A bit of Background makes your life so much clearer.

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Robin's POV

I was so excited. I knew exactly what would annoy my siblings, and, oh, I was a pro at annoying people, I'd be amazing on this mission!!!
We started sneaking towards the cabins, crouching in the shadows and rolling through between the cabins like professional ninjas. 
I am the craziest child of Demeter ever, but, well, I wasn't always. 
I used to be a scared, abused child, and I am sorry to say I once tried to end my own life. 
Oh no, it's happening again, isn't it? I'm being pulled back to the past.
No! My mind screamed. Not now! I have a mission!!!
I gave a frustrated stamp of my foot, and that was all it took to whisk me away from the present...

It was the 22nd of March, 2013, the last day of my life as a normal human child. 
As normal as you can get when you're an abused child living with Satan-like Aunts and a muderous Uncle. 
And it was my birthday.
"Get your lazy a$$ out of bed!!!" my Uncle yelled upstairs to me. "I have a meeting soon, and I don't want to be late because of some damn sluggish stupid girl!"
I winced at his words from my room, and made haste downstairs. 

He was cussing alot, though if I ever uttered a single word when not addressed questioningly, I knew I'd be hit. 
He glared at me when I came downstairs. "Why aren't you dressed, you stupid girl? I told you to come down here, you damn well come down looking respectful! You're a disgrace!"
My first Aunt, Particia Archibald, sniffed with disgust. "I agree, she's quite a useless freak". 
I wanted to scream at them, to throw something, to announce that it was my damn 11th birthday, but I bit my tongue and held my breath. 
"You're a damn failure, that's what you are!" screamed my Uncle. 
"Prince, where's that damn girl?" shrieked my second Aunt, Aunty Maybel King, Uncle Prince's wife, from the living room.
"She's just coming, the wretch!" he yelled back.
He gave me a slap on the arm. "Now don't you do anything to annoy your Aunts while I'm away", he hissed. "Or you'll be in for it. Remember, they don't know anything about your... abnormality."
I'd always been told I was abnormal. It was never explained, and I certainly never questioned it: rule #1 in this household - don't ask questions.
I hurried into the lounge where Maybel was waiting impatiently.
"I want you to finish darning this dress before your fine Uncle gets, back, hear me?And it needs taken up at the sides. Two and a half centimetres should do it. I'm taking your Uncle out for dinner tonight, he needs an escape from wretches like you."
I didn't complain. Didn't answer with anything but a nod, and sat down to work.
The rip in the dress was large, and I knew it would take me all day to fix it properly.
I sighed quietly, so Aunt Maybel and Auntie Particia wouldn't hear me.
I knew that Aunt Sonya Archibald wouldn't hear me, being half deaf, and anyway, she was still in her room. 
I got out the darning needles and began to work my way over the fabric, humming softly. 
I thought about my mother.
They say she died in the car-crash with my father, who was apparently drunk silly, but there were no bodies at the funerals, so there was no evidence, from my point of understanding. 
I had never met my mother, which was the strangest thing. Some say she was an actress, others say a hopeless wretch who lazed about the house all day.
I know better.
My mother worked in a farming industry. 
She also loved to work with plants, my father often told me.
He hated alcohol. I knew he'd never get drunk.

I was just about at the end of my first reel of thread when the door crashed down. 
At first I thought it was Uncle Prince, back from his meeting. 
Then I heard a bellow.
"Kid??? Where are ya? Robin??? Robin Orchidra, hurry up!" 
I gasped, scrambled to my feet and hurried for the door. 
I looked at the person standing in the doorway and nearly fainted. It was a goat-man, a satyr, I think they were called. From the Greek stories Dad used to read to me at night. 
"I'm coach Hedge", he announced. "And we need to get your poor self to camp."
I almost had a heart-attack then. "Camp? Dad wanted me to go to a camp, but my Uncle Prince and-"
"Uncle Prince huh? He doesn't seem very Charming to me. Anyway, pack your gear and let's go! I've got an impatient Pegasus waiting over there, so you might want to hurry."
"I haven't got anything" I said. "Sir", I added humbly. 
I thought this seemed very peculiar, but if it meant getting away from my abusive relatives I was ready for anything. 
I ran to the Pegasus and Coach helped me on. 
"Good boy, Blackjack", Coach laughed, stroking the pegasus' mane. 
He whinnied impatiently. 
Then we rose up into the clouds, speeding through the sky. 
"WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" I cheered, and I soared towards a new life.

I stumbled over a tree root, and landed flat on my face.
Jace helped me up.
"You okay?" whispered Cathrine, from my left. 
I nodded groggily. 
She gasped softly. "You had another... episode, didn't you?" she asked. 
"Yeah", I whispered. 
She gulped. "Oh, wow. What happened this time?"
"Day Hedge came to get me out", I answered, smiling slightly at the memory. "How long was I out?"
"You weren't", she replied nervously. "You just sort of... fell..."
Jace looked at us with a concerned frown. "Are you two okay? What's going on?"
Cathrine looked like she was going to tell him, but I shook my head. 
"Sorry", I said. "Story maybe for another time. In the meantime, where's our stuff?"
"Come here", said a voice from nowhere. 
I whirled around, trying to find the source of the voice, but I couldn't pinpoint anything.
Then Cathrine gasped. "Lord Chaos".
She curtsied awkwardly. I impulsively did the same. 
A man materialized in front of us. "Yes, I am Chaos", he said, purposely leaving off the 'Lord'. 
"And I have some gifts for you."
He placed a bundle of cloaks on the ground. "Invisibility Cloaks", he said.
"And for Commander Omega... another special gift."
Percy went over to where Chaos stood. "Yes", he asked impatiently and informally.
"Hold out your hand".
Percy did as he was told. Chaos gripped his hand tightly. 
When he released it, he spoke again. "You now have to ability to stop time, for everyone you choose, or, in this case, for everyone except who you choose. Use this wisely, you may find it interesting."
He pointed over the hill. "Just over there you will find everything you need for your... mission. Have fun, and Happy Pranking!" and with that, he disappeared into thin air.

Right!!! New rule!!! I must have a vote and a comment before each update, and I will try update 2-4 times a week. This will depend on how busy I am, ect. 
I love all of you guys, I hope you liked the chapter and stuff, and I really want your opinions and Ideas for future updates. 
I would also like to let you guys know that WE HAVE HIT 5K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited! We are like, halfway through the comments and votes schedule too, and I think this is about my 20th part, so I'm so close to hitting 30!!! 
You guys are amazing, you all deserve some cookies!!! 
(::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) 

What do you think will happen?
Who does Percy like? (@punkrockduckk don't give this away yet please :) 
I LOVe you all so much!!!!

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