Alpha and Omega

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Luke's POV

After Percy ran into the cabin and explained his Annabeth situation, Alexa was the first to react, giving him a big hug then a quick kiss, because, well, Alexa isn't really one to care about who's watching her. 
I thought about Zoe. That is to say, Zoe's team, of course...
Pfft. Why would I be thinking about Zoe?

I looked at Percy. "Um... there's something I've been meaning to say..." I said nervously.
Percy was immediately alert. "What? Do you feel ill? Are you dying? Have you lost something? Is it post-battle guilt? Are you gay for Nico? Do you have a crush? Did someone find out who you are? Because I completely understand all of those situation - and have faced them myself - so don't worry."
I looked confused. "No, I was going to ask permission to reveal my identity... to the gods."
Percy's eyes widened big-time. "Really??? That' s weird... I was gonna talk to Zeus. And well, Zeus knows. So yeah... a trip to Olympus would be great. What are we waiting for?"
I smiled. "Nothing. Let's go." I reached out my hand for Percy's, so we could both travel together, but then there was a knock on the door. 
Percy motioned for us to put our masks back,  but we were way ahead. 
Our masks were all fixed firmly in place as the door opened.
I just heard a voice say, "Hi, Perc - Uh, Commander Omega", before I was ready for action.
Someone who knew about Percy?
Couldn't be. 
I heard Percy answer calmly, "oh, hi Neeks. Come join us, we were just heding for Olympus."
Nico walked into the cabin looking a little uncertain. "Hi, Chaos' Army..." he said.
"Right, Neeks. You know who I am, duh, this is -"
I thought he was going to say our names, so I yelled out "NO!!!"
Which was a bad move. "Luke?" Nico asked. "Is that you?"
Styx. I'd forgotten to diguise my voice. "No,' I lied, though it was clear I was lying.
"It is you," Nico said in awe. "Whoa..."
"You can't tell anyone, okay?" I said, my nerves showing clearly in my voice.
Nico nodded solemnly, then started looking around the room. His eyes stopped on Memory. Well, Bianca. He ran towards her and she opened her arms for a hug. I don't know where we'd be without Memory. She's really nice. "Hi, Neeks," she whispered to him. 
Nico smiled, a rare happening, or so I'm told often by Percy. 
"So," Percy repeated. "We're going to Olympus. Wanna join us, Neeky?"
Nico raised one eyebrow. So did I. Neeky?
What was he talking about?
"Olympus?" he asked. "Why do you want to go to Olympus?" I could hear the anxiety in his voice.
"We have some bussiness to attend to, that's all..." Percy said, sounding as uncertain as Nico had when he first arrived.
"Um... my father will be there," Nico said shakily.
"So?" Percy asked. "Why is that a problem?"
Nico trembled. "He wants to kill you..." he said shakily. "I understand that now. After we all thought you had died, he kept saying how he wanted to kill you, and make you die... in agony, too, after torture... it made no sense to me, for I thought you were... dead. But now it makes sense. He thinks you cheated death."
Percy grinned. "I'll be fine. Immortal, remember?"
Nico didn't look relieved. "Well, my advice is this: don't tell my dad who you are. 'Coz that's just the sort of Seaweed Brain thing you would end up doing."
"Don't call me that, please. It's what Annabeth called me. And, by the way, I told her that I'm Percy's brother. Julius."
"You have a BROTHER?" Nico exploded. "Since when???"
"Uh... since I invented one. I couldn't tell Annabeth who I was, so I pretended I was Percy's brother. She knew I was the son of Poseidon. I didn't have many options."
Nico nodded thoughtfully. "So, are we going to Olypus? How are we getting there?"
"Shadow-travel," I rerplied. 
"You guys can shadow-travel? That's cool! It's great not having to be the only demigod that can. You would not believe how often Will complains that he needs to travel somewhere, and he makes me take him there."
He blushed. I wondered if the dude had a crush on Will. That would be quite cute. Gay love... hey, it's better than not loving anyone. Willco... Solangelo... Adorable. I'd get Percy to start on the T-shirts.
"Actually, only Percy can shadow-travel long-distances," Bianca said. "The rest of us can only travel short distances."
Nico nodded. "Okay. Sounds good. Let's go!" 
Everyone grabbed Percy's arms, and we were whisked off to Mount Olympus.

