Arkham Abyss

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This is all based on the coolest charcters I could posess the secrets of, and I hope like crazy you enjoy it, because i worked hard on it. 

One curse.

Millions of enemies. 

Few friends.

Summing up my life in six - oops, seven, words. 

I am an agent of Chaos, the 3rd most powerful being in the universe.

Those two who outrank me, of course, are Chaos himself and Percy Jackson. No, wait, another mistake; Percy is now called Omega. 

My curse, is a curse bestowed upon me when I was brought into existence, so I would rue the day I was born. 

I am a child of Void and Hades, a child of a Major God - one of the big three - and a primordial. 

My official title is somewhat along the lines of 'Abyss of the End, Slayer of Souls, Skull Lord'. 

I assure you, I'm a nice person - to the people I want to be nice to.

My friends include Thalia, Percy, Jason, Hazel and Nico. I am also well-known and accepted within the Chaos. 
I wonder what you are thinking about all of this?
Probably something on the lines of, 'how does a scary dude with a curse on him have friends like Percy?
And how does he interact with both worlds?

Well, I am not part of the Chaos Army's first division. 
But I am the leader of the second division. 
We travel all the worlds, especially Earth. We bring back news for Chaos. But never for the First Division. It makes me feel guilty for hiding information from Omega (see, I can get his name right) and the rest of the First Division, but it is my duty, and besides, if Omega knew what happened down there, he might have a heart attack, and then where would we all be?
My ranks are filled with people such as Charles Bekhendorf, Zoe, Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, and even Ethan Nakamura was brought back to serve Chaos. 

There are even more in the second division, but it would take a Chaos year to explain it all. 


Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah, my curse. 
I was a young immortal when I let loose a terrible rage, causing what we now know as Hurricane Katrina. 
Thankfully, Poseidon, who was having the old 'Sea disasters are more spectacular than Air disasters' argument with Zeus, claimed the hurricane was caused by him. 
Only Chaos and Poseidon knew it was truly me. 
And End.
End cursed me, made it so that whenever I was unable to keep my dark side in check, my head would morph into a skull and divine dark flames would shroud my head. 
The flames incinerate my enemies when they come in contact with them, but I vowed when I was cursed that I would never harm my friends. 
They were all i had.

Anyway, Chaos learned about my curse, something few others could do, and helped me learn to control it. 
At best, when I am angry, infinitely long chains trap my wrists, and the fear of being a prisoner of my own wrath helps me to come to my senses. 

My second in command, Alexa Ray, came to me with the tedious paperwork from my last mission, on a planet called Zeith. 
"Sorry, to bother you", she interrupted my thoughts politely, knowing not to cross me. 

"Thank you, Alexa", I replied. 
She turned to go, but I put my hand on her arm. 
"I was considering...", I paused. "Maybe we should rally the 2nd division towards Earth, where the great War is about to break out. What do you think?"
She paused, considering. "I haven't been to Earth in ages", she considered. 
"Well?" I pressed.
She paused again. "Is it 'coz I'm Asian?" she asked, her trademark smile plastered on her face. 
I allowed myself a small smile too. "Again?" I protested. 
She shrugged. "You got a problem with me? Is it still 'coz I'm Asian???"
I laughed. "Go. Prepare."

The travel to Earth was short, yet refreshing. 
Bianca, or, Memory, as she is now known, of the first division, taught us all to shadow-travel, normally a Child-Of-Hades thing, but Chaos had made the skill more powerful, so we could travel entire galaxies. 

The process was simple, at least to us members of Choas' Army. 
We merely had to focus on where we wanted to go, and then the shadows would assist us to our destination. 

The camp still looked the same form outside, which was't saying much. 
Inside, I bet there would be several changes made, a few slightly Roman, and a few new cabins, I believe. 

I walked in calmly, not needing permission to cross the demigod boarders being the 3rd most powerful being in the galaxy. 

I beckoned for my crew to follow, and they did, though many were hesitant. 
"Welcome home, guys", I said, just loud enough for them to hear. 

Charles smiled. He couldn't wait to see Silenia. 
They ran in, yelling like maniacs at the prospect of seeing their old home. 

Alexa ran in too, and I watched her in amusement, running to the Hermes cabin where she knew her siblings were, and to beat up her 'most annoying' half-brother, Jace Euro, as well as her annoying cousin/half-brothers, the Stolls. 

Life could be peaceful here.

Then I saw him. 
A bleeding wreck, one of the people I'd most waned to recruit, but who hadn't died.
At the mercy of the most vile Demigod I have ever had the misfortune to meet; Brok Matthias.

It was Nico. 

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now