Lies Kept Me Alive

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Cathrine's POV

I lay there, weak.
Bloody and bruised, wounded.
I didn't like feeling helpless.
Angering the Lord of the Dead is not a good idea.
I strongly advise anyone with the temptation to do so to abandon such foolish plans, and be courteous and polite and give him the information he wants.
Unless you must keep the secret.
Unless you are bound by hope for a chance and a fair judgment.
Like me.

Hades had walked over to me, looking very formal indeed.
"Where is he," he demanded.
"Where is who?" I asked, playing dumb.
"You know what I mean," he growled. "Where is Perseus Jackson?!"
"I don't know," I lied.
"I know you know," he said, breathing heavily. "And I want you to tell me. Or you will suffer."
I had no desire to suffer, but I kept my mouth shut and stayed quiet.
"You have three seconds to answer," he thundered.
I still refused to reply.
Why should I tell him? I was no traitor.
I was no hero either, so why was I endangering myself by staying silent?

Suddenly I found I was flying through the air.
I tucked and rolled, so though my body slammed into the rock I had been headed for, I had protected myself from the worst of the impact. 
But that wasn't the end, because my body was lifted again, pulled back from the rock, then hurled at top speed towards the rock again.
I heard a chorus of sickening cracks as I made contact with the rock. 
I felt sick, but that wasn't nearly as bad as when the pain caught up with me, rushing at me all at once, the pains, not building up, but hitting me simultaneously. 
I moved my arm towards my head, where I thought I felt something sticky trickling over (which, as I found out later turned out to be my blood) but the pain increased when I moved even the slightest, jarring my broken bones.
Then all went black.

I don't know what time it was when I woke, but once I'd pushed away as much pain as I could, I saw faces hovering over me. 
The first outline I saw was Robin's. 
She was looking at me with a great deal of concern.
I began to worry. I wasn't that badly injured, was I?
Was I?
I looked a little towards the left, and saw Alexa.
She was grinning in relief.
I relaxed.
If Alexa was calm, I would be fine. 
I looked a little to the right, and saw two figures standing together looking uncertain, as if they didn't know why they were here. 
I opened my mouth to speak, but even that hurt.
What had happened, exactly?
"She's awake!"
Alexa's voice. I was sure of it. 
I heard an unfamiliar voice speak. "She is probably in a great deal of pain right now. But we should be able to give her some more nectar and ambrosia."
I felt something on my lips, and hesitantly opened them, and the nectar dribbled into my mouth.
It tasted sweet, like honey, with extra sugar.
I allowed the unfamiliar figure, who I assumed was one of the doctors (son of Apollo) to feed me some ambrosia.
It tasted like a square of caramel, and it helped to ease my pain.
"Th- thank you," I mumbled.
My mouth was dry, it was hard to form coherent words. "Wh-what happened?" I managed to say.
Alexa knitted her eyebrows in concern. "You mean you don't remember?"
I went to shake my head, but that hurt, so I said, "uh... no?"
One of the two uncertain figures spoke.
I couldn't distinguish who these people were, so I focused on their voices.
"Um, you were kind of attacked by Hades. He wanted you to tell him something, but you wouldn't give him the information..."
I recognized the voice, it was Nick Streams. 
Another voice spoke. "Yeah, he slammed you into a rock, repeatedly. You were loosing lots of blood, so we uh... kind of panicked and went to get Annabeth and a medic while Sarah watched you." The voice was Jace's. I could almost picture the sheepish look on his face, he seemed kind of embarrassed  about the whole 'running away from the situation' thing. 
I tried to sit up.
It didn't work, my body screamed in pain when I tried to move. 
"Hey, hey, calm down, it's alright," soothed Annabeth.
I stayed still, wanting to escape the pain.
"How bad is it?" I asked, trying to keep calm.
Nobody answered for a very long time.
"Well?" I demanded. "How bad are my injuries?"
The medic sounded unwilling to answer. "You... are extremely badly hurt, you have lost so much blood it's a miracle you're alive, and you have broken both your arms, legs, given yourself a bad head injury, damaged your spine, have about a thousand cuts and bruises... there's more broken bones and stuff but I can't remember every one of them."
Head injury? Spinal damage?
Just how hard had I hit that rock?

Right peoples!
Sorry it was such a short chapter, I kinda lost interest in my own character's telling of the story... Awkward.
I fell like I'm almost injured myself.
This is kind of a filler, I don't know what to do with my plot, I'm not updating until I get at least four different suggestions. 
And five votes. 
Yeah. I have high expectations. 
Deal with it peoples!!!
Yeah, next chapter is in Alexa's POV, who here likes Alexa?
Question of the Chapter: What is the first chapter in the Percy Jackson series called?
Also, reminders for characters I haven't used yet?
Or any questions about the story that you don't understand?

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