Grover gives me a Mini Tour

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Percy's POV

I woke to a loud scream coming from a few bunks over.
It was followed by several short, ragged breaths.
My eyes shot open and found the source of the noise; Alexa Ray, sitting up, wide awake, looking terrified.
A nightmare.
They'd become more common since we'd arrived on Earth, for Chaos' magic wavered when it came to dreaming, so he could not stop the terrible visions we had in our sleep, and Earth interfered strongly through the meddling of the Olympians.
I climbed out of my bunk, wearing my Spongebob Pajama pants that one of the younger of Chaos' 'family' had gotten me last Christmas, the one before we came to camp.
If I remembered correctly, her name was Shelby, and she was adorable, five years old, semi-immortal, so she aged slowly, but still aged.
I was also shirtless, but that was irrelevant.
I crept over to Alexa's bunk, and sat down beside her, wrapping my arms around her.
"It's okay, Alexa, what's wrong, babe?" The words sounded strange, I was rather unused to being in a relationship, but they seemed to soothe her somewhat, and for that I was grateful.
"I had a nightmare," she sobbed quietly.
I felt terrible, her voice sounded broken, she was trembling, tears escaped her eyes - whatever her nightmare had shown her, if it could scare Alexa, it sure scared me.
Alexa was the bravest person I knew, if she was even nervous, I knew i should be terrified.
But instead I felt sad.
Why was she so upset?
"What happened, Alexa?" 
She hesitated before answering. "There was a Shadow Lord. He put us all into Arenas and made us fight to the death in one-on-one combat," she began. "I had to fight Brok, and... and I wanted him to die, Percy. I wanted to make him suffer, he killed my friends..."
"We all want to kill Brok, remember?" I joked, adding a laugh.
She didn't smile, instead she looked more worried, even sadder... "please don't joke, Percy," she said weakly. "I know you're trying to help, but... please."
I nodded.
She was fragile at the moment, something I was unsure how to handle.
I knew how to calm her when she was mad, but this was totally different.
Relationships were so dam hard.
"Hey, you'll be alright," I soothed, rubbing circles in her back.
It often worked when Annabeth was mad - no, Percy, stop thinking about her! You have Alexa now, and nothing can change that!!!
I buried my face in Alexa's hair and hugged her.
She seemed to relax a little, at least, some of her tension eased, and she wasn't shaking so much anymore.
We sat there, enjoying one another's comfort until Arkham woke to find us sitting there together.
He chuckled. "You two are adorable," he said smilingly.
I rolled my eyes. "I know I'm cute, everyone thinks so," I said with a little smirk.
Alexa turned to face me, wrinkling her nose. "Why did you have to change your hair colour, it startles me every time," she complained.
I frowned. "I thought I looked cute!" I protested.
She smiled a bit. "You always think that, you've got one hell of an ego, Percy."
I pouted. "That's not fair!" I said.
She grinned. "Arkham, didn't Grover say he had to show Percy - or as he thinks, Julius - around somewhere? Like a mini tour or something."
Arkham nodded. "Yeah, he seemed eager to talk to you, word got around quickly that you knew stuff about Percy," he explained. "He asked to meet you at Zeus' fist at noon."
I glanced at the clock. "Styx!" I cursed loudly, waking up Silenia and Bianca. It was 11:58, I had two minutes to be there.
I jumped off Alexa's bunk, pulled my shirt on over my head, dashed into the bathroom for a quick freshen up before darting for the door, turning around again to get my shorts on, then ran to the Poop Pile.

I got there with mere seconds to spare, Grover was looking impatient, checking his watch.
He looked up, surprised to see me without my cloak on.
To be honest, I'd forgotten it, but a, no one could have possibly seen me on the way here, I shadow-travelled the second I was out the door, and B, I had my caramel-coloured hair.
"Perrr-cy!!!" Grover bleated, tackling me in a hug. 
Or... I had forgotten to check my hair.
Grover looked at me with wide eyes. "What happened, Percy? What about Julius???" he demanded.
I hung my head. "It was a cover," I admitted, hanging my head.
Grover looked sternly at me. "Perrr-cy, you need to tell them!" he said indignantly.
I shook my head, there was no way I could tell anyone.
A lock of hair fell in my eyes. A lock of dark hair.
I focused, and my hair turned caramel. 
Grover stared at me in wonder. "How do you do that?" he asked, gesturing towards my hair.
"Magic," I said dismissively. "Now, what were you going to show me?"
Getting back to business, Grover pulled his eyes away from my hair, face still alight with curiosity. "I have to give you a tour of the new, extended woods, and the magical properties."
I looked at the woods around us with new interest. "Interesting. Shall we go?" I asked.
Grover nodded. As we walked, he began to give an enthusiastic explanation of what was going on with the trees, some possessed magical healing properties, others had nectar instead of sap, some had ambrosia bark.
They were all truly extraordinary... it was amazing.

I was jolted out of my assessment with a loud roooooar! followed by a face-full of slimy drool.
Wiping my face off with my t-shirt, I looked up to see my attacker.
I gripped Midnight, ready to change it into a sword within an instant's notice.
"Ah, at last, my old friend," I said softly, seeing the monster. "We meet again."
The Minotaur had arrived.

Yoyo, wassup mah homies??!!~ (I'm kidding I'm sorry that was terrible, remind me to never speak like a drunk gangsta again)
I updated again, I love updating this story.
I wish I could put more, but yeah... I have to go read to my little bro.
Night night, whoever lives within the same time-zones as me!!! ALSO, THANK YOU FOR LIKE, 21.8K READS!!! OMGs, this is like a dream come true.

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