We Capture a Flag

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*Cathrine's POV*

I'd never seen Annabeth look so wild. 
Everyone at camp, of course, knew that the topic of Percy Jackson was off limits around her. 
She was definitely not a person to mess with, being a brilliant fighter and always being able to think on her feet. 
Apparently Nico had had enough of Annabeth for the moment, and decided to annoy her. 
That probably made no sense, but oh well. 

She'd explained the simple battle plan or Capture the flag, and it seemed pretty straightforward. 
Annabeth had entrusted me with guarding the flag, and being the amazing older sister she is, she had made the other guarder of the flag Jace Euro. 
This is why I love Annabeth. 

She is the most amazing, thoughtful sister ever. 
Except maybe for Sarah. Okay, in all honesty, Sarah was the best. She was my favourite person world. 

Anyway, while Annabeth sent the others out to find the other flags, Jace and I remained at the home-base of the flag. I pulled out my weapons, a bow and a quiver filled with about a dozen deadly sharp arrows. My aim was rather poor, in comparison to most, and a moving target was harder to get than one standing still like the targets in our beginners' shooting range. Which is where my dagger came in. I was pretty skilled with this type of weapon, thanks to the many hours of practice that Sarah gave me. I'd wanted Annabeth to teach me, but she was always busy. 

Anyway, I worked pretty well with this weapon. 

I listened out carefully for the rustle of the branches and the heavy breathing of people who'd just been running through the woods at full speed to ether escape pursuers or outrun them. 

Jace smiled at me, holding his sword in a defensive position. He used to train with Percy before Percy... left. He was pretty good with his sword, Styrka. 
Plus, if he was disarmed, Percy had taught him a few moves. 

I held my breath as I heard a sudden noise in the trees...

*Omega's POV*

I fell down laughing like a maniac onto my bed, wiping tears of mirth from my eyes. 
"Oh my gods!" I gasped between laughs. "The look on his face!"
"I caught it on camera!" shrieked Luke, holding his sides and shaking with his laughs. 
"Oh, gods, revenge is sweet!"
Luke nodded in agreement. 
It had been the best game of capture the flag ever. We had won: all seven times. 
"He was so furious, Brick-Brain, he demanded a rematch because he thought we had cheated!" Luke remembered aloud. 
I nodded enthusiastically. 
"And then when we beat him again, I thought his face would spontaneously combust!" 
"OMGs!!" I butted in. "And by the seventh round, Nico brought all four other team's flags over to our side!" 
"OMGs I know!!!" 
"It. Was. So. Much. Fun!!!!!!"
"The look on his freaking face! It was as if his whole head was on fire, instead of just his hair!!!"
"Hades yes!!!"

We went on like this for a while, laughing at Brok's stupid reactions and outbursts. 

Eventually Nico himself came in, doing the special knock on the door to let us know it was him. 
"Oh my gods, you two! You really like messing with Brick-Brain, don't you?! Ares cabin practically slaughtered Brok on the way past the creek. And several other people. It's kind of like tradition, for a lot of people, to go past that spot where you first went on defence, during a Capture the Flag game. So, well, that was why I sent him there. The person on guard there always gets beaten up, for stealing your spot."

"So sentimental", I voiced. 
Nico frowned slightly. "Well, I used to do that too. I used to visit the beach alot as well. Memories. You know?"

I nodded. "Well, after that stuff, I want to play a few pranks. Fun stuff. Make fun of every single cabin. No exceptions."
Luke smiled enthusiastically. "Great idea! The two - three - of us, can go out on a prank-fest tonight. It will be great fun!!!"

I shook my head. "No, not just us. We will need help from a few pranking experts..."
Luke looked up. "The Stolls?" 
"Nah", I said. They need to be pranked too. I was thinking Alexa, Arkham, and... if we can talk to him today, Leo". 
Luke fist-pumped. "Yasssss!!!" 
Nico looked questioningly at me. "Can I help?"
"Of course!" I said, slightly giddy with enthusiasm.
"Great!" Nico grinned. 

I smiled. "Let's go get some recruits".

Oh my gods Guysssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaking 3K reads! I'm so proud of you guys!!! And like, 140 votes, and 100 comments. And this is like, the 18th chapter or something. So we are well on the way to reaching our goal!!!! Next Tuesday Blood of Olympus comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any ideas about what you think will happen with say, deaths, the prophecy, ect? 

And once again thank you guys!!! (Comment what I should call you. I don't like calling you all guys, 'coz most of you are girls) 

Also I have a 2-week holiday at the moment, so I can update a bit more frequently. But I'm not promising a lot, and don't be sad when my holidays are over. 

Byeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! :)

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