Glamour Can't be Hidden

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I took the Chaos army to the spare cabin, which was thankfully empty. 

Silenea slumped onto her bunk, sighing.

"You okay?" I asked her, putting my hand on her shoulder. 

She nodded. "Just nervous. They could work out who we are at any minute, and I was a spy in my first life. A traitor."

I knew how she felt, but I kept my feelings hidden. "You died a hero", I reassured her. 

Her shoulders remained slumped, unconvinced. 

I bent down and looked her in the eyes. "Silenea, everyone loved you and they were all devastated when you died. Well... except the idiots that hated everyone."

She rolled her eyes, but smiled a little. 

"I... I think... that you should tell them who you are." 

She sighed. "It isn't that easy!" she protested. 

I opened my mouth to reply, but she beat me to it. "But I will anyway".

I gave her a friendly hug, and she sighed again, but this time it was a sigh of content. 

"Good girl Glamour", I whispered. She blushed and lay down on the bunk sleepily. 

"Let's call it a night, 'kay?" she requested. 

I nodded. The day had been rough on all of us. We needed our beauty sleep. 

Some of us more than others, I thought ruefully. 

I settled down on my bunk and sighed softly. 

Then I fell asleep.

I had my first demigod dream since I left for Chaos' planet. 

I was alone, at the campfire.

Then Annabeth appeared. My heart flooded with emotions, maybe she'd apologize for leaving me...

She walked up to me, and reached out a hand as if to brush away a strand of my hair. I stayed still, motionless even. 

Then she slapped my face.

I recoiled, and she spat at my feet. "How dare you come back?!" she demanded. "You left for three years, and then you decide to return? I thought I could be happy with Brok, but nooo. You had to come back and ruin my life!"

I blinked. "But I was gone for three thousand years, not three..."

She smirked. "Three thousand Chaos years, you idiot. Not three thousand Earth years. Duh. One thousand Chaos years = one Earth year."

My mind slowly registered that this was true. It had only been three years. 

Annabeth was still alive. Which meant she was still at camp...

I woke up with my heart pounding and sweat pouring down my neck. 

I was stuck on a planet where all the people that had been my friends were still here. 

Surely not all of them hated me, right?

I was going to go crazy if nobody found out about my true identity. But if they all hated me... who could I trust?

Nico, was my first thought. He'd always hated Brok, and if everyone else was dead against me because of Brok, then I knew I could trust him.

Who else? I wondered. Leo, of course, had laughed in Brok's face. But had he been brainwashed? Had Jason, his best friend, convinced him that I was the enemy? And Thalia. How was she? Had she forgotten about me? Or did she hate me? Or... was it possible she was still against Brok and sided with me?

Only one way to find out. 

I walked out calmly to breakfast when the conch horn sounded, breathing in the fresh air, and walked up to the main table, where Chiron was eating a bowl of Cereal. I smiled under my hood. Demeter must be after him, I thought. Nobody willingly ate cereal at camp. No-one. 

The rest of the food was too good to waste. 

"Sir, Chiron", I said in a stiff, formal voice that sounded nothing like my own. 

He looked up. "Yes?" He said, with the same flat stiffness my own voice carried. 

"Some of my comrades wish to reveal their identities in front of the camp", I informed him. 

He briefly nodded. "Of course. I shall announce it", he raised his head to the crowd. "Attention campers!"

Everyone looked up to the main table. 

Chiron looked expectantly at me. "Go on," he prompted. 

I quickly called up my comrades that wished to reveal their identities. There were only two. 

The first stepped forward. "Hello", she said. "I am a camper you may be slightly surprised to see. I died in the Titan war, and went to Elysium until Per - Uh, Omega, here, brought me back to life to serve in Lord Chaos' army."

She paused while the words sank in. "My name is Silenea Beureguard", she said, letting her hood fall back. "And I am here to fight for this camp again."

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