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Annabeth's POV

I woke to the sounds of explosions, screaming and a cotton-candy machine whirring next to my ear.
"Great," I murmured. "This is a great start to the day."
I wondered for a brief moment if it was some enraged monster attacking camp, but then I saw someone streaking past with their pants on fire and some Apollo kids chasing him chanting 'Liar, Liar, Pants on fire!' and then considered it to be a perfectly normal day. 
I rolled out of my bunk, forgetting it was the top one, and crashed clumsily to the floor. 
So maybe my skills weren't perfect. But that was sort of to be expected, having never gotten over the fact that my boyfriend - or was he my ex now? - disappeared three years ago!!!!

I pulled on some jeans and my Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and walked outside into the early morning sunlight. 
I had a perfectly normal day ahead, starting with a visit to Piper. 
I headed in the direction of the Aphrodite cabin, and when I reached the door, heard several distressed screams coming from inside. 
I walked in, expecting their perfectly colour-coded wardrobes to be slightly off-scheme, or something really minor like that. Only Aphrodite cabin, I thought. 
I opened the door, ready to give some logical, soothing reasoning for them not to distress, and to my complete and utter surprise, I saw that the Aphrodite cabin was a complete mess. 
"This is terrible!" wailed Lacy.
"My life is over!!!" shrieked Drew. 
"This is bad," sighed Piper, looking around the room with a huge sigh.
I looked at Drew. Her face was covered with glitter. And glitter. And glitter glue. And a bunch of other stuff that didn't look like normal make-up.
She also looked sticky, like she'd taken a shower with candy or honey rather than water. 
Piper glanced at my face, then giggled. 
"What?!" I demanded. 
"Look in the mirror," she laughed. 
I ran to the nearest mirror (which wasn't hard, as there were lots of mirrors in the Aphrodite Cabin) and looked at my face with shock. 
Staining my face were spatters of blood, and in my hair was a bright red streak. 
"Styx," I mumbled to myself.
"Annabeth, is your cabin okay? Like, not just our cabin being messed up? Like, all of them except maybe Hermes?"
I knew what she was suggesting. Hermes cabin had played their parts well. 
They had certainly been well-taught to prank, and the only people who would sacrifice their blood for a prank that I knew of was -
"The Stoll brothers," Piper hissed.
I nodded mutely. Then I shook my head to clear it. "I'll go check the Athena cabin. I was pretty tired when I woke up - if anything's happened, I'll come back and tell you. We will go from there, okay?"
I gave her a reassuring smile and headed out the door again. 

I dashed back to cabin six, and began to check for anything out of the ordinary. 
The SMART board had weird pictures on it for one. Were those Dr Seuss-style houses?
Such a design would be sure to fail if attempted to be made in reality. 
I moved to my bunk. 
My laptop, dagger and Yankees cap were all gone.
Then on the wall, I saw the message. Written in... blood. 
YOU CAN'T HIDE, it read. 
I shivered. But nothing compared to how I felt when I went to prop up my pillow - and a giant Tarantula came shooting out from under it!!!
I screamed loudly, and leaped off my bunk and crashed to the cabin floor.
My screams never ceased, because more spiders and tarantulas kept crawling out towards me. 
I screamed louder, and ran out the door, towards the Aphrodite cabin.
My siblings woke too, screamed, and ran out as well.
I was sweating and shaking and terrified. 
Who had played these cruel pranks?
If it was the Stolls, where in the name of Hades did they find all those arachnids?!
I shuddered again, and rapped hard on the door of cabin 10.
Piper opened the door. "What happened?" she asked.
I guess it had been awhile since she'd seen me this shaken.
"Spiders. In the Athena cabin," I gasped.
Then all went black. 

I woke, covered in icy water.
I gasped, choked, then stumbled to my feet. "Percy?" I questioned, dazed and confused.
I mentally slapped myself as I came to my senses. Of course it wasn't Percy. 
Percy was dead!
And he was never coming back.
Tears slid down my face.
Piper came to my side and gave me a hug. "Hey, it's alright. You're alright," she soothed, pouring charmspeak into her words.
I nodded numbly. "He's gone," I whispered. "And... I'll never see him again..."
Suddenly, a pleased looking Apollo camper came over to us, grinning wildly.
You know those prankers, whoever they are, how they pranked ever single cabin?" he asked.
I was shocked at how pleased he looked.
"Yes," Piper answered for us.
"Well, Poseidon cabin was pranked too," he laughed.
I let out a moan. "Percy!" I sobbed. 
He shook his head, afraid that he would upset me if that had anything to do with it. "No, Brok," he grinned. "His cabin got flooded. We found his body, nearly drowned, when one of his... followers... opened thew door to wake him up for training this morning. It seems old Brokky boy can't swim as well as he claims."
I nodded slowly, trying to put all the pieces together. "Does this mean... that Brok isn't really the son of Poseidon?" I asked.
The Apollo kid shrugged. "We don't know. We have tried to summon Poseidon, but he hides himself away from everyone for a week after the... you know, anniversary of his loss." 
I nodded, a few more tears spilling down my face.
"Anyways," he said. "That's not the best part. His hair is blue, and dude, you should see his tattoo!" he laughed. "It says 'I love Percy Jackson'. How sweet, Brokky boy showing his love for his halfie by displaying it on his Biceps." He laughed again, waved to Piper and I and said, "anyway, later, I have to go tell everyone else."
I smiled, for the First Time in Forever.
Then Jason ran screaming from the Zeus cabin, having just woke up. "Percy is alive and he was at camp!!!"

So hi! This second update in like, 3 days is to make up for all the times when I have missed an update.

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