So, Peoples, how did you like the chapter? I am quite the cliff-hanger Queen. Actually no, that's hardly a cliffie.

Did you really think I'd leave you with such a short chapter?
Here's the rest...

Zeus greeted us with the idea that he'd been waiting for us to get there.
My father stood, pacing, and Poseidon looked like one of Hades' minions. 
Hades himself was sitting on a small, honorary throne. 
The lord of the Dead looked up when we entered the throne room.
"Chaos army," he spat. "Where is Percy Jackson hiding?! I know you know. I want you to tell me. So I can rip him apart! It is inhuman to evade death, and Perseus Jackson, last I heard of him, was certainly mortal. So tell me. Or I shall add to my Underworld collection..."
Athena looked up from her book. "It was highly unwise to tell them that you were going to kill  Perseus if you found him. If you were more subtle, and if Lord Poseidon and I had tolerated it - and Aphrodite, have you heard her fangirling about him lately - there may have been a chance they would have told you his whereabouts. But as you are a blundering idiot, you have no answer. Please don't kill one of Chaos' Army, Hades, it might upset him. And we wouldn't want that. He can get very paranoid, as you know."
I looked upon Lady Athena with great respect. It seemed that perhaps she didn't hate Percy after all. 
"Of course, dear Annabeth misses him dreadfully, don't you know. She hasn't been the same since her hero left her. Perseus was quite the favourite among all campers, of course. And with their little relationship, it quite affected my favourite child. She misses him very much. She wishes he would return."
She scanned our little group. "I heard that the Commander of this group told Annabeth he was Perseus' brother. Which I find difficult to believe, - Sally was far too kind for Poseidon to have a drunken mistake with. She's simply not that type of mortal. Unless, of course, he was Perseus' twin, that Poseidon never found out about."
Poseidon made no sign to show he'd heard what Athena had said, but I was certain he was still mourning the 'loss' of Percy. 
Percy stepped forward. "I am Julius Jackson," he said. "Twin brother of Percy Jackson. Is there a problem, Lady Athena?"
Poseidon looked up. "Son...?" he asked in wonder. "Are you truly... my son?"
To prove his parentage, Percy made the fountain spray water into the form of poseidon's name. It was spelled correctly, which would probably hide his true name even more. 
"What do you know about Perseus?" Poseidon asked in a frantic tone. 
I heard the noise of a blade being drawn from across the room. Hades held Nico, who looked like a terrified rabbit, with his blade pressed into the young boy's throat. It had already begun to dig in, you could see the blood collecting on Nico's pale skin.
"Yes," Hades said smoothly. "What do you know about Perseus Jackson?"

So, this is the real finish! (Of the chapter)
I like my depressing twists, and somehow poor Nico always ends up as part of them. I dunno how that works, but still. I might be a bit of a sadist with fictional characters. I'm sorry. It's just me. Who I am. I don't really like pain and stuff in reality. 

Was this a good enough cliffie for you all?
I hope so.This was like, over 1000 words (not including the A/Ns)
Thoughts on the whole Nico thing/
Thoughts on Solangelo?
Thoughts for the for this story?
Oh yeah, shout-out to @Wormbook01 for guessing that Gleeson Hedge was first mentioned in The Last Olympian (page 66 to be exact, I checked) when he sent a note to Grover.

Question of the Chapter: What is the prophecy from the Sea of Monsters?

Bonus Question: Which is your favourite book from each series?
Mine: The Battle of the Labyrinth and the Mark of Athena


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