Telling Dad

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*Luke's POV*

 I paced the cabin aimlessly, hoping for an explanation to be messaged into my mind. 
Chaos had told me earlier that something big would happen soon. 
I had no idea what that meant, but I wanted an explanation.

A sharp knock on the door sent me whirling around to face the entrance.
The knock came again. "You can just come in, Perce!" I yelled out, and continued pacing.
I had better things to do than answer the door to my cabin.
Seriously, my pacing was important. 

The knocking was persistent. "Perce!" I yelled. "Just come in! Break the lock if you want!"
"Okay, I will", came a voice. Not Percy. Styx. 
I heard the lock snap and the handle turned. 
I quickly pulled up my hood. 

But not soon enough.

"Hello, Luke", my father said. "I missed you."

*Percy POV*

 Nico was my friend. It was the first good thing that happened to me since I'd come back to Earth. 
The only good thing... man, I needed to get a life.

I walked back to the edge of the woods with him.

He regarded me with those dark eyes that once seemed so cold, but now I know were just lonely. 
He frowned a bit. "Are you going to tell the others?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I'll tell Thalia and Leo. That's about it."

"What about Annabeth?" he asked. 

"What about Annabeth?" I echoed.

*Layla's POV*

"Miss Delacour, you should be dead".

Those were the first words I heard from my mentor, Chiron.

Really friendly, huh? 

I mean, a, 'hello, nice to meet you' would have been nice, however fake it was.

But I know enough fakes.

Life as a daughter of the abyss was tough. When monsters come at you every five minutes and you live in a world where people of your own kind are scared of you? I couldn't understand.

In the mortal world, where nobody knew my secret, I was accepted. At school, anyway. When I used to go.

Tartarus claimed me on my 5th birthday. it was my best day and my worst.

My parents grew distant with me, acting as if I were dynamite about to explode.

But I developed powers. Shadows bent to my will, deception became a natural talent, and darkness was where I shone.

I became a despicable being, no longer fitting in at home. 

After awhile I got bored of my teachers, so I started playing truant. Yeah, call me a rebel call me what you will, some days school was worse than home.

I know I sound like a bad person, but, I assure you, I truly try to be good. I am simply misunderstood. Because of my true parentage.

That's so... judgmental.

Anyway, Chiron said to me, "You should be dead."

I looked at him, with a 'so?' expression plastered on my face.

"I'm guessing you want to know why. You are a demigod child of Tartarus. The only Demigod child of Tartarus. Theoretically, you should never have been born. But as you were, you should be so powerful that you should have attracted so many monsters they would have killed you."

I looked at him blankly.

"I expect this is a lot for you to take in, I'm sure."

I spoke for the first time to him. "Not really, I already knew. I'm a child of the Abyss. The evil one. Almost-slayer of the two greatest heroes of Camp Half-Blood, Percy and Annabeth. My father likes to let me know what happens in his world."

My voice sounded threatening. Cold, even. No, I just wanted to explain. That my father is not as monstrous as they say he is. He cares for his children. For me, anyway.

That was what I believed. 

That was what he tricked me into believing.

*Luke's POV*

"What are you doing here?" I demanded. 
He sighed. "Are we really having this conversation?"
I smiled. "I don't know, Lord Hermes."
He sighed again. "Please, none of that 'Lord' stuff, Luke".
"Why should  listen to you, old man?"
"Please, Luke-"
"No! Give me one good reason why I should listen to you!"
A small smile crossed his lips as he spoke. "Luke, I am your father".

Wow. He went there.

He 'Star Wars'ed me. "Seriously!?" I yelled, but I was smiling now. The only other Olympian I could think of using their kid's fandom to bend their will against them is Athena. 

Geez, that's scary.

I smiled at my dad properly. "Let's start again", I suggested. 

He nodded. "Luke, I am your father".

I rolled my eyes. "Hi, dad."

He pulled me into a manly hug and we cried a few manly tears.

So, what do you people think? Third update today! I love all the votes and comments I've been getting! Thank you all! You are Frankly Amazhang!

And if you want to be a character in the story you can PM me/ Comment the deets any time.

Luv y'all!

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