Arkham again

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Arkham's POV

Well, I'd gotten bored with the pillow fight, so I'd ventured out of the Artemis cabin and walked back to our gear. 
There I found the new guy, Ehwha Ceper, sifting through our stuff!!!
"Hey, drunka**!" I yelled. "Get outta there! That's our stuff!!!" 
He turned towards me, looking like a raccoon or something trapped in car lights. 
"Get outta there!" I yelled again.
He scampered away a bit, then looked at me. "I'm not going to steal anything!" he said in his weird accent. 
"Yeah, and unicorns may fly out my butt", I said sarcastically.
"No!" he said. "I was looking for Robin!" 
"Well, you won't find any birds here", I sighed. 
"No, Robin", he said again. "Pretty girl. Beautiful girl. I was going to give her these." He held out a small bouquet of flowers to show me. "I want pretty girl to like me", he said earnestly. "But then I saw something shiny red over here. So I came to look. Who wouldn't?"
I had to admit, creepy dude had a point. 
Not the best point, but a point. 

I studied the flowers suspiciously. 
Did they have some sort of poisonous scent?
Were they disguised grenades?
I would never know...

Soon the others came out and the situation was discussed.
I noticed Robin kept hiding the entire time, and she made gagging noises whenever Ehwha talked about her.
Which was a lot...

Finally, though, we came to the conclusion that he would have to swear that he wouldn't tell anyone.
To assure this, Percy erased his recent memories, took him back to his cabin, and froze him in time with everyone else.

Robin breathed a loud sigh of relief.
Cathrine rolled her eyes, and Alexa elbowed her side. 
Chelly just stood there, apparently bored.
She still liked Jace, I knew, but she wasn't willing to admit it.
So instead she was trying to ruin Cathrine's chances with him by flirting with Jace to try get him back...
That was cold... no wonder Jace had broken up with her.

"So, which cabin are we destroying next?" Cathrine asked.
I shrugged.
Alexa sighed, but then smiled. "How about the Dionysus cabin?" she said with a bright laugh. "Robin can be in charge of this cabin. Sound okay?"
Everyone mumbled their acceptances. 
Robin looked slightly pleased. "Well, if we have to go back there, we might as well have some fun about it."
I smiled to myself. Alexa knew just how to make everyone feel special. She was great like that. It was why I liked her.
And before you give me the devil eyes and tell me that everyone says that, I can kind of prove it: I don't like Alexa in that way - I am in love with Heista, and my heart only belongs to her. 

At first I thought my love was doomed, but then I met Hollie Cheema, who was a forbidden daughter of Heista. And that's when I truly started hoping.
Maybe (despite her vows to forever be a maiden), she could someday love me too.
I hoped so, anyway. 
In the meantime, anyone who dared harm Heista (or her daughter, who meant a lot to Heista), would feel my wrath. 

Anyway, we all agreed on taking over the Dionysus cabin next. 
Robin carefully selected the stuff for us all to take over to their cabin.
Then we all ran over, not bothering to even try to be quiet, for we knew no-one but the others in our small group would hear us.
Anyway, we began to... beautify... the cabin. 
The demigods (whose numbers had grown considerably since the Giant war) had their faces painted like leopards, Dionysus' sacred animals.
The walls were covered in magazine pictures of wine, wine glasses and other alcohol related pictures, along with a homemade poster saying 'I worship Prune Juice!'
Don't ask. It's a conspiracy. 
Along with that, we smashed beer and wine bottles everywhere to make it look like they'd had a wild party after curfew.
Besides, it would be a killer mess to clean up.
We also popped party poppers and put up balloons and threw streamers all over the place, making a massive mess. 
It was good fun, and I got the feeling that some of them would get glass in their feet, which might be dangerous, but at least it would be funny. 
I know, we are evil geniuses.
The finishing task - a banner that said "are you drunk daddy?"

Oh my gods I am so freaking sorry for not updating sooner!!! I HAVE BEEN ON CAMP AND IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO WRITE JUST THIS SHORT CHAPTER ASDFGGHJJKL; SORRY!!!!
Anyways, here is the update, I hope you liked it, and I'm sorry, 'Arkham' for not putting your character in again before now, I just really like having the other POVs, it's slightly easier to write (sorry!). 
Tell me what you think, I'd love to hear your opinions!!!

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