Hephaestus' Automatons

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Leo's POV

"Team Leo, Baby!!!" 
I was standing outside the Hephaestus cabin, cabin 9, feeling like I was on a sugar high.
First Percy, now pranking? Today - uh, tonight? - was my lucky night. 


We stood, armed with weapons and deadly assets - AKA, some of the pranking gear I had whipped up that was sure to really annoy some of my half-siblings. 
Deciding that face-paint was unworthy for my halfies, I grabbed a handful of soot and put war-paint-type lines on their faces with the powder. 
Giggling, I skipped like a drunk monkey (and trust me, I know what I'm talking about), and took a big rubbish bag and started collecting some of the most prized creations off the workbenches.

Harley's Harley got carefully moved out the door, Nyssa's cleaning robot got scooped into the trash-bag, along with Aster's tooth-cleaning laser and Sara and Jazime's thought-writer (which, admittedly, they'd had help from Annabeth with), and many more important inventions all got scooped up and taken out the door. 

But wait. Please, don't go, just wait a minute. 
Did you actually think that I would destroy any of these inventions???
Hell to the nah! (Or would that be Hades... never mind.)
I hid some of them in secret places. Others though? I could use them for later on.

After a few more... changes... were made to the cabin, we all crept back out into the night.
Why we crept, I don't know why. Everyone was asleep.
Maybe we just felt like creeping around.
Deal with it. 


I rubbed my hands together, feeling like a criminal mastermind from a really cool movie. 
"So", asked Alexa. 
"Which cabin next?" added Jace. 
Percy rolled his eyes. "I was thinking, which cabins have we not pranked?" he asked. 
Alexa pulled out her notebook. "Uh, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Athena, and Aphrodite." she said without hesitation. 
"Take on Demeter next", he said confidently. "Uh, if that's okay, Alexa?"
She grinned and nodded. "No problem, commander. What's the plan?"

We hurried around the cabin.
I had the most fun, I think, setting almost every non-magical plant on fire, and watching them shrivvel up.
Other had sensered springs put into their planter boxes, when motion near it was detected, a jack-in-the-box type sucker-punching fist would attack. 
It was a pretty cool invention, if I did say so myself.
We tagged the walls with stuff like "Plant Haterz", and "Down with Green!"

Then Alexa heard a scream.
"What was that?" she hissed.
I shrugged, I hadn't heard anything.
"The scream", she said, narrowing her eyes. 
Percy was at her side instantly. "Where did it come from?" he demanded.
She pointed out the door. "I just... heard it..." she said, her voice shaking ever so slightly. 
Percy's mouth was set in a hard line. "Are you sure?" he said.
"Yes!" Alexa sounded impatient. "I did hear it! And I don't know who or what it was. But we should find out".
Exchanging a quick glance with Percy, we headed out the door, at a jog. 

Alexa led us towards Half-Blood hill. 
Peering towards Thalia's Pine tree, I could see Peleus standing up, and boy, he was mad. 
"Wait here", I told the others. "I'm fire proof. That should keep me alive long enough to save... whoever got to close to the Fleece."
Percy seemed reluctant, but he let me go.
I could see Alexa nervously gripping Percy's arms.
As much as she tried to hide it, Alexa had a very sentimental side, and didn't like innocents to be harmed (clearly, none of her halfies were 'innocents').

I ran towards the Dragon, waving my arms and shouting "hey, Pally! I'ts me, Leo! You know, your best buddy!"
I doubt it would last, but at least I'd averted the dragon's attention. 
I spotted a kid, maybe twelve, thirteen, struggling to stand up. 
I gestured for the kid to come towards me, and he seemed to get the message.
He waited until he was certain the dragon was focused on me, then bolted towards where my friends were. 
I wasn't sure exactly what happened, but I heard one of the girls squeak "Bruce! You're a demigod?"
Then the dragon decided to be rude and come towards me. 
"Uh, hey buddy", I said nervously. "I'm not gonna touch the fleece, don't worry."
I ran back to where the others were waiting. 
"So who's our dragon friend?" I asked, on eyebrow raised. 
"Bruce Collins", Cathrine answered for him. She bushed and ducked her head when Alexa nudged her. "I know him from school!" she protested. 
"Suuuure", Robin laughed. 
Cathrine let out this exasperated half-scream half-sigh. 
"We. Are. Just. Friends." she huffed, emphasizing each word. 
Alexa looked at her for a moment, thn nodded. "Yeah, that's all goods. Sorry."
Cathrine nodded, smiling. "Thanks". 
I looked at Bruce. "Uh... Parent?" I asked.
Suddenly, Apollo's symbol blazed over his head. 
For the first time that night... uh, morning? Chelly looked with interest.
"You're my half-brother!" she said happily. "This will be sooooo cool". 
I smiled. 
At least that was them sorted. "Should we let him prank with us?" I asked Percy.
Alexa overheard us. "Yeah, I think we should. He seems pretty cool. Despite the whole screaming-like-a-girl thing, but yeah. Why not?"
Percy nodded in agreement. I punched his arm. 
He scowled at me. "Later, okay?!" he huffed. 
"Okay", I said, waggling my eyebrows at him.
He rolled his eyes, and I grinned, walking back to the pile where all our stuff was.

Thoughts. Opinions. I need your ideas!!!
We still have like, 6 chapters left with the whole prank-fest, so I need to know if this is getting boring or what.
Do you like this prank stuff?
Should I hurry it up?
What do you think of the new character?
What do you think Percy's secret is?
Also, what do you guys think of EkaterinaSemiramis' story? (She called me a P.I.T.A >:( ) 
Please be a helpful reader and press that little star. I know you know how ;) So go ahead and Vote! It only takes a moment! And comment!! It only takes a second! And follow me! It only takes a minute! 

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