Trouble at the Ministry

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*Angela's POV*

Hades often looked old, tired and creepy, and when he appeared in the middle of my pot of chili sauce was no exception.

"Father!" I exclaimed, dropping the ladle I was using to stir with and jumping back in shock. "What do you want?"

Hades scowled. "Get the Alexa girl to scout the trees in half an hour. If you succeed with this, you will be rewarded, my daughter."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously. "What do you want with Alexa?"

He frowned at me. "You ask too many questions. If you succeed, you will be rewarded greatly. If you fail..." a creepy smile fell upon his face. He drew a line with his finger across his throat.

I understood this message loud and clear. I nodded, terrified, and waved my hand through his smoky form so he disappeared just as Layla walked over, smiling tiredly. "How's the dinner going?" she asked as I turned to stir another pot of food.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair and then glancing subconsciously at the chili pot. "Getting there. Should be ready soon enough," I said wearily.

It felt weird keeping secrets from Layla, even though I kinda planned to tell her later. If I was still alive when Hades found out I hadn't taken orders from him.

"You okay?" Layla asked, studying my face for a moment. I tried to keep my expression neutral, but she saw through my acting. "What's wrong?" she asked, genuine concern lacing her tone.

"My father was here," I whispered, after making sure nobody else was close enough by to listen.

Layla looked around wildly. "What? Where? Where did he go?"

"No, not here, here. In the chili pot."

She looked at the chili pot like it was some demonic object.

"He was a smoke apparition, He wasn't actually here, here," I explained hurriedly.

She shot another suspicious look at the chili pot. "Excuse me if I don't have any chili tonight," she said.

I smiled a little. Layla was great at lightening the mood.

Then I remembered what had happened. "He threatened to kill me," I said quietly.

Layla gave me a hug. "He won't hurt you. You've got me." And then, as if deciding she didn't think that was a very comforting thought, she added, "and Percy and Alexa and Annabeth."

I cracked a small smile. Then... "yeah, um, dad wanted me to send Alexa scouting through the trees in half an hour. I think he planned to capture her and hold her hostage so he could exchange her for Percy. And Percy would have gone with that."

She nodded. "He really cares about her... send Annabeth instead, Percy will think more rationally and then take care of your dad."

I frowned. "What if Annabeth got hurt? As bad as what she did was, that was under the influence of Aphrodite's voice. Which, to her, sounded a lot like Percy's voice, I bet. Imagine how creepy that would be, Brok with Percy's voice..." I shuddered.

Layla nodded thoughtfully. "So what are you going to do?" she asked.

"Tell Percy everything," I decided. "He's bound to know what to do."

She nodded. "I'll stay watch the dinner, you go tell him."

*Annabeth's POV*

"Percy, what would you do if you found out you had a twin brother who looks pretty much like you except for a scar on the side of his head and a different shade of green eyes? Also with glasses."

It was dinner time, Angela and Layla had served it and I was talking to Percy for what felt like the first time ever.

He frowned. "I dunno. I'd probably want to talk to him and get to know everything about him, I guess. Ask him about his life. Swap stories. Joke. Maybe watch some movies." He cracked a small smile. "The usual 'bro' kind of thing. What about if you had a twin sister who had frizzy brown hair and was even smarter than you?" he said in a slightly challenging tone.

My eyes widened. "You've read Harry Potter?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded. "I think Ron's pretty cool. Escaping the friend-zone and all. Neville's my favorite though."

"Neville?" I asked, intrigued. I'd always though he was a bit silly, even though he was quite spectacular near the end of the series.

"Yeah, Neville. He's just a lost kid with family problems trying to fit into the magical world. He's nice, a bit bashful at the start, but he's really loyal. I know that's not why most people call him a 'bit of a Hufflepuff', they think he's a bit stupid, honestly, but I know he's really loyal and just. But he's also really brave, how he copes with all his personal problems and then he ends up getting really into the fight to stand up for what he thinks is right. That's true Gryffindor bravery."

I looked at him in awe. "You really have read the books, haven't you?" I asked with amazement.

"Down to the very last word," he summarized. "Hey, which Hogwarts House would you want to be in, and which one do you think you'd actually be in?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Well, I think it would be great to be Gryffindor-brave, but I think I'd be put into Ravenclaw, honestly."

He nodded. "I'd want to be a Hufflepuff. Nobody gives them the credit they deserve. It's not that easy being loyal all the time. Sometimes you can start to doubt your friends. It's difficult to forgive, especially quickly. But I want to be like a Hufflepuff an be able to forgive." All of a sudden, his expression darkened. "But Gryffindors don't always have to forgive. They can hold grudges for a while. That's why I think I'd be put into Gryffindor."

I realized what he was saying. He wanted to be able to forgive me, but he wasn't ready to yet.

I looked at him, waiting till he lifted his head and met my eyes. "Percy?" I said quietly.

"Yeah?" he replied, looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Even if you totally hate me, it's impossible for me to hate you. Because I still love you, Perseus Bellerophon Jackson. I will always love you."

And then I stood up and walked off to thank the girls for the dinner.

Hi, everyone! So far I've got a rhythm working for me for updating:

The EverWorld

The EverWorld

Son of Chaos

The EverWorld

The EverWorld

Son of Chaos

Lord of Riddles


Update Teenager Posts whenever

Okay, so what do you guys think of the chapter? There was like one person who requested Percabeth so... this chapter is dedicated to you (random citizen)!

Coz I'm a weird person, I'm gonna do this thing where (if I have time and I'm not publishing in a rush because I have to get off the computer) I'll ask a question or something for you guys to answer each chapter.

Question/thingy of the chapter : Aliens are attacking you. You use the closest object to your left to defend yourself. What is that?

My phone.





Luv ya all!!!

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now