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*Percy's POV*

I woke up in the infirmary surrounded by all my ex-army members. "Where is Chaos?" I asked, my voice raspy and throat dry. 

Alexa looked at me in concern. "You've been out for awhile. You've missed much. A lot..." she looked at her feet. "A lot has changed now." 

"Where's Nico?" I asked Bianca. 

She looked at me curiously, tilting her head to the side and trying to read my emotions. "He's with Roran. Roran Herondale." 

I felt as if I should know the name, but it didn't ring a bell to me. "Who's that?" I asked. 

She blushed. "He's my... boyfriend, I suppose. Well, we've been on a few dates at least, I'm not really sure exactly..." 

"But is he known for anything?" I asked. 

"He says he's a son of the True Chaos. I don't know exactly what that's about, but he's bonded with Blake pretty well, so I guess they are halfies, at least. He's known for his scythe-work - he's the best with the particular weapon in the camp." 

Luke snorted. I shut him up with a glare. "Can you go get him?" I asked. "And Nico, I need to talk to him."

Alexa looked at me uncertainly. "Percy, I really think you need to be caught up to speed with what's happened -" she began. 

"I'm fine," I said, as a sudden cutting pain seared across my forehead. Alexa winced when she looked at me. "What's wrong?" I demanded. 

"Maybe you should get a mirror..." she said hesitantly. She grabbed one and handed it to me. 

I looked at my face. The word 'mortal' was cut into my flesh, and angry red string of scars. I winced in pain. "That scumball..." I muttered.

There was a knock on the infirmary door. "Who is it?" Alexa called. 

"Will Solace," the familiar voice said. "I'm here with Roran and Nico." 

I shot a glance at Bianca. She hadn't left the room, why were they here so quickly? She looked just as confused as I felt, but she opened the door. 

In stumbled Will, in perfect health as always, along with a pale, dirty-blonde boy with grey eyes that wouldn't have been out of place among Annabeth's siblings. "Where's Nico?" I asked. Then I saw the unconscious bundle in Will's arms. 

"What happened?" Bianca demanded, running towards her brother. She picked him up and placed him carefully on another infirmary bed. He had blood running down his face and what looked like a stab wound on his cheek. The awkward positioning of his arm suggested that it was broken. 

"Malcom will be here with Cathrine and her friends soon enough," Will said, not explaining anything. 

The blonde guy, Roran, I assumed, spoke. "Will and I were just talking, and Nico said he wanted to go visit Cathrine, so I let him go off. He apparently reached the Arena where she was and met Chaos - or at least, the one who called himself Chaos. Nico tried to walk past and the impostor Chaos slammed him into the ground with magic, and then slammed a wall of dirt at Cathrine, knocking her down then burying her. Malcom and her friends are trying to free her now but it might..." he hesitated, then lowered his voice so Nico couldn't possibly hear, "be too late." 

I shot a sympathetic glance at Nico. The blood kept trickling down his face, so Bianca grabbed a damp cloth and started wiping the blood away carefully. Will went to help her. 

"Sounds like I did miss a lot," I agreed, turning back to Alexa. "What happened to me? Who is Chaos? And what happened to everyone else?"

She took a deep breath, then, with the help of the other Army members (why were there more than I remembered being sent to Earth?) explained everything. 

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now