Where Loyalties Lie

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*Ehwha's POV*

"I've told you, time and time again, this is not acceptable!" a raspy voice snapped. 

"Yes, Mistress," I replied quickly, bowing my head. 

"Bah!" the voice spat. "I should have given the task to one of my children, instead of the first loyal fool that wandered across my path!" 

"I shall not fail you again, Mistress," I vowed. 

"Not good enough!" she snarled. "I should have done this in the beginning. Bring me the blood of a toad and an ear of a mouse. I shall be born once more!" 

"Yes, Mistress Gaea," I whispered, and went off to perform the task at hand. 

*Zane's POV*

"I will prove I am loyal to them," I muttered feverishly as I quickly and quietly packed my bags. "They will know soon that I am worthy of the god's blessing. I will not be on Olympus for long, and I shall have them realize that I shall be the savior the ancient prophecy spoke of. Not because some foolish 'Chaos Army' hopefuls pull of a musty old spell." 

I grinned to myself in the dark. "They will be proved wrong," I muttered. "After all, the real Chaos is no longer around here. The true Chaos is chained up in the depths of Tartarus!" I let out a soft chuckle. 

"The old fools will reward me greatly for my information. All those Chaos Army members are impostors!" 

*Arkham's POV*

"Yes, Percy, it's true. Chaos has sped up your brother's aging process for until he reaches the age of 16. In a few weeks, he won't be your 'baby' brother anymore." I tired patiently to explain to my comrade what had happened to his brother Julius, but it was getting ridiculous, the boy was simply too immature to comprehend what I was trying to tell him. 

It didn't help that Luke was there too, encouraging his childish behavior and goofing along with him. 

"Perseus Bellepheron Jackson!" I snapped. "You will give me a full report on your mission here on Earth within the next five minutes or so help me I will call Lord Chaos here!"

"Did someone say my name?" a voice queried. 

"Lord Chaos," I bowed, a hint of nerves in my tone. "What brings you here?" 

"Can I not visit my troops for a friendly chat?" Chaos asked innocently. 

I narrowed my eyes. 

"Apparently not," Chaos sighed. "Anyway, boys, I'm afraid we'll have to pull out of the war here on Earth. You did spectacularly with Kronos, Omega, and Alpha, I'm impressed with you too, but we have to move back to my planet and suit up for a mission on another planet."

"What about the war here?" Percy protested. 

"Oh, now that you've defeated Kronos, their biggest worries are gone, they'll be fine," Chaos said quickly. "We have a much more important mission to worry about, on the planet Zehsigrianipic." 

"I've never bailed on a mission before, I don't intend to start now," I interrupted. 

"You would not be bailing, Arkham, the mission is over, it's time to go home." 

"This is my home," Percy said defiantly. "I don't belong on your planet. Chaos, I thank you for your time, but I am no longer in your service."

"Omega, be reasonable," Chaos sighed. "You're friends are all returning, Alexa has already packed her bags and is ready to go."

"My friends are here," Percy replied, after a pause. "I'll try talk to Alexa, but if she will not see my way, then I... I shall have to stay without her." His voice cracked and he looked more emotional than he'd been for a long long time. 

"Son, think about what you are giving up -" Chaos began reasonably. 

"I'm not your son!" Percy yelled, looking Chaos in the eye and holding his gaze. "You're not my father! I am the son of Poseidon, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Lord of Horses. I AM A CHILD OF THE SEA, AND LIKE THE SEA, I CANNOT BE TAMED!" There was a roar and then suddenly massive waves of water broke down the walls, and hit Chaos in the face. "This is my home, and I will not leave it!" 

Percy was about to storm out, and Luke and I would have followed, but he paused at the doorway and looked back at Chaos. "And I'm not Omega," Percy said. "My name is Percy." 

Chaos suddenly smiled, but not his nice, fatherly smile. He looked as if he'd been waiting for the opportunity to say something, and now was the perfect time. "Do you renounce my services, Perseus Jackson?" he asked, mocking Percy's name. 

"Yes," Percy glared. 

"Well then," Chaos grinned. "Say goodbye to immortality, Demigod." He trust his hand forward and sent a wave of gold towards Percy, who collapsed to the ground. Luke and I ran to him. There were scars and wounds all over him, which had not been there moments before. 

"What have you done to him?!" I demanded, turning to Chaos filled with rage. 

"Arkham," Luke warned. "Your dark side -" 

"Don't try to stop me," I growled. I felt my head morphing to a skull, which was shrouded with divine dark flames. Doom, my scythe, appeared in my hands and I stepped towards Chaos, who I realized  never truly knew. "Meet Doom," I told Chaos, cutting my scythe through his form as he disintegrated into ashes upon touching the flames. 

Instantly I fell back, my head returning to normal and my scythe disappearing. My energy was drained, I hadn't done anything quite that drastic in a very long time. 

"Luke," I whispered. "Go tell the others - we're home and we're here to stay - 'Chaos' is no more." 

Then I promptly fell unconscious. 

*Luke's POV*

"Chaos is no more and your boyfriend's unconscious," I summarized, looking at Alexa. "Please explain to the others what's going on, but for now I need to get Percy and Arkham to the infirmary. Can you please talk to them? Also, I need to see someone called Tara?" 

"Here!" called a voice. "What did you need?" 

"Information on the whereabouts of Zane Lowe," I said firmly.

Tara looked a little uncertain, and unwilling to answer. "I don't know," she said finally. 

"Someone looking for me?" a cocky voice called. i whirled around to find Zane Lowe standing behind me. 

I turned to Alexa. "Change of plans," I said. "You go get your boyfriend and Arkham to the infirmary - ask for Will Solace if he's not busy talking to Nico, and I'll interrogate this guy here."

Alexa knew better than to question me. She nodded and went off to get the boys. "Tara, you can go," I said. I turned back to Zane. "Now," I said. Tell me everything you know about Chaos before I drag you to the top of the Empire State building and throw you off the 600th floor."

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now