Oh, Styx

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Okay hai guys, I love you all, thanks for the votes, comments, etc. I'm in a really good mood at the moment so I'm gonna try to update again today. This new POV is my friend CheannaBanana205's character, so just bear with me. Please. I'm also thinking of doing shout-outs each chapter so what do you guys (and gals) think?

*Robin's POV*

Running through the woods at breakneck speed whilst being chased by a supposedly-friendly hell-hound is not fun. 

Mrs O'Leary was desperate to catch me. Which couldn't be good. 

Camp was crazy. I hadn't been claimed yet, which sucked, but I hoped I was a daughter of Athena or Apollo. I was good friends with an Apollo girl called Chelly, short for Chelline. She'd just had her first break-up with son of Hermes, Jace Euro. Even awkwarder, my friend Catherine, of the Athena cabin, liked him. And, well, Chelly wasn't over that boy yet. Maybe she'd never be. 

Anyway, back to the hell-hound. Everyone kept saying how friendly she was and everything, but I did NOT trust the massive mutt one bit. Apparently she mauls people like Clarisse, the bad people and stuff, and if she can sense stuff like that, then I'm dead. My secret can not be let out, it would mean the end of me. Sure, when I realized what I was doing was wrong, I stopped getting correct information and secretly gave them false information. but no one can ever be allowed to know that I once worked for the enemy. 

That I once worked for Brok Matthias. 

I continued to run, faster, but finally ran out of breath. The mutt, of course, was still full of energy. She picked me up by my collar and carried me to the sword-fighting arena.

Due to the fact she didn't react, I assume my punching and kicking didn't hurt her. Well, Styx. Now I  was dead. Everyone would know i was an enemy if Mrs O'Leary attacked me. And I didn't want to tell anyone else.

*Nico's POV*

I stood there in complete shock. My sword dropped. What???!!! 

I flew at him, tackled him to the ground, and started punching him and kicking him. "You (punch). Idiot (kick). You (punch). Left (kick). Me (punch). You (kick). Idiot!!!"

Then I hugged him. "But thanks for coming back."

He looked a bit shocked, but then smiled and hugged me too. 

I pulled away. "Five years, Percy? What were you thinking?!"

"Brok took everything from me. I lost reason to stay. I had only three people I could trust, and they were almost always busy. So when Brok took Annabeth from me... I couldn't stay."

"I swear I'm going to kill that jerk", I muttered darkly. 

Percy gave a faint smile. "So... why have everyone's opinions about him changed? He used to be such a big shot. What happened?"

I frowned. "It turns out that Brick-Brain had stolen the power of charmspeak from Aphrodite while she slept. There was this big quest to get her voice back - believe it or not, all her voice is charmspeak - so everyone of the best campers had to go on the quest to get her voice back for her. i don't know why they bothered, she was a nicer Goddess when she couldn't speak, but if the quest hadn't happened, Brok would still be the all-powerful hero."

"So, why didn't the charmspeak not effect you, Leo, and Thalia?"

"Only one voice could effect Leo. Ca... Calypso's. Thalia swore off men, so she learned to ignore their words, which worked effectively. And me... I don't know. it wasn't Bianca's voice, or..." I trailed off.

"Or...?" Percy asked softly. 

"I don't want to say." I said childishly.

Percy snorted. "And I never wanted to come back to Earth", he retorted. 

I sighed. "And it also wasn't your voice, Percy. It wasn't the voice of the person who saved my life several times over, who was like the brother I never had. Okay?!" my voice had risen a considerable amount.

He raised his hands in defeat. "I just didn't realize... you cared."

"Well, there are some experiences that can change your perspective of a person forever. Okay? Like when Jason and I went to get Dicoletian's scepter."

Oh, Gods, I'd said that last part aloud, hadn't I?

Oh, Styx.

*Percy's POV*

"What happened when you went to get the scepter?" I asked. "You guys never told me. Apparently the others were told, but not... me..."

He paled, while blushing, if that were possible. "I've already said enough, I think. You tell me what you've been up to the last... what? Five thousand... Chaos years?"

"I learned to read", he said. "And I did a bunch of other stuff." I told him some of it, and he seemed to be interested.

He smiled, then started muttering. "Sei carino quando divagare, lo sai. E seriamente So che probabilmente mi odi, ma mi piaci."

I paused, registering what he said. then I replied. "Lo sono carino? Che cosa? Devo aver frainteso quello. Comunque, io non ti odio, sciocco, tu sei mio amico."

His eyes widened in what could only be terror. "You speak Italian???" he demanded. "Since when?"

"Since Chaos took away my dyslexia and made me learn another language. I thought that if i ever saw you again, it would be cool to be able to speak your first language. i'm still a bit shaky with it though. i must have misinterpreted some of what you said."

"Why, what do you think I said?" he demanded. 

"Uh, something like; 'You're cute when you ramble, you know. And seriously I know you probably hate me, but I like you.' but I'm pretty sure I misinterpreted that."

"Uh, yeah, a bit?" he said.

"What did you say then?" I asked.

"Uh... you weren't supposed to understand it."

"Oh. Curses for me ditching Earth while you suffered 'Brick-Brain's' presence?" I laughed.

He blushed. "Something like that."

I gave him a hug. "Okay, I suck at speaking Italian. Happy?"

He grinned. "If you're happy, I don't see why not."

"Friends?" I held out my hand.

He gripped it and shook it. "Friends."

Right, guys, I added in some Nico/Percy fluff! Don't kill me, i just think nico's too perfect the way Rick created him. And translations. Sei carino quando divagare, lo sai. E seriamente So che probabilmente mi odi, ma mi piaci: You're cute when you ramble, you know. And seriously I know you probably hate me, but I like you.
And: Lo sono carino? Che cosa? Devo aver frainteso quello. Comunque, io non ti odio, sciocco, tu sei mio amico: 
I'm cute? What? I must have misinterpreted that. Anyway, I don't hate you, silly, you're my friend.

So, comment, Vote and follow! And if I made mistakes, don't be afraid to be a grammar/spelling Nazi!

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