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*Annabeth POV*

I was the most miserable demigod at camp, and that was saying a lot. 

Three years ago, to the day, we lost our greatest hero of camp. 

A son of Poseidon, a hero beyond measures. 

A son of Poseidon... merely the mention of the God's name brought me back memories of contempt for his other son. The older one. The one who didn't die.

The lover that healed my weak heart. The lover that made up for my first love... 

We gathered at the campfire that evening. The campfire was a respectful yellow. And it was low, in honour of the hero that left us. 

"To the son of Poseidon!" Chiron called. 

"The son of Poseidon!"


*Percy's POV*

I materialized at the boarder of camp, complete with a mask and hooded cloak. 

Chaos realized that we couldn't simply walk into a place where we were believed dead. That would be awful. Funny, but awful.

I could hear the sound of campers at the campfire. "The son of Poseidon!"

I groaned. Probably a tribute to Brok. 

They still remembered people like him thousands of years in the future. 

That is mega annoying. 

I turned to my fellow army members. 

"We're going in. Okay?"

They nodded shakily.

I grinned nervously under my mask.

"Then let's go!"

We charged into camp with ease, and stopped just after Thalia's Pine Tree, until the campers realized that we were there, and blew the conch horn.

I rolled my eyes. Gee these campers were unprepared. If we were evil demigods, they would have and extremely hard time defending themselves. 

I walked over to a place in front of the pine where the campers had hastily assembled. 

I scanned the crowd, most of them seemed totally unfamiliar, though I guess a lot can change in three millenia.

The camp itself was still very much the same. I was surprised at how little they had modernized, then realized that demigods don't work well with too much tech. 

"Camp Half-Blood!" I shouted to the shocked crowd, silencing their murmurs and chatters. 

"The gods have called us to help you in the upcoming War!"

"Who are you?!" I heard a feminine shout from in the crowd. It sounded like Annabeth. But that was impossible!

I shrugged it off. I must have been over-reacting. 

"I am a..." I paused. "The Lieutenant of Lord Chaos himself!"

"He's a real hero!" chimed in Glamour.

I gave her a mind-scowl.

She laughed. 

(A/N The Chaos Army can talk to each other telepathically)

I sighed. 

"I am one of you old campers", I said wearily.

"Who are you? Your name and all?" called another voice from the crowd. I could have sworn it sounded like Jason. 

"I am known as Omega", I informed the crowd. "This is Glamour, Memory, and Sugar", I said, pointing at each of my comrades respectively. "And this," I gestured to Luke, "Is my second in command, Alpha".

"Alpha and Omega", I heard someone mutter. I swear I had my old friends on the brain. This camper sounded like Leo!

"Well, what are your real names?!" cried one who sounded like Hazel.

"We have our own reasons for why we do not wish to be known", I said shortly. 

Chiron stepped forward. "You have come at a very disruptive time", he said grouchily.

"Why?" I asked softly".

"Today is that of which we celebrate the death of our greatest hero ever known to camp."

"The son of Poseidon" I said blankly, echoing his words. 

"Yes", he said, a little surprised. "How did you know?" 

I shook my head mysteriously.

He fell back into what seemed like a trance. "Of course, we also acknowledge the death of his... half-brother... today. Though it is a displeasureable memory that we hold of him."

I could have sworn that he muttered something about, "That boy could have been one of Tatarus' children, he was so evil".

I blinked back tears. This was my old mentor speaking. And he was saying that I was evil enough to be spawn of Tatarus. 

Nobody deserved a comment like that. 

And when I say Nobody, I mean nobody, not Nobody... aw, you know what I mean!!!

 Man my life is complex...

 How am I supposed to stay at a place where I am an outcast? A despised creature lowlier than a giant?

I guess Luke - I mean, Alpha, was feeling the same way, because he was shifting uncomfortably on his feet. 

"You okay?" I asked him softly. 

He nodded shakily. "Just wondering how they're going to think of me", he sighed. 

I nodded. I knew how he felt. Life here was going to take a little getting used to. 

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now