The Truth about Rachel

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Cathrine's POV

Nico's been acting weird. 

I feared for Eli's health, surely he knew Nico could beat him with one had tied behind his back and with his eyes closed??

Why oh why had he accepted the challenge??

What an idiot...

I made my way over to my cabin, holding my blue notebook in my right  hand. Eli jogged to catch up. 

"Hey, Cathy, where you going?" he asked, smiling.

I tried to smile back. Cathy, though? I hated being called that... surely I'd told him that before. 

"Just to my cabin," I said. 

"I'll go with you!" he said enthusiastically. 

He was adorable, really, but sometimes the lost-puppy-syndrome got annoying. Didn't he understand that I needed some privacy now and then? 

Boys... maybe one day I'd write a novel for them trying to explain how girl's minds worked. 

It wasn't really that difficult. 

"Uh... I was just going to read," I said, trying to give him the hint that I wanted some time alone. 

"I'll bring a book too!" he said enthusiastically. 

I mentally cringed. Sure, he was my boyfriend, and a sweet guy, too, but seriously? Couldn't he take a hint??

"Um, well... I was going to write some letters to the campers on the quest..." I mumbled... and Mother gave us some owls to use for deliveries of mail and such..."

"I can write some letters too!" he said happily.

I mentally cringed. Why couldn't he take the hint??

"It's fine," I said, trying to smile sweetly. "You go meet up with some of your friends, maybe train for your fight against Nico tomorrow."

"I'd rather stay with you, honestly," he replied eagerly.

I stopped walking towards my cabin. I turned around and faced Eli. I gave him a hug. "Hey, I'm actually a little tired, and I just need a little bit of alone time right now," I said gently. "I'll meet up with you later, I'll sit at your table for dinner," I grinned mischievously.

He gasped. "You'd do that for me?"

I laughed easily. "It's no biggie. The worst that could happen is that Dionysus turns me into an owl. And that's if he actually cares."

I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, and then walked off to my cabin, totally unaware of how dazed I'd let him.

Eli's POV

I did not understand girls.

I wanted to, but I didn't.

I walked back towards the Hermes cabin, sighing as I went.

On my way there, I walked into Nico. He whirled around, fast as lightning. "Hey, if you hurt my friend, I will hurt you far worse," he threatened.

I looked around, confused. Nico had friends?

"You have friends?" I asked stupidly.

Nico's dark eyes went even darker. "Bad move," he said. "No mercy tomorrow, Michaels. You're going down."

And with that he turned and walked away.

I smirked. What a cissy drama queen. Di Angelo was going down, not me.

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