What Do You Call A Smart Blonde?

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Alexa's POV

He made no jokes about my comment, though I'd left room for puns. 
Luke... only Luke could make him smile nowadays. 
Luke, who had a sister. Who hated me because I had neglected to tell him so. 
Carmen Castellen...  she was a wise daughter of Hermes, it's true.
She knew the legends about her twin, though she'd never had the fortune to meet him. 
Which was sort of my fault...
I forgot to tell her brother about her. 
I 'forgot'. I forget often...
Like I 'forgot' to tell Percy about time being different on Chaos' planet.
And how I 'forgot' to tell him that his death was being plotted by one he trusted. Not me, of course, but another... 
I had to 'forget' or all my memories would be wiped.
I wouldn't remember who I was. 
Not my name.
Not my age.
Not my past.
And not Percy.
So I stayed quiet, because the alternative was forgetting everything...
And then what help would I be?
If anyone knew there was a traitor in the group, anyone other than me, than maybe I'd stand a chance. 
But I couldn't tell anyone. 
So how could I get the message out, that we had a traitor?
No, the person in question knew all codes that I had perfected, which irritated me to no end. 
Oh, sorry. You probably think that this person must clearly be smart, right?
But a traitor?
So you're thinking Brok or Annabeth?
Oh, well it's nice to know you think so highly of innocent little cheerleaders... 
Psh, who is a cheerleader though...? you ask
No. Don't speak to me in that whiny annoying tone of yours or so help me I will punch you so hard your face will fall off...
Apollo Girl. Also a hunter.
A disgrace to the Hunters... a traitor, though she worked for a greater master, or so she said. 
Taylor. Smith.
She had strange powers, gifted by the one she called her master.
It was not an ambush she has warned me of when she pulled me aside to speak to me. 
It was to remind me of the power she held over me.
Oh, how I wished I could kill her, but Percy had vowed that all of us would come back to camp alive...
Oh, how I wished she would go to Hades...
And never return...

Taylor's POV

I worked for a great master.
No, he was far from great, and he was a weak coward.
Of course not, she had been vanquished long ago, and she held no power over any life anymore.
Yes. My master was the greatest of all, and he had promised me eternal life and limitless power if I succeeded in killing the infamous Perseus Jackson.
The only one who had ever escaped his clutches...
I eyed my master's daughter distastefully.
How dare she be the one unknowingly to help me with my cause.
After all, once I had killed Perseus and my master rose to triumph, I needed someone for the fools to suspect.
And who better than his daughter to help him achieve his greatest goal?
I sighed. 
Delacour was weak and irritating, and she tried to be nice, for Hera's sakes.
I wanted to claim my triumph as a work of my own, but my master assured me he needed a spy in his ranks, even once he'd risen to full power.
I was wary of these claims, for he promised that as soon has he'd risen to power we would rule the world, and why should he need a spy if he could unravel the secrets of the universe?
Yet I trusted my master.
What faithful follower wouldn't?
I thought of Bellatrix Lestrange's bizarre obsession with the Dark Lord, and how she'd suffered through her pledge.
So, many followers of rulers ended up suffering.
I knew that it was just a matter of having the wrong leader.
I knew, he promised, that winning would be so purely simple for us once I'd taken down the main obstacle, the one that had avoided death so easily since birth it was almost... lucky.
Yes, just a matter of luck, I thought. Just a matter of being in the right place at the right time with the right friends...
He was going down. 
I would make sure of that...

I whirled around to see Layla Delacour standing patiently behind me, and she had clearly been calling my name for awhile now. 
"Oh, sorry, what?" I asked, quickly plastering a fake smile on my face.
"Are you okay? I think you zoned out for a bit there," she said, sounding concerned.
I gave a bright laugh, and gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I was just thinking about stuff back at camp, you know? I wonder how Chelly is, she's been a bit quiet lately, off in her own little world."
I was making this up, of course. I had merely seized the name of the first sibling the came to mind. 
"Has she?" Layla asked, sounding less concerned. 
I nodded, still using that fake smile.
The only person who would be able to point this smile out as a fake was preoccupied as of this moment, talking to my victim about some false ambush I was supposed to have told her of.
Yes, yes. So Alexa knew my master plan. So what?
She was helpless, me  having threatened taking her memories away if she told on me.
Not that I had this power, of course, but bluffing was simple. 

I watched as Layla trailed away, walking over to her friend... what was her name? Angela?
Something like that.
I saw them whispering, then I heard Lalya laugh.
I knew what they had said, I had precise hearing, I was never wrong.
I watched them walk off, laughing in harmony to a simple joke they thought no-one had heard.
I ran my fingers accusingly through my sleek blonde hair, slightly tangled from our walking in the humidity and rain.
I remembered Angela's words, so simple, yet so irritating.
What do you call a smart blonde?
A Golden Retriever...

Stop. wait a minute.
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