Flame On

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Hi guys, I am so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in ages, I have been busy with another story and well, I am not publishing it on Wattpad but I have got other purposes for it. Hopefully, though, you still love my chapter, and once again I am super sorry for not updating in forever. 

*Leo's POV*

I am the man. The flame-boy-bad-boy-supreme-super-sized-Mcshizzle. 
I knew something Jason didn't!!! Ba-bam!

 Percy was back. Percy was back! Percy was back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew it!!! You can't know how I knew though. It's a Leo secret. 

I bounced around the cabin singing loudly, "Percyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Percyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"

My half-siblings looked at me weird. 
Haters gonna hate. 

Probably they had simply never seen me this happy since Percy 'died'. But he's alive. And only I know!

My half-sister, Narissa, came up to me and put her hand on my arm. "Leo. Dude. You okay?"

I gave her my psycho-demon glare.
In the time that Percy was gone I perfected over 500 different Glares. I recorded them in my notebooks. 

"Narissy!!" I sang. "Your name sounds Narcississy! Your words sound rather hissy! Narissy! Narissy!" I bowed, grinning like a madman.

"Okay", she said, raising the voice to the cabin. "Who gave Leo skittles?"

Oh, right! I had been given a horde of skittles by one of my half-brothers. He was so cool! He liked my fire powers!
I shook my head, telling my halfie not to give himself away. 
He did anyway. 
"I did", said Harley. 

I sighed. At least they didn't know where the rest of the skittles were. 

Harley pointed to the secret pocket of my bed. "The rest are in there."

"Noooooooooooooooo!!!" I shouted as Narissa tipped my skittles out into the fireplace in the cabin.

Being immune to fire, I simply stretched my hand through the fireplace to retrieve them, but they'd melted. 

Dam Narissa.

 *Robin's POV*

The dog was actually alright.
I'd discovered that I could talk to her and she'd actually obey me most the time. 

Most the time...

"Come back!" I yelled, as she darted wildly between the trees. The silly mongrel thought that we were playing chase. 
The wind whistled past my ears as I pursued the hell-hound, hoping she would come back. I liked her, and besides, I'd left my notebook tucked into her collar when I'd ridden her across the arena and around the strawberry fields. 

Sorry, did I say notebook?
I mean diary. 

Nobody could see what I had written in there. 
Least of all Brok, or councillor Annabeth. 

I had personal info in there. 
Oh yeah, let's not let Sammy Perrs see it either. I would be teased for months. 

I sighed as I began to sprint again, dashing like a mad creature towards the furry dog. 
I had to get it back at all costs. 

*Piper's POV*

"Hum-de-hum-hum", I muttered, as I walked around for cabin inspection. 

It was cold, as cold as it normally gets at Camp Half-Blood. 
I wished Jason was here. 
Or just as good, Percy... no, you can't think those things. People get mad at you. 

I sighed as I walked onward, marking the parchment with scores for each cabin. 
Hermes had the lowest score, Poseidon the highest. Even though there was no-one left in there anymore...

Enough on that. I couldn't dwell on the past. Not when there was a future lying ahead of me. 
To do as such would make no sense. 

I'd had enough trickery to last me a lifetime. 
I'd even become distant with Jason because of it. 
My Sparky, my love, the best person I know. 
And I'd been neglecting him lately. 

I decided that I would deal with that when I'd sorted out the other problem of mine.
Namely the goddess residing in my head...

*Annabeth's POV*

I was a wreck.
Not only had these warriors had the nerve to interrupt out annual Memorial Ceremony for all the heroes of the past, mainly Percy, they had invaded out home and had taken upon dwelling in our only extra cabin. 
They were rude, mainly the 'leader' and his side-kick, and argumentative, but worst of all, having them here brought back the pain of loosing Percy.
Their commander, Omega, was a painful reminder of Percy's joking ways.
But this demigod couldn't be Percy.
Though they had told us that most of their crew had been dead, the Commander had no Dyslexia, though he wasn't lacking in the energy from the ADHD department. 

And also, the second-in-command was so much like Luke, I was certain he was Luke. 
But... I had no way of proving my theory. 
That was always the worst part of believing you knew the answer; having no evidence to support your point. 

I walked around the camp boarders, remembering our old 'boarder patrol' from when Thalia's pine had been poisoned and we'd snuck out to get the Golden Fleece... another memory that involved Percy.
It was if I was mentally sick, my thoughts were consumed only with memories I shared with the boy with sea-green eyes and raven-black hair. 
I knew I needed to talk to someone about it, but the only people I could trust were either poisoned with the loss of him almost as much as I, or too new a camper to understand the dire severity of my situation. 

There was no-one.
I was alone. 

Yeah, guy, once again, I will try to update more often, and a warning that the next chapter will be in a new character's POV, and I am so sorry you guys who still haven't had their characters added in properly, or still haven't been expanded on. 
I'm kind of wobbly when it comes to adding in new characters. Hopefully you guys understand. Don't forget, it is still not too late to enter in a character profile, and if I really love it, you will get a whole chapter just for me to explain you and merge you into the story.
Though, please,I have enough mega-powerful demigods already.
I'm sure there are many of you that would be suited to be in Athena cabin like me, or Demeter or Apollo or Hermes like my friends. 

Luv you all, my Blue Cookies!!!

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