Once upon a Pirate Ship

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Luke's POV

I spent quite some time keeping my head down. 
Laughing at the memory of Brok (who'd been taken to the infirmary, seriously sick, but unfortunately still alive) was one of the few pleasures I had here on Earth.
I couldn't even walk around camp with my mask off, because that would have shocked far too many people.
What did entertain me though, was all the chatter from the people who had woken to find their cabins pranked. It had been quite Hilarious.
I wanted to talk to Zoe, but she was in the second division's Beta ranks, meaning she had to stay on Chaos' planet. 
I knew she was thinking about me, and all the others, but it just wasn't the same as actually talking to us in person.

I heard a lot of noises outside the cabin, but none attracted any interest.
Until there were many loud screams.
Not screams like, oh, my cabin's been totally trashed, screams, but screams like, oh, we're all gonna die, screams. 
I decided that maybe quite possibly definitely I would have to intervene. 
I mean, I was no Percy, no hero like him, but I could defend a few campers from monsters if need be. 

I ran outside, mask firmly in place.
I looked around, and what I saw was not something I had expected. 
One hundred of the most vicious, cut-throat brutes I ever had the misfortune to meet, might I add.
They carried cutlasses, and other weapons that I can't be bothered to name. 
And in the clutches of the one that was clearly the leader, was a screaming Blonde with about 5 minutes to live. 
The foolish girl was tied up, though they clearly hadn't gotten around to gagging her. 
Which was quite a pity, she was making more noise than necessary. 
One of them gave her a heavy kick to the side, and her screaming momentarily stopped.
Then her screaming continued, and I realized she wasn't just shrieking, there were words in her noise. "Percyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!" she sobbed. "Percy!!!" 
One of the pirates hit her over the head with the flat of his blade.
Her screams fell silent.
Suddenly Commander Omega dashed out into the clearing, sword (Midnight, not Riptide) in hand.
"Annabeth!" he exclaimed, forgetting to disguise his voice in the midst of his panic. 
Murmurs broke out through the gathered crowd. "Silence!" bellowed the Captain pirate. 
Everyone was quiet.
"Where is your leader?" he growled. "Tell, me, where is Perseus Jackson?!"
One brave boy, blonde hair, blue eyes, son of Zeus, stepped forward. "He died. Three years ago. Now, if you'll excuse me, you may no longer have any business here. Leave now."
The pirate leader smirked. "Well, then, if he is already dead, I shall take your next greatest hero. Where is Luke Castellen?" 
I heard someone burst into tears.
A girl, very similar to myself, stepped forward. "You can't have my brother," she scowled. "And, even if I would allow you to take him, I must ask you this; why must you continue to request our fallen heroes? Luke is dead," she let out a choked sob, and stepped back into the crowd.
I stood there, mouth agape. My sister? Surely, she must mean she is my half-sister. But surely, she couldn't be my actual sister. Could she?
I shook my head, dazed.
The pirates all hooted with laughter.
"If we cannot have either Perseus or Luke, we shall take a hero each night, at random, until our request is met. Starting, of course, with Mister Di Angelo."
I heard several outraged cries, and some sighs of relief.
Then Nico, fighting and struggling to escape, was dragged in front of the crowd. 
"Let me go!" he cried.
I could see, out the corner of my eye, Percy starting to remove his hood. He was planning on sacrificing his identity, and himself, to save Nico. 
He couldn't. He was too valuable.
"Wait!" I cried, and ran out towards the pirates. I pulled off my hood, and let everyone see who I was. "I am Luke Castellen. Leave my camp alone."
I waited until all the gasps had died down. 
The leader of the pirates smirked. "I knew we could scare 'em outta hiding, ay, Brinkett?"
The one called Brinkett nodded. "Sure did, boss," he laughed. 
The leader nodded thoughtfully. "So, Luke Castellen. I thought you would be here. But surely... if you are here, wouldn't Commander Ome - I mean, Perseus Jackson, be here also?" he gave a villainous laugh as he scanned the crowd. 
"You can hide, but I will find you, you can run, but I'll catch up. You can hide but I will find you, your precious time is nearly up."
I could see Omega shaking, nearly crying.
"I know you are here, Perseus Jackson. Give yourself up, or Mister Di Angelo shall die."
Annabeth broke free and turned to face the pirates, her dangerous grey eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Before you almost said something. Before you corrected yourself. You called Percy Jackson by another name. Commander? Commander Oh-may?"
He laughed. "Oh, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time working it out. As a daughter of that accursed Athena, you should appreciate my little enigma I have left you to solve. In the meantime, I shall keep searching for my prize."
Percy stepped forwards, thankfully with his mask still on. "Take me instead of this 'Perseus'. Do not harm this camp."
Annabeth had slunk away into the crowd, but Nico was still struggling in the grasp of one of the pirates. 
The captain of the pirates smirked. He tugged his long, tangled beard. "So you wish to play this game, lad? So be it," he smirked.
He threw a net over Percy and I.
Two of the pirates, Brinkett and another one, hefted us up and carried us towards their airborne Pirate ship. 
I noticed, before I was knocked over the head, that they still had Nico. 
I saw Annabeth's worrying, confused face.
Then all went black.

Soooooooooo... I updated *cue the cheering*. 
How did you guys like my update?
I think it is one of my better chapters, if you don't mind my saying so.
What do you peoples think about it?
Spare a little time for a vote and a comment, and don't forget to follow me, my amazing fans!!!
Andandandand don't forget to follow EkaterinaSemiramis, because she is amazing. 

I will now be putting a shout out at the end of each chapter with a recommendation to follow them for a special reader. 
See ya, my Demigods!!!


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