Nico's Pledge

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Nico's POV


My vision was clouded with rage. 

My father had betrayed me.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I had expected his betrayal, it was perfectly normal, but for him to blackmail me into such a thing was below even him.

He wanted me to kill Percy.

Or he would destroy Camp Half-Blood. 

"You - you can't do this," I told him, backing away from him as he advanced. 

He snarled. "I can - and I will, boy," he spat, "unless you're a good little boy and listen to daddy!"

"I'm not a little boy," I said, shaking in anger. "You're just a coward!" I roared. 

It felt good, seeing him flinch. It meant that he didn't have total control. 

I was, at the very least, a threat to his reputation, or his plan.

"What if I said no, and alerted all the camp members that you were planning to invade?" I threatened. In fact, I'd already sent a message via the shadows to the Big House informing them of my fathers plans.

"Then I will kill you, and destroy this pathetic little hideaway you call a camp. The place that turned my own son against me. Your other would be disgusted with you, Nico."

That was enough to make me mad. "How do you know what my mother wanted, Hades?!" I demanded. "She was a wonderful, amazing woman, and she would have never tolerated this! Even Bianca, who was your favorite, was unable to be saved, so you let her die and you left me with no one for years and years!" 

"Kill Perseus Jackson," my father insisted, changing the topic," and I may spare you."

I gave a high laugh. "Oh, how generous of you, My Lord! If I brutally Murder on of my best friends, I have a slight chance of staying alive! I'd rather die."

Hades narrowed his eyes. "Do not mess with me, Nico," he said in a warning tone. "The dead and shadows may listen to you, but they still know who is their prime master. I can turn everyone you love against you in an instant."

My eyes narrowed too. "Then why not? Why wait. Ruin my life more, and bring this innocent world closer to your realm than ever before. Try it," I spat, then walked away.

He didn't try to stop m, but his parting words were, "Nico, I promise you, you will be the one to kill Perseus Jackson. That I assure you..."

Then he melted into shadows and left me alone.

I walked away from my meeting place where I had spoken to my father, and walked back towards the arena. 

I didn't really plan on going there, I just sort of drifted there with no purpose in mind.

Cathrine was still there, though at the moment she was watching a boy fight another boy in a side patch of the arena. 

"Who's fighting now?" I asked her.

She umped at my voice, then turned around to see who it was. 'Oh, it's you," she said, sounding relieved. She gave me a warm smile, then turned her attention back to the fight.

I was about to repeat my question, when she spoke. "The people fighting are Eliah Michaels and Vincent Lee. They are reasonably good, though Eli is better." she sounded a little defensive of Eliah. Maybe they were friends. 

"What cabins?" I asked, interested. 

"Eli is a Hermes kid, he's cool, and Vincent is an Ares kid," she said. 

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