Councillor Meeting

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Angela's POV

"What do you mean, my father is the most despised of the major gods?" I demanded. 
My new friend, LaylaDelacour, winced at my tone. "Hey it's not easy being a daughter of Tatarus either, you know," she said grumpily.  "Just be glad you have nice siblings."
She was right, I supposed.
Bianca di Angelo and Hazel Levesque had welcomed me as their sister (well, half-sister, anyway) with open arms.
Nico, of course, had been more suspicious of me, but even the dark, moody son of Hades had grown to care for me almost as much as he did for B and Haze, and for that I was grateful.
Layla and I had become good friends.
Since we had both unofficially been labeled the outcasts, we had joined 'forces' and sworn to stick together. 
We also got along quite well with Taylor Smith, the bubbly, blond daughter of Apollo.

Layla and I linked arms (problem?) and headed towards the Big House.
Chiron had called a councillor meeting, and I was walking Layla over.
The usual people were there, like Annabeth, Leo and (kill me now) Brok. Nico, my brother, was normally there at the meetings, but this time there was no representative for the Hades cabin. (Layla, only known demigod child of Tatarus, slept at the big house, without a cabin.) 
I was confused. Where was Nico?
I walked over to Chiron, avoiding Mr D.
"Excuse me, Sir," I said, "I was wondering where Nico is?"
Chiron looked blankly at me. "Pardon?"
"Nico di Angelo, Sir," I said. "Son of Hades? My half-brother?"
Chriron's face crinkled into a frown. "Nico is...elsewhere, presently, Ms Zhang," he said carefully.
I stamped my foot impatiently. "Then who is here to represent my cabin?" I demanded.
Chiron paused for a moment. "You are," he decided.
"Fine," I said reluctantly, walking back to Layla.
"How'd it go?" she asked, seeing my expression.
"I have to be the rep for Hades cabin this time," I said uncomfortably.
"You'll be fine, Ange, don't worry about it," soothed Layla.
"Okay," I decided. "I'll stay."
She grinned. "Thanks Ange."

When the last few head councillors had arrived at last, Chiron asked for silence.
I stopped eating Krispy Krakerz and looked up. 
Chiron cleared his throat. "We have heard a new prophecy! Perhaps even... the next Great Prophecy."
There was a collective gasp around the room.
Then Rachel stepped into the rec room. "The prophecy states the following," she began. "Half-bloods of five with half-bloods of Ten,
Shall follow their banes to the world of the end.
And there at the end three of number shall fall,
Lest the perilous plot be the end of us all.
The fish in the sky and the bird from the sea,
Campers are many joined with one's Army.
The light in the dark and the Dark in the light,
Mere beauty alone and the sky's treasures bright.
The mind of the fruitful and the fruit of the mind,
The travellor's friend, to no enemy Kind.
The brother of waves shall lead the band,
And upon their parent's name one shall stand."
There was silence in the room.
Then Annabeth spoke. "Fifteen people. We need to work out who. I am pretty sure lines 5 - 10 tell us who must go on the quest. Fish, sky, bird, sea. Two Poseidon campers, two Zeus campers."
Brok grinned. "Clearly, I am one of the Poseidon campers. Actually, I'm so talented we shan't need a second Poseidon camper. They would just get in my way."
I narrowed my eyes. "Brok, if you wish to mess with the Fates, taht's your issue. But this prophecy effects everyone, nbot just you. So don't be a selfish, stuck up pig, we will need another son of Poseidon."
The smirk on Brok's face didn't falter. "Well, we seem to be running short on my half-siblings, don't we?"
"Tyson!" Layla tried.
"The prophecy said 'half-bloods'," Brok countered with a blinding grin.
Annabeth paused for a minute, thinking. "Julius!" she exclaimed. "Percy's brother!"
The smile fell off Brok's face at this. "Never!" he said "He's too much like his upstart twin!"
Annabeth let out a growl. Yes, she growled
Like a wild animal.
Brok froze in fear. 
Rule #1 at camp: Never mess with Annabeth.
Brok seemed to have realized this.
He didn't apologize, but he did shut up, which, for him, was like an apology. And it was blissfully quiet.
Annabeth took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "What about Zeus? Jason? Are you and Thalia willing?"
Jason nodded, his blonde hair rippling as he did so. His face was deadly serious.
He was clearly a leader, you could always tell. "We're kinda the only of Zeus' kids alive so... sure."
Annabeth nodded, her grey eyes filled with seriousness. "Next line; Campers are many joined with one's Army. Who has an army? The Romans."
I knitted my eyebrows. "The Romans?" I asked. "Doesn't it say one's army? The Romans are led by two praetors. Not one." 
Annabeth smiled at me. "You're right. So who is the one?"
Connor Stoll raised his hand as if he were in class.
 "Uh, Miss Annabeth? My halfie, Alexa, as you probably know, is in league with the one who calls himself Julius Jackson. They are part of what is known as Chaos' Army. Ring a bell?"
Annabeth brightened. "Of course! So we'd need... a real son of Chaos himself. Who is there that's -"
"Oh! Oh! Me! Me!" cried someone.
I looked around an saw Blake jumping up and down, looking eager to do something useful. 
I grinned. He honestly was kinda cute, but he was such a player I made sure I kept my distance. 
Piper spoke up, "How about 'light in the dark and the dark in the light?"
I frowned. Prophecies werwe difficult.
Annabeth pondered. 'Light in the dark... um... fire?"
"Hephaestus!" Connor and his girlfriend, Amelia said simultaneously. 
Everyone turned to Leo. He looked up from the blueprints he'd been poring over the whole time. 
He saw everyone looking at him. "What?" he demanded, looking self-conscious. 
The quest?" I prompted.
This seemed to be the first he'd heard of it. "Huh?"
I facepalmed. "Will you go on the quest?" I asked slowly, treating him as if he were stupid. 
Much to everyone's surprise, he shook his head. "I can't. My fiance nd I are planning our wedding. She wants it to be perfect, and I'm going to make it that way," he said, sounding slightly defensive.
"You have a fiance? I blurted. "Who?" 
Leo blushed with apparent pride. "Who do you think? I proposed to Calypso last night."
Jason's eyes bugged. "And she said yes?" he asked in wonder.
"Yup!" said Leo, and you could see the pride in his eyes.
Piper looked up. "While we're all spilling secrets and stuff," she began. "I should really probably tell you all that -"
The roof of the rec room fell in, leaving us all coughing in the debris.
"Well, well, well," a familiar voice said. "If it isn't one of my favourite daughters."
It was Hades. 

Yes, kinda a filler, but deal with it.
This was to make up for all the times I have neglected all your characters you guys gave me to put in the story, I do truly Love writing in ur POVs, I just get carried away with the POVs of me and my friends. (Can u blame me though? Alexa is dam kick-ass @PunkRockDuckk )
I hope you guys can forgive me for taking so long to update, I have been on holiday in Dunedin and Alex for my brother's racing  - he got 9th in the South Island for his agegroup. Then he went and broke his thumb, we were waiting at the medical center for ages...
Also, super sorry if I have not included ur character(s) yet, comment a reminder for me ta.
So, what do us think?
Next chapter will be a surprise POV, only hint: they haven't had a POV yet this story.
Comment who u think/hope it will be.
Question of the Chapter: Names of any of Clarisse's demigod siblings?
Also, any wattpad story recommendations (Please no horror, crossovers, or Non-fiction)?
Also, follow @lalamusicisme and read her stories, they r epic.


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