Ashes to Ashes

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Nico's POV

I'm Nico di Angelo.
And I was not invited upon this quest that my father chose the demigods for.
And I feared I knew the reason why.

Lilly Cahill was a very kind girl.
A girl that even my father would have a difficult time insulting. 
So much of a difficutl time insulting, in fact, that he'd decided he quite admired her. Admired her so much he wished that I admired her too.
And I did, as he had wished. She was a highly admireable girl. She was intelligent, friendly, caring, strong, brave, and a skilled fighter. 
But, unlike he wished, I didn't like-like her. 

"Hai, Nico," called Cathrine, from the Athena cabin. "Could you help me train? I've gotten kinda slack lately. I'm not terribly good anymore." She gave a sheepish grin. 
I gave her a small smile. I understood the fact that she was out of practice, but hey, that could only be expected when one day you were smashed into a rock by an angry god, the next kidnapped by a crazy Telekhine. 
I felt partially responsible for her injuries, it was my own father who had thrown her into the rock, because she had refused him information that his own son had.
He hadn't known that. 
I felt guilty anyway. 
"Um, I don't know, I think my father planned to visit me later today," I said guardedly, nobody in the camp knew my father sent me off on mysterious quests that ended up with me being chased by dragons, mauled by drakons, and maimed by monsters. 
Of course, people asked in passing why I was so injured, but I made up excuses and they avoided further conversation. 
I was used to it, but I still felt alone... 
Being a son of Hades was not a welcome idea, contrary to what the camp leaders assured me. 
I would always be the outcast.
But enough of my rant, back to what my father wanted...

 "What do you want, Father?" I demanded.
Hades glared at me, a thunderous expression plastered on his face. "Don't take that tone with me, Di Angelo," he spat.
"You knew, didn't you?" I asked. "About Bianca still being alive in this life?"
He gave a small half-smile. "I am pleased for Bianca, and glad she can continue her life the way she was first born."
I knew the real meaning behind his words, You stole Bianca from my realm, but as she is my favourite child, I shan't criticize. 
I know what my father is like, he is mysterious to a point where his motives are clear.

Percy's POV

I am Perseus Jackson.
I was the leader for this pitiful quest that Hades sent us upon. 
Until Miss Chase decided to be bold and denounce me as leader, claiming the position for her own.
I claim to hold nothing against this blonde beauty, though my heart knows this is a lie. 
She destroyed my old life, left me with nobody but Chaos to turn to.
He made me a ruler. A leader. A hero. 
So, perhaps I should thank this blonde nightmare that stands before me now. 
Telling me- 
"Percy, what the Hades are you doing? We need to move. we don't have long now, our time is wasting."
I laughed. "What do you suggest we do, while the Orphitorius feasts? Our friends need food and water too, and rest. Not all of us are tireless immortal beings. You need rest, they need rest, and the Orphitorius needs rest. and since we all know that the real leader of this accursed quest is the aforementioned bane, I doubt you should claim your right among the best of them, for your a scared little girl who has no clue as to what's going on."
Her eyes filled with tears and to my delight, she tuned away, not wishing to say anymore. I always had something to blame on her. 
She never denied any of it either, though I knew, deep down, not all of my harsh words were filled with a pang of truth. 

I trailed over to Alexa, anxious to speak with someone who knew me, understood my mind, and still cared for me anyway. 
"Percy," she greeted, giving me a warm, though tired smile. 
"Alexa," I returned, giving her a hug and a peck on the cheek.
She blushed and I laughed. Alexa was perfect. she knew me, as who I was.
"Are you alright?" I asked routinely, and she nodded. 
"well, Taylor thought she saw somebody over in the trees about a hundred yards North-West, but I'm pretty sure it was nothing. Taylor is known at camp for her vivid imagination."
"Are you certain?" I pressed, wanting to be on high alert in case she wasn'.
"I'm not totally sure," she admitted, biting her lip in uncertainty, "but we can handle it, no matter what, right Percy?"
I hesitated before answering. "Having so many people on a quest is almost always a disadvantage, you know that, right?" 
Alexa nodded, looking nervous after my non-confirmation of safety.
"It means we have a higher chance of someone getting hurt. Now, if we use blondie as bait..."
"Percy, just because you dislike Annabeth doesn't mean we need to use her as bait for the enemy!" Alexa chided.
She thought for a moment. "Why don't we use Brok instead?"
I cracked a small smile. "Okay. If he goes down, it's no loss. In fact, the camp would probably celebrate his death."
"He... he's not easy to kill off, you know, right?" Alexa asked. "I mean, he 'died' the same day as you. But... he came back to life... that's what the camp was celebrating when you came to camp that day. He was described as being 'so evil he could be a child of the Pit."
Back in old times, when I was of younger spirit, less wise, less mature, I would have made a joke out of that. Saying he smelled like and armpit or something. 
But I was more mature now. More knowledgeable. wiser. Less trusting.
I didn't make jokes. Surely Alexa knew that... didn't she?
After all I'd seen and been through, who expected me to keep a good sense of humour? Humour was for those who had to hide  pain.
Like Leo.
Or maybe Jason.
People who didn't want to look defeated in front of their followers.
I was like another boy. A boy who had lost everything, and still kept the clarity of his youth. 
Nico. I was like Nico. 
Minus the youth. 

Hai peoples, it's great to update again, I had a bit of writer's block, but now I've updated. I hope you guys don't hate me for taking ages to update!
What did you all think of the chapter?
I hope you liked it.
POV requests?
New character requests?
Question: Who is your fave character from the story that ISN'T PJO/HOO?
And why?
So yeah.

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