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Bruce's POV

It was great seeing Cathrine, and just as cool to be claimed by Apollo!
I was so happy, I loved music, archery was super cool, and I was kind of a morning person; I loved to watch the sun rising in the morning. 

Anyways, Cathrine pulled me aside to tell me what was going on. "We are pranking every cabin, okay? Making them super messed up. We are just going to mess up the Minor cabins now. You want to join us?"
I grinned. "Sounds cool!" I cheered. 
She also explained how Percy had stopped time and that, and then we set off. 

In the Hypnos cabin, feather bombs set to go off at a certain time were fixed into every pillow, and buckets of icy cold water were rigged up over head of the bunks, also set to tip at a certain time (when the pillows exploded). 
The Hecate cabin was fun. We took every item, piece of furniture and camper, and turned them upside down and glued them to the roof, and also covered the door with wallpaper matching that on the cabin walls, then making a false outline for the door. It looked like the cabin had been turned upside down, every detail fitting. 
I have no idea how Alex managed to get the campers back into their bunks, but she did, and when we walked outside the cabin again, Arkham put some kind of charm on the cabin to make it so that when time started again, the stuff wouldn't act as if it were upside down. 
I dunno, it was confusing.
Nemesis cabin became similar to an advert for forgiveness, everything was colourful and cheery, and happy slogans like: make peace, not war! and: Forgive, don't seek revenge! were printed all over the walls. 
Nike cabin became a positive 'loser-friendly' cabin, supporting posters of every team that had never succeeded.
Real happy. 
Janus cabin became a Labyrinth of doors and pathways, every twist and turn giving multiple options, mocking their father's 'two easy options' personality. 
When we got to Hestia's cabin, Arkham sighed wistfully. "My daughter is in there", he whispered. 
I was confused, because like, wasn't that goddess like, an eternal maiden or whatever?
But then again, so was Athena. Maybe Hestia's kids were born magically too. Anyways, Arkham looked really sad that we had to trash his kid's place. "Hey, if we skip this cabin, chances are, she might get the blame, solely because she was left alone. Okay?" I said, trying to calm him.
It seemed to work, and Arkham gave me a grateful-looking smile. "Thanks", he whispered. "Let's go."
We set to work, throwing water everywhere except on the magical hearth that lit up the room with a comfortable glow. 
Arkham grinned and wrote above Amelia's bed: Daddy's little girl. 
Percy gave the Dude a friendly hug and we left. 

The others had been working for quite awhile now, and were getting hungry, so Percy set up a picnic under Thalia's pine tree. 
It was quite peaceful and clam, with no wind or noises other than those we made to disturb us. 
I ate too, even though I had only worked on 6 of the many cabins, and the food was good. 
The strawberries and grapes and chocolate were gone in minutes, and then we slowly finished the chicken sandwiches and roast. " 'Ow do yuh mke thuth thtuff tathte so gud?" I asked with a mouthful.
Percy laughed humorlessly. "Getting locked in a kitchen for a month does leave you with little else to do..."
I decided not to ask anymore questions.
I'd learned alot tonight, I decided to chill a bit with the questions for now. 
"It's good," I replied simply, nodding in appreciation. 
Percy looked at the stars, sighing as he looked over the familiar constellations. 
Alexa squeezed his hand, and a small smile twitched across his face, though it disappeared as quickly as it had come.
He sighed, then wrapped his arms around Alexa and held her.
I turned my attention to Chelly. "Uh, so, what have you been up to lately?" I asked awkwardly. Conversation with Chelly always made me feel weird. It was like a thousand butterflies were flying around in my stomach. 
She smiled a bit. "Not much. Camp, training. How about you?" 
"Same old, same old. Mortal middle school," I said with an offhand shrug.
She smiled. "I wish my life were that easy again. It's so... confusing now..."
I wanted to know what she meant, but I decided against asking questions. 
I had enough information for tonight about this new world. Tomorrow was another day. I'd test my new life out then. 

What up, peoples!!! I am ALMOST finished with the pranking chapters, then I'll continue with the actual story, I swear!!! 
I made this chapter in like, fifteen minutes, a little bit after I had posted the 'Real Beauty' chapter, but I kept it awhile, coz I need to space out my posting of chapters. Next update may not be for awhile.
So! Thoughts?
What you want to happen?
POV requests?
Thank you so much!!!

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