A Quest So It Be

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Brok's POV 

Around me, I could sense everyone bowing low to the ground. 
I didn't bother. "What do you want, Lord Hades?" I demanded rudely.
Yes, I'm rude.
But I'm a rude, awesome King of Waves who is better than any other camper this camp has ever known.
I mean, per-lease, I'm just awesome!
I raised my hand, demanding silence.
The sleeve of my shirt fell a little towards my shoulder, but I ignored it.
Until I heard the masses of gasps, followed by laughter.
"Nice... confession," choked Layla Delacour, doubled over with laughter. "Is there a matching T-shirt?"
I looked at my arm, confused and angry.
And there I saw the mark.
I Love Percy Jackson 
What a lie.
"Who did this!" I thundered, making the room shake. Or, well, it would have, if I hadn't choked on my voice, so it came out more like, "Who *wheeze* did *wheeze* this *wheeze*"
The others collapsed into even louder laughter.
I glared daggers at everyone. 
Who was foolish enough to say such a thing?
Hades cleared his throat, and everyone was rendered silent. "ENOUGH!!" he boomed. "Tell me, foolish heroes, where the Great Perseus Jackson is!"
I smirked. "Some 'great' hero he was," I laughed. "He left because his girlfriend didn't like him anymore!"
Apparently I said something wrong, because within seconds, Annabeth's hands were around my t neck, and her nails were digging into my throat. "Take. That. Back," she hissed. 
I rolled my eyes. "It's true, Annie. And you know it. The little scumbag hated you. In fact, he probably still hates you. You know, I didn't like dying. And you will never get a cance to kill me again, you stupid brat. Percy's never coming back for you. Never."
Annabeth let go of my neck and dropped to the floor, shaking in numb shock. 
Honestly, the simplest thing could set the loser off.
She was so sensitive.
I looked up at the Lord of the Dead. "Well, Lord Hades, everyone was told by Lord Zeus himself that my foolish, uh, half-brother, was dead."
"Very well," he replied gruffly. "I have already decided which of you shall go. For Poseidon, Brok here, and Julius shall go. Zeus - Jason and Thalia, Me, My daughter Angela-"
"What about Nico?" Angela protested.
"Nico is... being dealt with," Hades replied edgily. "For Dionysus, Sugar, from the Chaos Army. For Chaos, Br... Bryan?"
"Blake, My Lord," corrected Blake. 
"Whatever," Hades spat. "Blake. For Demeter, Robin Ochidra," he smiled a bit when he said her name. 
I was worried for her.
Wait - what? I don't worry about people. I hate all of these demigod here at this accursed place!
Except Her. 
She was special. Different. Her voice was like a flowing river, her laugh like a peal of bells. 
Shut up, Brok! I told myself. You don't like her. She is nothing special...
I lied to myself. 
I cared about Robin Orchidra. Deeply.
She worked for me, feeding information about the other campers that they would never let me know. She talked to the Dryads and the Nymphs too, and they would never speak to me.
I... loved her. 
And, in my own way, I would let her know some time during this quest.
"-Hephaestus - Chaos army one. Forge or Flame or something," Hades continued. "And Alexa Ray for Hermes." He grinned again, but I grimaced. Alexa was my girlfriend, but somehow she seemed to keep forgetting this.
She always teased me, saying cute things like, 'I hate you! and 'we are not dating!' and other cute little sayings that involved a lot of adorable cussing.
She was sweet, but quite grumpy when she wanted to be. 
"Clarisse for Ares -"
"Duh, Punk," Clarisse interrupted.
Hades rolled his eyes. "Piper for Aphrodite, Taylor Smith for Apollo, Layla Delacour for the Hunters, and, of course, Miss Chase for Athena. Good luck with your... quest."
With that, he disappeared, leaving us with a gaping hole in the roof. 

Suddenly, an irritating boy, who I believed was a son of Hermes, dashed in, followed by one of his halfies. "Annabeth has to go see Cathrine!" panted the first one. They'd clearly been running. 
"And bring a medic too," added the second, who had fiery hair like mine. 
Annabeth looked confused. "What happened?" she asked, rising to her feet.
"Hades," said the first one, looking deadly serious.
"Literally, added the second.
"Why didn't Sarah tell me?" she demanded, moving out the door, the two boys following her, looking concerned.
"Sarah is with Cathrine," the bright-haired boy said.
"Thanks, Jace and Nick," she said, and then she had left.
I rose confidently from the ping-pong table. "Well, good riddance. I believe you are all officially dismissed."
Had Chiron still been there I may have kept my ego in check. But only Mr D was there, and he was my #1 fan. 
Just then, one of the girls, a Chelly or something, came running in. "Where's Annabeth?" she demanded.
"She's gone to see Cathrine," Layla informed her.
Looking relieved, she left again.
I didn't see what the big deal was.
Campers got injured all the time. 
And daughters of the upstart Athena, well, that was even worse.

I left the smashed Rec Room, muttering.
When I was sure there was no-one watching, I pulled out my walkie-talkie. "They fell for it, Mother," I whispered. "They don't have a clue."

So, ppls!!!
What did you think of my awesome chapter?
I bet none of you were expecting it to be Brok's POV, he wasn't the most obvious choice, I don't think.
So, Cathrine was injured by Hades, and Nick and Jace were all concerned for her :)
Aww. I love my own writing.
So. Also Brok likes Robin.
(Sowwy Che. @CheannaBanana502 ) 
Why do you think Cathrine, specifically, was attacked? (yes there is a reason. Work it out and comment your thoughts.)
Question of the Chapter: What is the capital of Bulgaria (yes I stole one of the Shpinxxs' questions.) ?
And people you should follow/read their stories: heydude12 and PurpleBooks11 (PB11 does REALLY cool stories!!!) 

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