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Percy's POV

After crashing on my bunk, exhausted (and a little sweaty from having to wear a mask and a cloak under all those lights for hours), I fell asleep, and had and unusually dreamless rest.

When I woke, my first thought was of Alexa. 
I wondered if she, too, had crashed after Leo had let us leave the party at 7am in the morning. 
Then I cleared my head.
I needed a bit of training, to renew my energy.
I woke Luke, who seemed just as eager as I was to head to the arena. 
I had a quick shower (the water helped me wake up properly too), got changed, and then walked out towards the arena, mask fixed firmly in place. 

Luke was attacking a dummy, slicing all of it's limbs off with precision and skill.
Years of practice.
I called to him quietly, and his extraordinary sense of hearing heard my call, and he turned to face me. 
"Hi, Omega," he said casually.
"Hello, Alpha," I replied with the same calm tone.
To anyone else, it would have seemed as if we were just here to hang out, maybe have a little duel.
We didn't like to attract too much attention. it caused issues. And we didn't like issues.
"Any more info about saving the world yet?" Luke asked in a whisper.
"Nope, Chiron says he'll tell us when the time is right, though," I replied.
"Will the time ever be right?" Luke wondered aloud.
I just shrugged, then drew my pitch black sword, Midnight, from my pocket and uncapped it.
Basically it  functions the way Riptide does, only it looks different.
Luke countered, drawing Thief from his pocket.
With the help of Beckendorf, we'd forged a sword to represent every Olympian, except for Poseidon, who already had Riptide.
There was Veil for Hera, Thunder for Zeus, Riptide, for Poseidon, duh, Midnight for Hades, Illusion for Dionysus, Thorn for Demeter, Thief for Hermes, Flame for Hephaestus, Death-Bringer for Ares, Wisdom for Athena (again, duh), Sonic for Apollo, and Mesiac for Artemis. 
I held Midnight, to represent the death I had seen and escaped many times, and Luke took Thief in honour of his father.
We began to practice, using complex conjunctions of difficult jabs, dodges and slashes. 
I rolled swiftly to dodge the sharp blade of Thief, then countered with a swivelled arc from Midnight.
It was as if the sword had minds of their own, as if we were only encouraging living beings. 
Despite our attempts to avoid any attention, a small crowd gathered around us to watch us as we attacked each other, with no fear of injuring, for we knew the other would heal quickly. 
I let my senses expand from the fight, surveying the crowd, which both Alexa and Annabeth were among. I also saw Jason, Leo, Piper, Frank and Hazel. Reyna stood by Nico, looking simultaneously concerned for us yet in awe of our skills. 
It was not until I disarmed Luke and tripped him, sending him flat onto his back and pressing Midnight to his throat did the crowd make any noise. 
There were a few cheers, Alexa cheering the loudest. 
Murmurs rippled through the crowd, and I heard snatches of both our Mission names and our real names. 
"I heard that Omega -"
"- Nobody has had skills like that since Luke and Percy."
"Alpha put up a brilliant fight. It seems so much like those stories about Luke Castellen."
"I miss my brother, Luke, you know. It's rude to -"
"Alpha was so close -"
"Percy Jackson couldn't have beaten Commander Omega!"
"- reminds me of the Punk -"
I tuned out the words, and held out my hand to Luke, offering to help him to his feet.
Instead of taking it, he flipped to his feet instead, landing with perfect balance.
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head slowly.
We began to walk back to the Chaos cabin, Luke walking ahead of me. 
I was passing the Athena cabin when I was grabbed by the arm and judo-flipped to the ground.
I blinked, and then saw Annabeth's grey eyes looking down at me.
"Who are you?" she hissed. "Who do you think you are, strolling in and doing as you please at out camp? Who invited you?"
I smirked, though I was still wearing my mask and she couldn't see my face. "I am commander Omega. I am a demigod, as I'm sure your intelligent Athena-y brain has worked out. And I wasn't exactly given the option to come to this accursed place, or 'invited', I was... forced to return to Earth by my Lord Chaos, though certainly Chiron has accepted the presence of myself and my army. Any more stupid questions, Wise Girl?"
I don't know what possessed me to call her that. Surely it was a dead giveaway. I flinched, and tensed, waiting for her reaction.
"Wise Girl...?" she asked, dazedly. "How did you know..." she trailed off, her uncertainty mixing with emotion.
I picked myself up off the ground and started to walk off.
Still not looking at me, she caught me by the collar almost absent-mindedly. 
"Could you please let go of me? I have business to attend to regarding some heroes that left this camp about... oh, say, three years ago?"
I was certain she wouldn't believe me. I was sure she would laugh, telling me that when Perseus Jackson left, everyone was so much happier.
Instead, she held my collar tighter. "Three years ago..." she siad, as if in a trance. "That was when Percy left... and it was all my fault..." she blinked rapidly, almost as if she was trying not to cry. She looked at me. "What do you know about the disappearance of Percy Jackson?!" she demanded.
"What does it matter?" I asked in disbelief. "He was a show-off. He was a rude, cocky little piece of Minotaur dung. and let's not mention my half-brother, Brok -"
"Your half-brother?" she demanded. Her face paled. "Percy...? Is that you...?"
My heart nearly stopped. Then I breathed again, a plan forming in my mind. "Of course not!" I scorned. "Perseus Jackson is my brother. He was always the show-off, but he meant no harm. Unlike you, I heard. He left because of you. He'd trusted you. Until he caught you cheating with that lying scumbag of our half-brother! He was broken. He hated - hates - you."
Annabeth's eyes welled up with tears. "Seaweed Brain...?" she whispered softly.
"He can learn to forgive. But it is not easy for him," I told her.
"Who are you?" she demanded. "I mean, what is your real name, not your army name?"
I paused only for a second. "Julius," I lied. "Julius Jackson."

So. HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How are all my lovely peoples?
Good? Dat's good. 
What do you think about all of the practice fight thing?
And about Percy lying to Annabeth?
Do you think he will get caught out?
Question of the chapter: When is Gleeson Hedge first mentioned in any of the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus books?

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now