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Okay, to start with, I do not own these characters, etc. Rick Riordan does. He invented Percy Jackson. FUN FACT: He wrote it for his dyslexic/ADHD son. Also, the whole "Chaos" stuff was not my own idea. It was based on several other fanfics. I'm sorry, but I just LOVED all your stories. You know who you are, but I want to say that the best Chaos one I've read (well, there's a sequel) is written by chococookie1607. But enough on that. You probably want to read the story...:)

EDIT: Also I was literally 12 when I wrote this, and I would have taken it down if some people didn't seem to really like it. Please, if you're after a well-crafted story, this is not it. If you just want a fun, cringey-at-times Son Of Chaos Fanfic, you're welcome, but this is no work of narrative art.

Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now