Pinecones and Pine Trees

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*Jason's POV*

 Piper McLean. The one name on my mind right now. 
She said she didn't love me anymore. She broke up with me.
I was shattered. 

The one person who I could always count on, who could always explain the tough reality called Life, had given up on me.
It's not fair, I told myself. Not fair!
That is what I told myself. That is what I believed. That is what broke me.

I had lost almost everything. First Percy, the one hero that had actually done something worthwhile for the camp, had left us. Then these people had come from Chaos' planet, claiming to be ex-heroes themselves. Okay, so Bianca and Silenea were. But I didn't trust the Omega dude. He seemed too much like Percy to trust. And now Piper. I couldn't stand it. 

I sat alone in my cabin, waiting for someone to come and talk to me. Explain why my life had to be so hard!

No one came.

*Bianca's POV*

I had everything. I was alive again, free to live out a useful life. I had my bother, alive and... free? Once he found out about Percy he'd be fine. And I had a place on Chaos' planet that I could call home. It was almost too good to be true. Almost. But not quite. 

I was free. 

I went all over camp, not having to hide my face any longer, the breeze rushed across my smile and rustled my hair. I met up with the hunters, and Thalia seemed sincerely glad to see me. 

"It would be perfect if Luke was here", she sighed. "And Percy..." a sad look grew on her face. "But he died", she whispered. 

"How?" I asked. Pretending I was concerned about his death when really I was sick of his teasing jokes and remarks that I had to constantly put up with. 

"I don't really want to talk about it, sorry", she said. "But if he were here, I'd tell him -"

"Tell me what, Pinecone Face?"

Percy had snuck up on her and pulled off his hood.

"Percy!" Thalia screamed, and tackled him in a hug. 
He awkwardly pulled away. 
"Sorry", he said. "But I've already been tackled by Nico, and don't really want any more briuses."
Thalia looked at him. "Well, he missed you alot, you know. Almost more than anyone else... except Leo, I think".

He groaned. "What did he do?"
"Oh, nothing much. Just set the woods on fire, beat Brok all the way to the infirmary, where he stayed in what can only be describe as a pleasant coma for a month. He may have also isolated himself and cried whenever Poseidon's name was mentioned, or yours, or even anything to do with water. And he may have tried to drown himself and everyone who's ever hurt you or insulted you. It didn't work though. And -"
Percy groaned again. "I get it. The idiot missed me."

I looked at him. "Percy, you should really really tell Leo." 

He sighed. "Fine. But you guys have to tell me the best way to scare him!"

I laughed.

Thalia grinned. "He's been watching those Mini Dean YouTube videos. Does that help any?"

I grinned at Percy. "Omega, the new tricks you've been working on!"

He laughed wickedly. "I love the way you think!"

And we went to get prepared for a good prank to welcome ourselves back.

 *Angela's POV*

I lay on the ground, defeated. 
Blood gushed from my wounds, pooling on the ground beneath me. 

The stupid... Satyr. That's what they are, right? Satyrs. The stupid Satyr Glilly Hedge had announced that he was my 'protector' and would get me 'safely' to this camp.

A week ago, I was just a normal twelve year old hanging out at the mall with my friends.
Then I saw a few creepy tall dudes, and they ONLY HAD ONE EYE!!! Each!
If that wasn't weird enough, this weird dude with a cap and stinky jeans showed up and started telling me I had to come with him.

And my life got worse after that. 
The satyr told me that I was a powerful child, a Demigod, I think he said.
He said I smelt a bit like a child of Hades, which made me feel weird. Of course my dad was called Hades. He was Hades Zhang, the best actor in New York since Tristin McLean. 
And I was his daughter, Angela Zhang. 

See? I was perfectly normal. 
Just a misunderstood child who people thought lived the high life. 
No. We lived in a normal house. 
No maids.
No unnecessary luxuries. 
No mother.
A dead brother. 
And an absent father most of the time. 

Judge me if you like, things only got really weird when I reached this pine tree at the place where Glilly old me to run to, a massive tree surrounded by a dragon Glilly told me was called Peleus.
He said I'd be safe there.
I laughed. 

I was never safe.

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