creepy wave. I hid behind Cathrine, who sighed, but didn't say anything. 
I stayed there, trembling, while the others discussed the situation.
"How come he isn't Frozen?" I demanded. (Comment if you get the reference, it's kinda hard to miss.)
"He wasn't in the camp boundaries when Percy froze time", Arkham explained. "So he wasn't affected."
I glared at the evil son of Dionysus and he smiled - yes, smiled - back.
How creepy can you get???
"So pretty", he murmured.
I shuddered, slowly walking away from him. 
Percy cut straight to the point. "Okay, honestly, can we trust you to keep our secret? Obviously you know what's been happening."
He nodded. "I will keep secret", he said. He looked at me. "If that's what pretty Robin wants".
I backed away even more.
Alexa covered for me. "Of course she wants you to keep our secret. We all do! She said yes", she sighed, and I did too. 
I still backed away though. 

Another update I am bosstastic!!!
Thoughts on Ehwha?
Thoughts on Robin's reactions?
Thoughts on 
the chapter?
Thoughts in general?

Thank you @CheannaBanana502 for your patience with my story. You are fantabulais!!!

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