Who's that boy?

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*Percy's POV*

The crowd fell to silence at the sight of Silenea. 

Then a voice broke the crowd. "She was a traitor! She shouldn't be here!!!" I recognized the voice right away. I swear I almost hurled. 

Brok Matthias.

Annabeth's voice rang out. "Shut up, Brok. The only enemy here is you! Silenea was - and is - a hero! She is better than you'll ever be!"

The crowd started nodding in agreement. A new camper, one I didn't recognize, stepped forwards. 

She had long straight blond hair and a nice tan, with blue/green eyes and she carried a bow with a quiver filled with arrows. 

"We hunters heard of your story. It is well known through the camp, and during my brief times with my fellow Apollo siblings, they tell me more about your story, which helps me to understand better. Even if the foolish son of -" she choked a bit, "Poseidon - doesn't believe that you are a hero, I believe you, and with knowing your identity, Silenea, I trust the army."

There were a few 'Aww's from the Aphrodite cabin. 

Chiron stepped forward. "Thank you, Miss Taylor Smith". He gestured at Silenea to sit down, and she did, crying tears of joy and relief that she truly was accepted here. 

He motioned for me to go on. 

"The next of my Comrades that wish to reveal their identity is also and ex-camper. However, on the contrary to the daughter of Aphrodite, this girl was an old hunter. This is Memory."

I gestured for the girl to step forward. 

"I am honoured to be part of Lord Chaos' army. But coming back to life had the same drawback as dying did: I could still no longer see my brother. Even less, so, actually, because at least in Elysium, he could still visit me. I am also honoured that I have a half-sister, and I was once honoured to have been part of Lady Artemis' group of Hunters." She stopped for a bit, waiting for it to sink in, before continuing. "Some of you will have guessed my identity by now, but for those of you who haven't, I am Memory - Bianca Di Angelo."

She drew her hood back and shook out her hair. 

There was a loud shout from the crowd. Then - "Bianca!!!!"

One of my few only friends came bounding through the crowd, pushing and shoving to get past everyone in his way. The boy who had given up. The boy who had been shattered with Bianca's death. Nico Di Angelo. 

He ran to the front table where Bianca and the rest of us stood. He pulled her into a tight hug which she gladly returned. They walked away a bit from the crowds, so that they could talk, but I could still hear them fine. 

She kissed his head in her special sisterly way, and then pulled back at arms length to inspect him. 

"Oh my gods Nico, you've grown so much! You're almost as tall as me!" She smiled, then frowned disapprovingly. "But you're so skinny! You haven't been eating right, have you?" she looked at him accusingly, which must have made the poor dude feel terrible. 

He shook his head sadly. 

"Why haven't you been eating properly, Nico? Tell me, please. I'll try to help you, I promise." She paused. "Is it girl problems? You can tell me Nico."

Nico flushed and ducked his head away. "No, sis, it's not girl problems. Nothing like that. It's..." he trailed off. 

"Did you loose someone else?" she whispered. 

He nodded his head. "I know everyone's as upset as I am, but I still can't help it. I just miss him so much. He was like... a brother to me. And then he left. He... died. And Percy Jackson's death was the worst thing that happened to me, other than loosing you, Bianca." 

My heart practically stopped. Nico Di Angelo cared. 

Then my mind really started working. He'd said everyone had been upset with me dying. And before... Annabeth had said Brok was so bad he could be an enemy. Did that mean... Oh my gods. They did care!

Then Bianca started mind talking to me. "Do you want to tell Nico who you are?"

I thought about it. "Yes, he's one of few people I actually trust. I will tell him. Alone, though, if that's possible."

I saw her smile. "Okay. Sure thing, commander Omega."

"Shut up".

She smiled and turned back to Nico. 

"Hey, Neeks, you know my commander, Omega?"

Nico nodded. 

"Well, I think he knows a bit about Percy Jackson's time in the Underworld. He might share you a bit of information on his whereabouts if you ask him after breakfast. Okay? if you want to catch him, go to Zeus' fist, he'll meet you there, okay? He always goes there. Well, that's what he say he's going to do. So you go meet him, and he'll tell you some stuff about Percy. Okay?" She ruffled his dark hair fondly. "I'll see you later, okay, Nico?" She stared to walk off. 

He nodded, though it was obvious he wanted her to stay. "I love you, Bianca", he said softly.

She turned back to smile at him again. "I love you too, Neeks". 

She walked back to the spare cabin to get ready for the day. 

I saw Nico bolt more food than I've ever seen tough his plate, then dash off into the woods in the direction of Zeus' fist. 

I ate some pancakes (blue, of course, which earned me some weird looks. I hoped it didn't blow my cover) and then followed the path towards Zeus' fist, AKA the poop pile. (Don't ask.)

The boy stood there, practicing certain moves with his sword. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and he was muttering to himself. "He'd better know. If he can't tell me about Percy, I don't want to see anyone other than Bianca. I just want to see Percy! If only he hadn't died. It's all that stupid Brok Matthias' fault! I hate that creep! I want him dead!"

I stepped out of the shadows. "Angry words, my friend", I said. "The word 'Hate' is very strong. You must really despise Brok. Also, I know Percy Jackson. Honestly, he wasn't that great a hero. Too weak-willed, not enough power. Quite weak, and not very smart or wise. All in all, he was a wimp that just wanted to protect his friends. He was a fool, stupid and naive, uncertain and easily manipulated. And selfish, yes, he was very selfish. And cowardly. And -" 

"SHUT UP!" Nico screamed. He whirled around and held his sword at my throat. "How DARE you say those thing about Percy Jackson! He was a hero, and he was the best hero! He was smart, and brave, and he was not selfish! He was the most selfless person ever and he gave everything to his friends, family, and the camp! And he was my best friend, so don't EVER say things like that about him again!"

Tears spilled from his eyes, and he was shaking. 

I felt sorry for him. How could I leave someone like that alone? I wondered. Alone to live without the others helping him, to let him wallow in misery he hasn't felt since his sister's death? How could I do that? I coudn't have. Surely not. Yet... I had. And he needed an explanation. 

I slowly started to remove my hood (A/N the masks are attached to the hoods BTW) and spoke. "I never knew you cared so much about me, Nico. Hi, I'm back."

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