Alexa VS pit of Fire

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Alexa's POV

I was about to call BS on the screaming when a dark shape came out of nowhere and grabbed me. 

I swung my sword in an arc and soon a bloody waterfall cascaded to the ground from the monster's arm.

It healed quickly.

"Styx", I mumbled. 

"Hello, Dearie", said the monster. "You should be honoured. Few heroes get to be eaten by Ma Gasket".

A plan started to form in my mind.

"That's because you don't catch many!" I yelled up at her. 

"Do you want to know why?!" I yelled.

Ma Gasket's greedy eyes grew wide.  "You know how to capture demigods? Tell me!" Then she shook her head. "No, this is a trick", Ma Gasket muttered. "They are all tricksters". 

"I'm sure you want to eat me though", I replied in a sad tone. "I know I'll taste very good. A demigod like me could never taste stringy or be extra tough. I'd be the best appetizer. I know, I'm sorry you have to eat me M'am, but I know it's for the best, because that way I can't tell you how to trap more demigods..."

"No!" she cried, beginning to pace. "I must know the secret! Tell me more, pathetic demigod or I'll -" 

"Or you'll eat me?" I said in a bored tone. "I'm fine either way, I don't really mind to be a sacrifice to a monster's stomach."

I was using Percy's least favourite strategy; the Annabeth. 

She'd done something similar when facing Arachne. Just pretend you can offer something better than a death or a snack. 

He didn't like using it because it reminded him too much of Annabeth, which I found stupid and funny at the same time. 

It was a great strategy, but man, he could hold a grudge worse than Nico. 

I didn't know if Annabeth would live through this visit, Percy being so anti-Annabeth. 

Baaaack to the point...

Ma Gasket seemed to think things through for awhile. "I must learn this secret", she was sighing. "But I'm so hungry!"

"I know what to do", I said. "But If you're really hungry, you probably need to eat."

She scowled. "You insolent girl! Tell me what to do, or I will... I will..."

"Eat me?" I suggested bordedly. 

"Yes! No! Wait, what? No! I will not eat you!" she cried.

"Well, I find that hard to believe", I said.

She roared. "Never mind, demigod! I have changed my mind! I shall eat you!" 

She raised me towards the fire place, and then suddenly... time stopped...

Everywhere around me, time seemed to freeze. Only I was moving. 

I wriggled awkwardly out of Ma Gasket's grasp and pulled out my knife, from up my sleeve. 

I experimentally slashed her, and she exploded into dust. Except the dust hung in the air.... it was weird. 

I turned to where I'd come from. I started walking back to the site, hoping that Leo was there safely. 

I started to jog, because I couldn't be bothered walking slowly. 

I was a few turns away from the site when someone crashed into me, and we borth went sprawling.

It took me awhile to realize I was lying awkwardly on them, and I hastily picked myself up, then offered the person my hand to help them up. 

It was Percy. 

I grinned. "Worried about me?" I smirked, making Percy blush.

"No", he denied. "I was just... worried about you..."

I smiled. He was a pretty cool best friend. 

He looked worried again. "What happened to you?" he demanded. 

"Eh, nothing I couldn't handle", I smiled. 

He ruffled my hair in a friendly way. "You know what Alexa? You're not too bad".

I laughed and rolled my eyes. 

He was so sappy. Typical Percy, always so concerned about his friends. 

"Tell me something I don't know", I joked. 

"So I could tell you anything and that would be fine?" he asked innocently. 

I punched him on the arm. It was only a gentle punch, but he made a big deal about it as we walked back. 

When we entered the clearing, Leo was waiting impatiently. "Did you tell her, bro?" he asked Percy.

I looked at the two boys in confusion.

"Tell me what?" I asked suspiciously.

Leo grinned. "Tell you that perdilufsyw", the last part of that was muffled by Percy's hand,  for he had covered Leo's mouth.

I frowned at him. "What are you hiding from me?" I demanded.

"Nothing!" he said.

"Is it 'coz I'm Asian!?" I yelled, and soon everyone was laughing, including me. 

"But seriously", I said. "What's this thing Percy's supposed to tell me?"

"Tell you later", he said, half blushing awkwardly, half glaring at Leo.

I shrugged, trying to forget it, but my mind was racing. 

What did he want to tell me?

What was this secret???

Right, so, everyone (PunkRockDuckk excluded), try to guess what the sitch is. And what will happen next? (Okay, the second part you can answer, PRD.)

And if your character hasn't been featured yet, can you comment a reminder for me?

And any ides, all are appreciated!

Or if you even want me to tell me that my story is stupid, or be a grammar Nazi, I would still appreciate it. 

Thanks, guys, I luv u all!!!

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