Argument in the Arena

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*Percy's POV*

I dragged myself over to the Arena. Surely sword practice would be a good way to take my mind off the wait for the prank-fest.
I could manage.

Nobody there was willing to take me on, so instead I began slicing practice dummies to death. 
One looked sort of lifelike, but I just shrugged it off. 
But then I saw her...


She walked into the arena with a determined expression on her face and walked straight over to the dummies. She stared at them in shock when she saw that all of them were decapitated or badly maimed. 
I scowled when she saw me. She did likewise. 
"What do you want?" we both asked at the same time. 
"Practice, and for you to leave", was our synced replies. 
She took a step back. "I don't know who you are, or what you think you're doing here, but this is not funny!"
I grinned. "On the contrary, you use to find me very funny."
Her face turned pale. "Who are you?" she asked desperately. 
I laughed. "No. I won't tell you anything other than I know someone you betrayed, a long time ago."
Annabeth looked confused. "Who, Luke?" she asked hopefully. 
I shook my head. "Someone who used to think they were important to you, but then you showed otherwise..."
Annabeth's eyes snapped open. "You know Percy?" she asked. "What happened to him? Where is he know? How do you know him? How long have you known him for? Why did he trust you?"
I laughed. "Difficult questions, Annabeth", I smirked. "But you may find out when, and if, the rest of the camp does."
I'd decided on that, at least. Telling the whole camp who I was. Right before we left...

 Annbeth's POV

He knew Percy. 
HE KNEW PERCY!!!!!!!!!

What was I going to do? 
How could I make him tell me?
I faced him. "Is he alive?" I demanded.
I swear he smirked under that mask.  "Maybe yes, maybe no", was his infuriating answer. 
"Tell me", I begged. Yes. I was begging. Deal with it. 
He shook his head. 
"Is he alive, and does he forgive me?" I pleaded. 
If he weren't wearing a mask, I could've seen how he frowned. "That I can tell you for free - no he hasn't forgiven you, and probably never will."
A tear escaped my eye. "Why?" I sobbed. 
"You abandoned him when he needed you most", he replied in a cold voice. 
He looked at me one more time. "I thought you were better than that", he said. 
Then he turned and left me in the dust to collect my thoughts.

Alexa's POV

"What do you mean, I'm not allowed to come?" Travis Stoll, A.K.A The Most Annoying Cousin In The World #1, demanded. 
I glared at him. "Because you weren't invited", I explained in my  best 'duh' voice. 
"Why not?" whined Connor Stoll, A.K.A TMACITW #2. 
"BECAUSE I SAID SO!" I yelled, storming out of the cabin. 
My friend Cathrine Aths stood outside. "You'd make a great lawyer", she joked. "Because I said so', great explanation". 
I rolled my eyes. "Hey, uh, I'm kind of busy", I said doggedly. 
"Doing what?" she asked. 
I sighed. "Busy Asian stuff", I replied. 
She rolled her eyes at me. "Hey, you can tell me, what's up?"
"The sky", I said monotonously.
"Ha. Ha. Ha." 
"I thought so too", I huffed. "Now if you'll excuse me, i have to go see Commander Arkham."
"Ooooh, Commander Arkham, the almighty powerful being", she scoffed. 
"He's the third most POWERFUL being in the universe! Don't you think he deserves a BIT more respect before he comes to kill you???!!!"
She stepped back, alarmed at my outburst. "Sorry", she whispered. 
She walked off, staring at the ground. 
Why is the world out to get me?

Arkham's POV

"You're late", I accused Alexa as she hurried through the door. 
"Sorry", she muttered. "Ran into a bit of trouble at the ministry - I mean - with my friend."
I rolled my eyes. Spouting random book quotes - what next? Soon she'd be reciting Shakespeare. 
"At least you're here", I said, softening. 
She smiled a bit. "So, uh, why am I here, Commander?" 
I smiled. "Well, we have received a mission from Commander Omega. We get to sneak out at night, avoid the harpies, and meet Commander Omega at the beach at midnight. There, he will give us further instructions."
I was excited. Omega rarely kept missions so hush-hush. Normally everyone in the would be part of the entertainment.
Then another thought crossed my mind. What if the mission Omega had planned was so dangerous, he didn't want to cause a panic? 
I'd have to be ready for anything and everything...

It's been forever peoples!!!!!! I know I haven't updated in like five weeks, or however long it was, but I hope you enjoyed this!!! Here, have some cookies!!!!!!

(::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) 

I will try update again soon, whatever you want to be called!! (Comment it) 

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