Lost in Time

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*Nico's POV*

After bidding a hasty goodbye to Sally, Paul, and the new child, Cathrine and I dashed back outside, where the sky was dark. I scanned it. "Come on please be there..."

A star. A small star. I closed my eyes and wished. I'm not going to say what I wished for, because if you make a wish then tell somebody, that wish won't come true. 

Cathrine looked at me. "You okay to shadow-travel?" she asked with a small smile.

I grinned and nodded. "Yeah. How bout you?"

She pulled a face and shrugged. "I'll get used  to it eventually," she said. 

"I need to think of the map, the last place I saw Percy's camp," I explained. 

She nodded, holding out her hand. I held it, my heart skipping a beat. "Let's go," I said, closing my eyes and focusing. 

Seconds later we were at the bottom of a grassy hill. I turned around to check for immediate danger and saw only a wall of trees behind me. 

"You can let go of my hand now," Cathrine said with a laugh.

I blushed and let go. "Sorry," I muttered, my pale face going red. 

"Don't worry," she said, facing the hill. "I bet Percy's camp is right up there, where they have a good view of all this area."

I nodded, starting up the hill. 

"Um," Cathrine said awkwardly," don't you think they'd be suspicious of a couple of people walking into their camp?"

"Oh well... um... maybe?" I said awkwardly. 

She laughed, grabbing her bow and notching an arrow (not a typical Athena-style weapon, but it worked pretty well for her nonetheless) and then turned to me. "Write our names on the paper," she said, handing me a scroll and quill. I scrawled out our names, handed the paper back to her and she stabbed the paper onto the arrowhead, then shot the arrow high up the hill. 

There were several shouts and yells, and finally I saw two figures walking down the hill. I noticed the awkward distance between them. 

When they got closer, and I could kind of tell who it was, Cathrine took a step backwards.

"Who is it?" I muttered."

"Percy and Annabeth," she said uncomfortably. 

Oh. That explained it. "You'll be cool, kay?" I said, trying to keep her calm. 

"Yup, cool," she said. 

"Nico?" Percy called when they got closer. 

I almost blushed. Almost. "And Cathrine," I said, blushing properly this time. 

"Hey Percy, hey Annabeth," she mumbled.

"What are you guys doing here?" Percy asked - not in an accusing way, but just curious. 

"The quest was a fake," I said simply. 

They gasped. "Are you serious??!!" Percy demanded. 

I nodded. "Though," I added, "once you've sent your troops back to camp you have your own quest. And Annbeth has to go too."

"Wait what?" they demanded at the same time. 

"I smiled grimly. "Your mom, Percy. She's been worried sick about you - and Annabeth, too. And... there something else. Do you know a real Julius?" 

Percy shook his head. "I made up the name..." he said confusedly. "Totally random..."

"Apparently your mom thought it was a good baby name for your little half-brother," I said with a smile.

Percy started grinning like crazy. He ran forwards and hugged me. "Oh my gosh! I have a new half-brother! Mom will be so happy! And Paul, yeah, Paul too! I can't wait to meet Julius, I hope he hasn't eaten all the blue cookies -"

"Whoa, calm down," Annabeth said with a light laugh. "You still have to send the others back to camp first. Though... we could just wait til Brok's asleep and conveniently forget to tell him that we're leaving..."

Percy laughed. "I hate Brok," he said passionately. "I always have."

"Aphrodite's voice is powerful," Annabeth said regretfully. 

"I know," Percy sighed. He turned to Annabeth, looking a little uncertain. Then he held out his hand. "Friends?" he asked cautiously. 

"Friends," Annabeth said with a smile, reaching to shake his hand. 

Percy ditched the handshake and gave her a hug. "I still missed you," he whispered, burying his face in her hair. 

"I missed you more," she sighed. 

"Awwwww!" Catherine said, making them jump apart awkwardly. 

"Just friends," Percy said warningly - though whether he was telling that to Cathrine (who seemed like a massive fangirl of Percabeth) or to Annabeth (who was still in love with him) or to himself, I wasn't sure. 

Well, that was cool. 

"Percy, we should go now," I smiled. 

He nodded. "Oh, okay. See you, Cathrine. Come on, Annabeth."

I turned to Cathrine. "Take the others back to Camp, kay? You'll be right, won't you?"

She nodded. "See ya, Neeks." 

I smiled, blushed, and waved bye. 

Percy, Annabeth and I walked away from the camp. "You like her, don't you?" Percy and Annabeth asked at the same time.

I blushed. "No. Yes - maybe? She has a boyfriend!" 

"Who, Eli?" Annabeth laughed. "She's gonna break up with him soon." 

"Really?" I asked, interested. "Why?"

"Because he's pathetic and my half-sis deserves better. By the way, when we get back, I've got a job for Leo's sister, Tara. Can you remind me later?" 

"You betchya," I agreed as we melted into the shadows. 

*Cathrine's POV*

Nico was so nice. I hoped he was right, hoped I'd be able to get the others back to camp without any trouble. 

I jogged up the hill and looked for someone, anyone, really. Except Brok, who was walking over to me. I cringed. 

"Why are you here" he demanded. 

"Long story actually," I said, trying to stay polite. "Where's Robin?" 

"Over there," he said, pointing towards the dining pavilion-like area. 

I nodded, and walked away from him. "Robin!" I called. "Round everyone up. We're heading home."

Her eyes it up. "Home sounds good," she grinned. "Back to Camp Half-Blood we go." She turned to her fellow questers. "Pack everything up! We'll be heading off in ten minutes! I want this place left spotless!" 

"When did you become the leader?" Layla asked teasingly. 

"I dunno, but she's good at being bossy," Brok said. 

I pretended to vomit and so did Robin. 

"Ten minutes!" she shouted louder, and everyone scrambled away from the dining table. "I can't wait to leave, you would not believe how annoying the boys have been."

"Tell me everything while we walk," I suggested. "I wanna know all I've missed lately..."

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