Flying Cows

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Alexa's POV

 "Hera is a cow", Percy announced. 
Arkham shifted his weight uncomfortably. "Uh... well, cows are her sacred animal... maybe you shouldn't disrespect the queen of heavens like that."
Percy scowled. "Eight months", I heard him mutter. "Eight months stolen. I can call her what I want."
I shrugged. Percy had several problems with 'Her Lady' Hera. Hands down, he hated her. I trusted Percy - if he hated her, I would too. 
Maybe that was a bit rude of me, but Percy and I were close. I would trust him with my life, and he'd told me he would do the same (trust me with his life, that is, not trust himself with my life... yeah...). 
Still, he was like a brother to me.
Actually, no. Brothers were annoying, rude and didn't care much about you.
Percy was like - no , he WAS - my best friend. 
I frowned a little at the immediate friend-zoning. 
He meant more to me than that. 
But still...

"What cabin next?"Leo's words interrupted my thoughts. 
Pulling out my notebook, I checked the remaining Cabins. "Either Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera -" 
"Hera", Percy interrupted. 
I nodded. As I'd said, I could deal with that. 
"Hey," Cathrine suggested, "since we don't talk much while we're working on the rooms, why don't we play Truth or Dare while we prank?" 
Jace smiled wickedly. "I'm in - if I can start". 
Everyone else muttered 'okays' and nodded. 
Percy selected the stuff for the Hera Cabin, and we set off. 
"Alexa, truth or dare?" Jace grinned. 
"Dare...?" I said, making it a question.
"I dare you to ask your crush out on a date", he smirked.
"How original", I muttered, sighing. "Fine".
I turned to Percy. "Want to go to the movies this weekend?" I asked. "Mockingjay part one is out soon". 
He tuned as red as a beetroot. Jace and Leo were laughing so hard I thought they would pass out soon. 
"You don't have to if you don't want to", I added hastily, rushing my words now. 
But then Percy was smiling and nodding and he said, "I would love to, Alexa. I -" he paused, as if unsure what to say. "I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you out too". 
I stood there numb with shock, and when I regained my senses, I started grinning like an idiot. 
Jace and Leo exchanged discreet high-fives while Cathine started fangirling, muttering over and over 'OTP! OTP!' 
I was blushing and smiling and blushing some more, and when Percy held his arms out for a hug, I obliged and fell into his arms. 
Chelly smiled faintly. "Alexa, your turn", she sighed. 
"Cathrine", I said, grinning. "Truth or Dare?"
"Uh, I should probably start painting the walls black and white?" she said, avoiding the question. 
"Truth or dare?!" I asked impatiently. 
"Truth?" she cringed. 
Who do you have a crush on?" I asked, grinning. 
"Someone that hates me", she scowled. 
"Who is this dude? I'll sort him out", Jace said, making Cathrine cringe even more. 
"Uh, I get the feeling that at least one, though probably two people will kill me if I say", she sighed. 
"Just tell us!" Jace complained. "This is taking forever."
"It's one of the boys here", she said in a whisper. 
I was starting to feel a bit mean, when Jace started guessing names.
"Umm... who else is here?" he asked. 
Cathrine facepalmed as Jace turned around, looking for who the evasive boy could be. 
"Oh!" he said. "It must be Bruce here!"
Bruce turned red and Cathrine shook her head. 
"There's no-one else!" Jace cried, as the rest of the boys started laughing in realization. 
Cathrine cringed. Again. "Okay, one more clue; he's an absolute retard!" 
Everyone laughed again, except for Jace. 
Sudden realization dawned on him. "Oh..." he said. 
Cathrine hid her face, refusing to say anymore. 
"Uh, maybe we should start painting the walls..." Percy suggested. 
I nodded. "Yeah. Pass the paint, Leo!" 

For the next while we just painted and turned Hera's room into a cow-themed barn. 
Percy and I worked side-by-side, and I was pleased to notice he never took his eyes off me, no matter what his job was. 
Finally, Cathrine started talking again. "Jace, Truth or Dare?"
"Truth", he said, embarrassed. 
I was sure Cathrine was going to say something like Do you like me? What is your opinion on me? Do you prefer me or Chelly? but I was surprised when she simply asked, "do you hate me?"
He grinned. "Yep", he laughed.
I frowned. "True opinion, Jace".
He stopped laughing. "No, I don't hate you, Cathrine. Why would I?"
She looked at the ground, not answering. 
Jace looked around the room. "Um... Chelly. Truth or dare?" 
"Truth", she said, giggling in an irritating way. 
"Name everyone you have a crush on", Jace instructed. 
I was sure Jace was going to be one of them, but Chelly grinned a bit and said, "Cody, Carlos, and Hayden. Hayden went to my mortal school". she blushed. 
Cathrine raised her eyes. Using a selection of gestures we, as a group of friends, had perfected for code, she asked Chelly 'what about Jace?" 
Using the same code, she signed back 'he's a jerk. And such a BOY!' 
I rolled my eyes. I would never understand Chelly, though maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. 

Wassup, my followers! I know, I haven't updated in forever, I'm so sorry, I have been busy!!! 
What do you guys think!??? ALEXA+PERCY OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! I have been planning this since the beginning of time. 
I love you all!!!

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